[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 【広報資料】外国人観光客向け英語情報誌『Kyoto Recommends』第3号の発行について ページ番号193755 ソーシャルサイトへのリンク...

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nakagawasyotaによる依頼 2016/02/15 14:52:38 閲覧 2532回
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【広報資料】外国人観光客向け英語情報誌『Kyoto Recommends』第3号の発行について



産業観光局(観光MICE推進室 746-2255)
外国人観光客向け英語情報誌『Kyoto Recommends』第3号の発行について

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:04:06に投稿されました
(Document for advertisement) Issuing English information journal "Kyoto Recommends" number 3 for foreign sightseers

Page number 193755

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February 5th 2016
Announcement (with economy at the same time)
February 5th 2016
Industry sightseeing bureau (Mice promotion room of sightseeing 746-2255)
Issuing English information journal "Kyoto Recommensd" number 3 for foreign sightseers
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:14:11に投稿されました
[Publicity Matter]

Re: On publication of the English information magazine for foreign tourists, "Kyoto Recommends," No.3

Page number: 193,755

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February 5, 2016
News (Economic at same time)
February 5, 2016
Industrial Tourism Department (Sightseeing MICE Promotion Room: 746-2255)
On publication of the English information magazine for foreign tourists: "Kyoto Recommends," No.3
評価 49
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:05:46に投稿されました
About issuance the third of "Kyoto Recommends" English information magazine for foreign tourists (publicity materials) page no 193755
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February 5, 2016
Announcements (Economic simultaneous)
February 5, 2016
Industrial Tourism Authority (Tourism MICE Promotion Office 746-2255)
For the issuance of foreign tourists for the English magazine "Kyoto Recommends" No. 3

この度,公益社団法人京都市観光協会では,今年4月に創刊した外国人観光客向け英語情報誌『Kyoto Recommends』の第3号を発行しましたのでお知らせします。


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:27:45に投稿されました
This is to inform that the nonprofit foundation Kyoto-shi Sightseeing Association has published the third issue of English information magazine for foreign tourists, "Kyoto Recommends," which was launched last April.

This issue includes the special feature pages of "Imadegawa dori street," one of the main east-west streets, and introduces the tourist attractions along the street from the Kitano-Tenman-gu Shrine in the west side to the east's Ginkaku-ji Temple so that the foreign tourists also can enjoy taking walks on the attractive "Imadegawa dori."
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:45:39に投稿されました
This is Kyoto City Tourism Association. We are glad to inform you that No.3 of "Kyoto Recommends", our English information magazine for foreigner visitors which is first published in this April, is now on available.
In this special issue, we will focus on "Imadegawa-Tori", a main west-east avenue in Kyoto. Hoping that you will enjoy yourself by walking around this avenue which is attractive for foreigner visitors, we will introduce various tourist attractions along Imadegawa-Tori, from Kitano Tenmangū in the west to the Ginkaku-ji in the east.


1 情報誌名
『Kyoto Recommends』第3号
2 発行月


※ 配布開始日:2月10日
3 仕様

英文 A4オールカラー 16ページ

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:44:38に投稿されました
The Manner Column, which is favorably received in each issue, tells about the worshiping manner in the shrines and temples in addition to the reservation manner of the restaurants as the continuation from the last issue, cultivating the manners while clearly explaining the methods of worshiping in a temple and the Shinto shrine each.

Incidentally, this information magazine starts its distribution at the "Kyoto Tourist Information Center," on the second floor of JR Kyoto Station Building and hotels and inns and the information desks in Kyoto-shi from February 10, 2016.

1. The Information Magazine name:
The "Kyoto Recommends," No.3
2. Publication date:
Distribution starts on February 10, 2016.
3. Specifications:
English texts, A4 all color, 16 pages
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:13:07に投稿されました
In manner column that has been popular at each issue, we listed the manner of praying at shrine and temple in addition to the manner of making a reservation in restaurant that had been listed in the previous issue. We promote the manner by explaining each praying in the temple and shrine easily.

