The reason is the Italian customs that conducts very strict inspection which is time-consuming, also.
Customers send me a claim for the delay, but I cannot do much since the items are send without a tracking number.
Therefore, such situations often come to the conclusion with refund, so I do not want to ship to Italy any more.
I am sorry, but please buy the item from other sellers.
Buyers would make a complaint for this, but we can't track items because they have no tracking numbers.
For most of the cases I have to refund to buyers, so we no longer ship items to Italy.
I'm sorry, but please buy the items from other sellers.
The reason being, the Italian customs check is too strict, it takes too long to get through.
When the item takes such a long time I get claims from buyers.
I send the items with no tracking number and they can not be tracked.
Therefore, in a lot of cases I have to issue refunds, so now I do not send to Italy.
I am sorry for this, please purchase from another seller.
This is due to the country's strict customs checks and the long period of time it takes for items to make it through.
My buyers have issued complaints when their shipments take a long time to arrive, and because I send my items without tracking numbers, I cannot trace their packages.
In many cases, I am forced to refund their money, so I can no longer ship to Italy.
Please contact another seller. I apologize for the inconvenience.