でも、luchi falascaさんに案内してもらえれば安心ですね!
「KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM」は、現在入手可能ですが品薄状態になっているとのことです。
You must become a good guide!
If I visit there, I will ask you for help.
Thank you for the image.
''KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM'' is currently available but only for a limited quantity.
I will send you a quote when I find the other items such as 205CMK3.
Thank you for your continuous support.
But, I can rest assured if Mr. Luchi Falasa can give a grand tour!
I appreciate your support when I visit Italy.
Thank you for sending pictures.
Currently, we can obtain "KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM", but it is now shortage of supply pretty much.
Regarding 205CMK3 and otheres, I will send you a quotation once I find them.
I appreciate your continued support.
I send you best regards to you.
Thank you for sending me the image.
You will possibly to get "KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM" right now, but looks like it's getting low in stock.
I will send you an invoice of 205CMK3 as soon as I find.
Best regards.
But, it is a relief if Mr./Ms. luchi falasca shows us around! Thank you in advance.
Thank you for sending me pictures.
I heard that KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM is available now, but the stock is getting scarce.
On finding Items such as 205CMK3, we will send you an estimate.
We will be looking forward to continuing our business.
But I could be in safe if Mr.luchi falasca guides me there.
Please help me during my stay in future.
Thank you for sending me the pic.
I've heard that item KOETSU ROSEWOOD SIGNATURE PLATINUM is available now but the stock is short.
The items, such as205CMK3,
quatations will be sent to you as soon as I find those.
Thank you for your cooporation.