Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I think Mr. F of S from the U.S. has sent you an email. I sent an email to ...

Original Texts
米S社のMr.F 様よりメールがあったと思う。
私はMr. FにLive Helpで相談する前にMr. Jにメールを送っていたが、返信がないので、
迷惑メールと判断されたと思い、Mr. Fに相談した。


Translated by yakuok
I think Mr. F of S from the U.S. has sent you an email.
I sent an email to Mr. J before I asked Mr. F for an advice on Live Help. However, I did not get a reply and thought it was because he might have regarded the email as a junk email. I then asked for an advice from Mr. F.

I wanted quotations for 64s and 62s, but I asked for a quotation only for 64s as I was in a rush.
If possible, I would like 2 quotations for both 64s and 62s.
If I can get them before the deadline, I will send both quotations to the client.

I would like quotations for the following models:

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
7 minutes
yakuok yakuok