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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Ideosource Invests in Singaporean Edutainment Startup Jakarta-based incuba...

Original Texts
Ideasource director Andi Surja Boediman described Kark as “a good innovation in digital industry,” and said that the team will support the entrepreneurs “in many ways.”

Kark still has the opportunity to impress more folks and maybe gain even more backing when they pitch at the ‘demo day’ in Jakarta next month. The city has proved to be a great place for the Singapore startup so far. JFDI Asia’s co-founder Wong Meng Weng said today:

We’ve been impressed with Kark since we first met the team in Jakarta. This investment, coming before the official Demo Day, is proof of the progress the startup has made since joining us in Singapore a couple of months ago.
Translated by yakuok
IdeoSourceのディレクターのAndi Surja Boediman氏は、Karkについて、「デジタル産業界の良き改革」と説明しており、彼のチームは事業家たちを「様々な面において」支援していきたい、とそう述べた。

まだ他にも多くの輩にKarkのことを印象付けるチャンスをKarkは持ちえており、そして来月ジャカルタで開催される「デモ・デー」でのピッチ後、さらなる支援を得る可能性もある。ジャカルタは、シンガポールのスタートアップ企業にとってこれまでのところ非常に良いビジネスの場となっている。JFDI Asiaの共同創始者であるWong Meng Weng氏は本日このように述べた:

Translated by zhizi
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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 12 hours
yakuok yakuok
zhizi zhizi