We will distribute this journal in "Kyoto sightseeing office" on 2nd floor of JR Kyoto Station Building as well as hotel, Japanese inn and sightseeing office in Kyoto city from February 10th 2016.

1. Name of journal
"Kyoto Recommends" number 3

2. Month of issuance
February 2016
*Start of distribution: February 10th
3. Specification
16 pages in color with A4 size written in English

4 発行部数

5 掲載内容









 レストランでの予約マナー/ 社寺での参拝マナー

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:20:53に投稿されました
4. Number of copy issued
5. Details of listing
Page of feature(4 pages)
Based on "Suggesting a trip to Kyoto", we introduce a variety of attractiveness of Kyoto in full detail.
Theme of this issue: "Let's walk on Imadegawa-dori".
Introduction of facility (4 pages)
We introduce the facilities by 3 categories "eating", "buying" and "Experiencing".
Disclose the cultural asset that has not been disclosed: "Trip to Kyoto in winter"
Event that is selected in winter and spring
Column for promoting manner
Manner for making a reservation in restaurant and manner of praying in temple and shrine
評価 49
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:12:09に投稿されました

30.000 parts
Publication contents is 5
Special page (page 4)
"Introduce the various of appeal of Kyoto through concept " propose a journey of Kyoto"
This issue of the theme "Let's explore the Imadegawa"
Facility Introduction(page 4)
Introduce the facility in three categories are "eat", "buy",experience".

Private cultural property special public"Winterreise of Kyoto"

Spring of the pick-up event from winter

Manor enlightenment column

Reservations manners in restaurants or Worship manners in temples and shrines

6 配布場所



京都市内観光案内所 等

7 今後の発行スケジュール


次回発行予定 平成28年5月

8 問い合わせ

公益社団法人京都市観光協会 プロジェクト推進課 


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:59:26に投稿されました
6. Distribution places:

Kyoto Tourist Information Center (on the second floor, JR Kyoto Station Building), Kyoto-shi Sightseeing Association (Sanjo Keihan), major accommodations in the city, Kansai Tourist Information Center, Kansai Airport, etc.

7. Publication schedule in the future:

To be issued three times a year.

Next issue publication is planned in May, 2016.

8. Inquiries:

The Project Promotion Section, The Nonprofit Foundation Kyoto-shi Sightseeing Association

Person in charge: Tomoko Okada, Aki Yui, Tel: 075-752-7070
tatsuoishimura- 8年以上前
「Person in charge」は、「Persons in charge」と訂正いたします。
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 16:58:51に投稿されました
6. Distribution places

Kyoto Tourist Information Center (JR Kyoto Station Building, the 2nd floor);
Kyoto Tourism Association (Sanjokeihan);
Main city accommodation;
Kansai Tourist Information Center, Kansai International Airport;
Kyoto Inner City Tourist Information Center
et cetera

7. Future publication schedule

3 times a year
Next publication — March, 2016

8. Contact information

Public Interest Incorporated Association "Kyoto Tourism Association", projects promotion department
Persons in charge: Tomoko Okada, Aki Yui
Tel.: 075-752-7070
評価 49
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 16:29:21に投稿されました
6. Distribution Location

Kyoto tourist information center (JR Kyoto Station Building second floor), Kyoto City Tourist Association (Sanjokeihan), Local Accomodation, Kansai Tourist Information Center Kansai International Airport, Kyoto city tourist office, etc.
7 future of publishing schedule
Three times a year
May the next issue scheduled 2016
8 inquiry
Public Interest Incorporated Orchestra corporation Kyoto City Tourist Association Project Promotion Division
Contact: Tomoko Okada and Yui Aki
Phone: 075-752-7070

『Kyoto Recommends』第3号

『Kyoto Recommends』第3号(PDF形式, 8.05MB)

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評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:07:27に投稿されました
"Kyoto Recommends" the 3rd issue.

"Kyoto Recommends" the 3rd issue. (PDF format, 8.05MB)

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評価 49
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/02/15 15:15:20に投稿されました
"Kyoto Recommends" No. 3

"Kyoto Recommends" No. 3 (PDF format, 8.05MB)

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