zhizi 翻訳実績

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The app launched just last month, and boy are they serious about going regional fast. In fact, one of the reasons for its booth at CommunicAsia is to build its presence and officially launch to the public. The app is the brainchild of parent company 23 perspective, a digital marketing agency based in Bangkok, with clients from Starbucks Thailand and Tourism Authority of Thailand.

I have to agree this would work especially in a country like Singapore where we all love discounts and loyalty card schemes, undoubtedly it’s getting a little overcrowded. But judging from how the first version looks right now, the app looks pretty promising.


このアプリは先月ローンチしたばかりだが、同社はアプリを急速に広めることに真剣に取り組んでいる。同社がCommunicAsiaに出展したのも、アプリを広く紹介し、正式にローンチすることが目的の1つだったからだ。Shopenningは親会社である23 perspectiveが発案したもので、デジタル・マーケティング企業の23 pespectiveはバンコクに拠点をおき、Starbucks Thailandやタイ国政府観光庁をクライアントに持っている。

同アプリは、割引券やスタンプカードが大好きな国( 特にシンガポールなど)では成功するだろう。確かに、同じようなサービスが増えすぎているは事実だ。だが、今の初版の見栄えから判断すれば、かなり将来有望だ。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Since users can directly access the ;Dcloud emoji from the smartphone’s message creation screen, they no longer have to store a lot of emoji on their phones in advance. Furthermore, even if users change to a different smartphone model, all the cloud server emoji that they have used to date can easily be synchronized to the new phone.

To make it easier to find the perfect emoji, meaning and other text information tags have been appended to each one, allowing the user to find emoji through a text search. An offline service is also provided for occasions such as when the cloud server cannot be accessed due to the user being outside the network range.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

For a more complete storefront experience, Square Register lets you create a catalog of items with different prices, descriptions, photos or icons. Items are shown in alphabetical order or your most popular products can go on the Favorites tab for easy access. And, yes, this one spits out an itemized receipt to email, text, or certain models of receipt printers.

The PayPal Here app is the best of both worlds. It runs on a smartphone, but also lets you create a catalog of products, complete with description and photo. The items can be arranged for ease of use on the iPhone, but for now the Android version only shows items in the order they were added.


店頭業務をより充実させたいなら、Square Registerを利用すれば、異なる価格、商品説明、写真やアイコンを用いた商品のカタログを作ることができる。商品はアルファベット順で表示することもできれば、最も人気のある商品を「Favorites(お気に入り)」タブに入れると、簡単にアクセスすることもできる。そして、そう、これを利用すれば、商品ごとの詳細が表示されたレシートをeメールやテキストメッセージに添付したり、もしくはレシートを印刷する特定のプリンタ機種に送信することができる。

PayPal HereのアプリはモバイルでもiPadでも抜群のサービスだ。スマートフォンでも利用ができ、商品説明や写真つきの商品カタログをつくることができる。iPhoneでは使いやすいように商品の表示をアレンジできるが、Android版では今のところ、登録順で商品が表示されるだけだ。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

The app is completely integrated with Facebook – better than nearly any app around, say founders Natee Jarayabhand and Khanit Aramkitpota. You must sign in with Facebook, so all your friends in the social network become your friends on the app, and when, for example, someone likes your happiness update through Freehap, that “like” will show up on a Facebook post.

Natee and Khanit hatched the idea while they were doing unfulfilling office jobs after university and read a study about low happiness levels in developed countries. “We wanted to try to make a platform for people to live a happier life. There’s no other app with the mission of making the world happier,” Natee claims.


このアプリはFacebookと完全に連動している。世の中のその他のアプリよりも遥かにいい、と創業者のNatee Jarayabhand氏とKhanit Aramkitpota氏は言う。Facebookに必ずサインインしなければならないが、Facebookの友達すべてが同アプリの友達となる。そして、例えば、誰か友達がFreeHapの自分の幸せ度を見ていいと思うと、Facebookに「いいね!」が表示される。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Indonesia Mobile Ad Market Doubles in a Year, Android Growing Fastest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here is an interesting infographic from InMobi about the Indonesian mobile landscape, comparing the current scene up to May 2012 compared with the same point in 2011. The report reveals that the Indonesia mobile ad market grew by a whopping 99 percent, with InMobi serving close to 27 billion ad impressions up to last month.

This is great news for all phone app startups out there, as Indonesia has an impressive developing market for both smartphones and feature-phones. Smartphone impressions grew by a remarkable 123 percent, showing a faster rate of growth than the feature-phone market at 93 percent.


インドネシアのモバイル広告市場が1年で倍増、成長率が一番早いのはAndroid [インフォグラフィック]



zhizi 英語 → 日本語

In terms of Indonesia’s OS market share, Nokia OSes (33.4 percent) and Symbian (22.5 percent) stay as the top platforms in Indonesia, though they are slowly losing their share to Android. Android has the strongest growth in the last one year with a strong gain of 8.3 percent share in terms of ad impressions, now reaching close to 10 percent market share while both Nokia OS and Symbian OS are slowly losing their shares by -1.0 percent and -5.3 percent respectively.

In terms of the top devices based on their ad impressions share, Nokia still dominates Indonesia with 56 percent. The five most popular devices all come from Nokia as well, led by the X2-01 with 4.6 percent.


インドネシアのOS市場シェアについては、Nokia OS(33.4%)とSymbian(22.5%)がプラットフォームのトップであるが、徐々にAndroidにシェアを奪われつつある。Androidは昨年1年で最も高い成長率を記録し、広告インプレッションでは8.3%のシェア率を獲得、今では10%に近づきつつある。その一方で、Nokia OSとSymbian OSのシェア率は徐々に下がり、Nokiaが1%、Symbianが5.3%のシェアを失った。

広告インプレッションのシェアに基づいたデバイスのトップは、Nokiaが56%で依然としてインドネシア市場を独占している。最も人気のあるデバイスのトップ5も全てNokiaで、シェア率4.6%のNokia X2-01がトップとなっている。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

We’re not trying to be the something-something of Indonesia, really, because we believe that Indonesia has a unique music listening and online behavior, so applying some foreign concept directly to the local market just won’t cut it. For the freemium model, let’s put simply that we will give some more enjoyable experience to paid users. We only allow people to put two songs in their jukebox to be played without registering, since we’re in beta mode, we’d like to get people to get the experience first. If you stick around for a little longer, you’ll find out that you need to register to explore the service. For the official launch and mobile app, I cannot disclose that yet.

