When I left the island, the staff members who worked together with me, the family members of the owner and friends in the island came to see me off.
As the ship was leaving the island, my tears were starting to flood naturally. I wonder if the tears were happy ones because I enjoyed myself so much, if
the tears were due to the sending-off, if the tears were sad ones because I had to leave the island, or if the tears were lonely ones caused by the farewell.
The tears were indeed the ones where everything was mixed up, but it was nothing but my best and most precious memories.
When I left the island, staff with whom I worked, family of the owner and friends I became close
came to see me off. As the ship was leaving the island, tears appeared in my eyes without hesitation.
I wonder if it was the tears shed as I was having a good time, happy tears as people saw me off, sad tears as I was leaving the island or lonely tears as I was leaving them?
It must be the tears by mixed feelings.
I am sure that it must be the best memory for me.
The staff, owner's family and friends who I made in the island came to see me off when I left there.
My tears brought out naturally as the ship was leaving the island. I wonder if it was the tears of joy because I enjoyed, or it was because I was happy that everybody came to see me off, or it was because I was sad about leaving the island, or it was because I would miss everybody.
It was absolutely the best memory I have never had before as for me even though the tears was mixed with a lot of feelings.
On leaving the island, the staffs I worked with, the family of the owner, and the Iocal people that I befriended has come to send me off.
As the ship leaving the island, tears naturally came out. I wonder if it was a tear of joy from the enjoyment. Or the delight of being sent-off. Or the sadness of leaving the island. The tear of loneliness for leaving everyone.
Though it was the tears of a lot of mixed emotions, it certainly was my best memory.
When I left the island, my fellow stuff ,the owner and his family, and friends lived in there came to see me off.
As the ship left the island, tears were beginning to plop down naturally. Was it the tears of joy? Or, was it the appreciation of them coming to see me off? Was it the tears of sorrow for leaving the island? Was that the tears of sorrow for parting from everyone?
The tears were the mixture of various feelings, but it is definitely the best memory for me.
When I left this island, staffs that I worked together, owner's family and friends that I get along with sent me off.
Eyes were filled with tears as a ship left island. I wonder that tears are happy tears. I wonder that is joy for send me off. I wonder that is saddly tears for leaving island. I wonder that lonely tears for leaving friends.
My tears were from mixed various feelings through, I'm sure that is my best memory ever.