In accordance with the era name change, where there is concern for risks such as computer malfunctions, if we receive shipments after May 2nd, we believe there will be few risks involved.
Thank you very much for your concern.
If you are worried about risks such as computer system malfunctions due to the change in year number, I think there will be fewer risks of problems if it is shipped on May 2 or after.
Thank you for your concern.
Please do not be concerned about the risk of computer system failure due to the change in the era number, etc., or about if you can ship after May 2. The risk in minimal.
If you are concerned about any risk such as computer system error due to change in the name of era, I guess risk of getting involved in a trouble will be minimized by making shipment after May 2nd.
Thanks for your concern.
With the era change,if you worry about computer system damage, if you ship it after 2 May, it will be all right without trouble.
Thank you for you thoughtfulness,
As of changing of era, if you are aware of the computer system trouble or something, it will be risk free after you will ship later than the 2nd of May.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness .
As you may already know the era will be changing from 1st of May tomorrow, in Japan a long holiday is now on , I must say the shipping is not completely stopped.ですが、As you may already know the era will be changing from 1st of May tomorrow, in Japan a long holiday is now on , however I must say the shipping is not completely stopped.と差し替えお願い致します。申し訳ありません。