Crowdfunding platform Medifund goes live to help medical students fund their education
A few months back, Philippine startup Medifund introduced the idea of helping medical students pursue their education through a crowdfunding platform. The aim is to address the shortage of doctors in the Philippines and Asia. After a few months of development, the platform is now live for medical students worldwide.
Medifund founder Jossy Onwude is also a medical student. So he understand how costly it is to study medicine. He has also been a witness to friends having to stop attending school due to lack of financial means. This is the reason he came up with Medifund.
Medifundの設立者であるJossy Onwude氏自身も医学生である。そのため、医学を学ぶにはどれだけお金がかかるか知っている。また、経済的に学校に通うことが出来なくなった友人達を目の当たりにしている。彼が、Medifundを思いついた理由はそこにある。
Medifundの創設者、Jossy Onwude 氏自身も医学生であるため、医学を学ぶことがどれだけコストのかかることか理解している。また、財力不足のために大学をやめざるをえなかった友人を何人もみてきている。こうして彼はMedifundの創設にいたったのだ。
Jossy says they currently have ten students signed up to the platform, and three campaigns posted on their site. While this is still a relatively small number, Jossy expects the user-base to increase in the following months. He says:
By the end of the year, I hope we have at least 50 students signed up. But we believe everyone deserves a shot at medical education so we are open to more numbers.
Apart from existing users, Jossy is seeing more students reaching out to them about their intentions to use the platform. He says:
We believe that if we can help give them access to funding, we would be solving the emerging global shortage of doctors. [...] Medifund hopes to build a network of health practitioners across the globe that would be advantageous to funders where they can get benefits in terms of free medical consultations, subsidized medical treatment and so on after they contribute to a medical students’ campaigns.
In addition to accepting pledges, Medifund will also have a section for funders and a loaning feature for students. The startup will be monetizing its platform by charging a five percent fee for every funded campaign.
Apart from Medifund, here are other crowdfunding sites in the Philippines such as ArtisteConnect, which supports musicians and filmmakers, and Spark Project, which supports innovative and social projects in the Philippines.
In the meantime, Medifund is working on generating awareness for the platform. The team will work on a nationwide campaign through media partners, universities and social media.
フィリピンにはMedifundとは別に、ArtisteConnectやSpark Project等のクラウドファンディングサイトがある。前者はミュージシャンや映画製作者向けで、後者はフィリピンの革新的でソーシャルなプロジェクト向けに支援を行っている。
Medifundの他にもフィリピンにはArtisteConnectという音楽家や映画製作者をサポートするサイト、Spark Projectという、フィリピンの革新的なソーシャルプロジェクトをサポートするクラウドファンドサイトがある。
Medifundは別として、ArtisteConnect(音楽家と映画製作者の支援)、Spark Project(フィリピンの革新的で社会的なプロジェクトを支える)など、フィリピンでは他のcrowdfundingサイトも存在する。
いずれにせよ、Medifundはプラットホームの認知度の向上に取り組んでいる。 今後、彼らはメディア・パートナー、大学、ソーシャルメディアを通じ、全国的な活動に取り組む。