2 Chinese entrepreneurs seek a global hit with app that blends Instagram and Medium
What do you do when you have a bunch of photos to share that you took today? You could use Instagram, but it feels so fragmented. You could write a blog, but that sounds like too much effort. You could post them to Facebook, but you’d like to add a few words for some of the photos. You could post them to Flickr, but it’s not 2005. So what options are left?
今日撮影した大量の写真をシェアしたい時、あなたはどうするだろう? Instagramを使うかもしれない。だが写真がバラバラになってしまったと感じるかもしれない。ブログを書くこともできるが、大変な労力が必要になりそうだ。Facebookに投稿することもできるが、一部の写真にコメントを追加したいと考えている。Flickrに投稿することもできるが、2005年ではない。では、どんな選択肢が残されているのだろうか?
A pair of entrepreneurs based in Seattle hopes that people will turn to their app, Pixotale, when they have a story they want to tell that revolves around photos. After testing it out, I’d say it feels like a mix of Instagram and Medium, with a hint of one of those travel diary apps thrown in.
Robert Mao started Pixotale last summer with business partner Li Haitao. They both hail from China and are both former employees of Microsoft Research. It’s Mao’s first US-based startup, but he has entrepreneurial experience with two startups in China before his stints with Microsoft Research in the US and Europe.
Robert Mao氏がビジネスパートナーのLi Haitao氏とPixotaleを始めたのは昨夏のこと。2人とも中国出身で、もともとはMicrosoft Researchで働いていた。Mao氏の米国でのスタートアップとしてはPixotaleが第1号にあたるが、氏は米国とヨーロッパのMicrosoft Researchで働く前、中国で2つのスタートアップを起業した経験を持つ。
Robert Mao氏は、ビジネスパートナーLi Haitao氏とともに昨年の夏Pixotaleを開始した。両氏はともに中国出身でMicrosoft Researchの元従業員である。Pixotaleは、Mao氏の米国を拠点とした初のスタートアップだが、米国および欧州においてMicrosoft Researchで働く前に、中国で2つのスタートアップに関わる起業経験を持っている。
Robart Mao氏は昨年、ビジネスパートナーのLi Haitao氏と共にPixotaleを始めた。彼らは2人とも中国出身で、かつてMicrosoft Researchで働いていた。これはMao氏にとって初のアメリカを拠点とするスタートアップだが、彼にはアメリカとヨーロッパのMicrosoft Researchで働く前、中国で2つのスタートアップの企業家経験がある。
This ambitious social network comes a year after the duo started creating a bunch of photo apps with neat special effects – such as Levitagram, which makes it appear that the subject is floating in the air – under the Pixomobile brand. Those paid apps are now serving to keep the startup’s lights on as the team focuses on growing Pixotale. “It’s 90 percent of our focus now,” Mao tells Tech in Asia.
Mao concedes that Pixotale probably won’t bring in any revenue for a few years – just like most social media ventures.
China a “difficult” prospect
Whereas most social networks are about connections, Mao says Pixotale is about helping people convey a “long-form visual story.” He also calls them narrative galleries. These can include images and videos, and there’s the option for text, polls, as well as embedded maps. There is a web app – which might be useful for sharing the link through a messaging app (here’s one I just made) – but the emphasis is on the app.
Each “story” created in Pixotale can be shared to several other apps and channels, like Facebook or WhatsApp.
There’s also a social network element built into the service, allowing you to browse other users’ submissions, ‘like’ them, and add comments. It feels a bit like Medium’s app, down to swiping either left or right to explore more. There’s no way to follow individuals at the moment. It already has a strong rival in the form of Storehouse.
Mao says Pixotale has users (he declined to disclose how many exactly) in more than 30 countries right now – but not many of those people are in his native China. The app supports Chinese – as well as social sharing to Weibo and WeChat – but the app lacks any Chinese servers, making it very slow in the country.
Pixotaleは現在30か国にユーザ(氏は正確に何人かという名言は避けた)を持つが、その多くが中国に住む中国人ではない、とMao氏は言う。そのアプリはWeiboと WeChatにソーシャルシェア出来るだけでなく中国語もサポートされているものの、中国のサーバーを持たないため中国国内ではアプリのスピードが遅くなってしまうのだ。
The duo are contemplating whether they should launch the app in China, but the country’s system of web censorship and tight media regulations make it a big leap. Mao says visual storytelling is “very powerful” on the web, and so censors won’t like the social network once people start posting images of a more political or sensitive nature. “We’re Chinese, I’m Chinese, so we’re always looking at the China market,” he says – but there’s no plan in place yet. “A China strategy is very difficult,” he adds.
Adobe shocker
Robert and the Pixotale team got a surprise last week when Adobe – the company that makes stuff you hate but still need to install, like Flash and Acrobat – launched an app called Slate. “It looks awfully similar to Pixotale,” says Mao. It’s a shock to them because the startup crew worked closely with Adobe last summer as one of Adobe’s Creative SDK launch partners.
先週Robert氏とPixotaleチームは、FlashやAcrobatのような、非常に嫌なのだがインストールしなければならない物を作っている企業「Adobe」が、Slateというアプリをローンチした時、驚いた。「それはPixotaleに、とてもよく似ているのです。」とMao氏は言う。それは彼らにとって衝撃的な出来事だった。このスタートアップ企業の仲間たちは、昨年の夏、AdobeのCreative SDKのローンチパートナーの1つとして密接に仕事をしたからだ。
Robert氏とPixotaleチームは目を疑った。先週末に、Adobe――誰もが嫌っているが、いまだにインストールしなければならないソフトウェア、FlashやAcrobatを開発した企業――が、Slateというアプリをローンチしたためだ。「このアプリはPixotaleにそっくりです」とMao氏は言う。彼らにとって衝撃的だったのは、昨年の夏、Adobe Creative SDKのローンチパートナーとして、スタートアップの社員たちがAdobeと深い関係の仕事をしていたからだ。
The software giant got to know the Pixotale app well, Mao claims, because they worked together to integrate that SDK into the social app.
“I wouldn’t say it’s a copycat or stealing, but it’s… inspiration,” says Mao, picking his words carefully. Having worked with Adobe staffers, it feels like “kind of a betrayal.”
But the duo are ploughing on with Pixotale and are planning on integrating some of the special effects from their photo apps into their social network.
Pixotale is free for iOS.