Importing the products containing very little amount of glycerin apparently seems to be prohibited in Japan in the future, which used to be allowed.
I heard from several shops that they cannot import the products such as ⭐︎⭐︎ and ★★ any more now.
According to your WEB site, there is a description that 0% of glycerin is included, but is this permanent, or would it differ depending on the production lot?
If you can guarantee that 0% of glycerin is included, then we can keep selling the product. Otherwise the product would be suspended at the customs.
Would it be possible for you to produce any item containing no glycerin?
The item including small amount of glycerin that had not been a problem so far is going to be prohibited from importing in Japan.
xx and xx have already been prohibited from importing in some stores.
0 percent is listed in the chart of element of your website.
Is it for good or will it be changed by volume of manufacturing?
If the glycerin is 0 percent, we can continue its sales. But if it is not, it might be stopped at the customs in the future. Would you company make the item with 0 percent of the glycerin if I order?
The import of the products that contains a slight amount of glycerin without any problem till now will be prohibited in the future.
It is said that ⭐︎⭐︎ or ★★ cannot be imported already at several stores.
Though there is the description of “glycerin: 0%” on the table of components on your website, is it permanent?
Does it change by each production lot?
If you can say “glycerin is 0%”, the distribution can be continued. If not, there is a possibility that the product will be stopped by the customs in the future.
Is it possible for your company to manufacture the product with “glycerin: 0%” by an order.
Today I sent this email is aiming to inquire the ingredients of the product.
It seems that the product contains a very small amount of Glycerin would be banned to import in Japan in future, even though it was allowed until now.
A part of stores reflect that it becomes far difficult to import ⭐︎⭐︎ and ★★ any more.
However, I found that the components list on your website which indicates that your product contains 0% Glycerin.
I would like to ask whether the result is steady, and whether it is changeable for each production lot.
If you can assure that your products could be Glycerin free, then we can sell it. If you can not assure, we might take a risk to be stopped in customs.
Therefore, is it able to order the Glycerin free products in your company?