We can assure that the product has been shipped. Please see the attached screenshot as proof of shipment by Japan Post. As the tracking number shows, it was shipped on April 15.
If you don’t receive the product from your country’s post office in a week from today, we will issue a full refund or send a replacement. Please let us know whichever option you choose.
We will ask your country’s post office through Japan Post regarding the whereabouts of the product. We apologize again for the delay.
The item has surely been shipped. I attacted a photo of the certification for the evidence that I shipped it by Japanese Postal Service. Please check the photo. As the tracking shows, the item was shipped from Japan on Apr. 15.
If you don't receive the item from your country's postal service in one week from today, I will give you a full refund or ship the same item to you. Please let me know which you prefer.
To find out where the item is right now, I will have Japanese Postal Service contact your country's postal service. Again, I am sorry for the delay of the delivery.
We have definitely shipped the item. As a proof of shipment using Japan post, we attach the image of certificate of shipment. Please confirm it. The tracking information says that the item has been departed from Japan on April 15.
If you will not receive the item from the post office of your country within one week from now, we will issue a refund or ship a same item again.
Please choose which way will be the most benefit for you, and please let us know.
We will request whereabouts of the item to the post office of your country through the Japan post.
Again, We are very sorry for the delay in delivering.
The item has surely been shipped. As a evidence that It was shipped by Japanese post service, I attached the picturebof certificate. Please check it out.
As the tracking number says, it was shipped from Japan on April 15th.
If you don't receive it within one week from your country's post service, I will refund all or resend the same item.
Choose one you would like to and let me know.
I will ask your country's post service to investigate where it is through Japanese post service.
Once again, I am very sorry for the inconvenience.