SnapDish’s futre planFrom now on, while paying attention to details in the app, we are going to look to provide promotional and communicational features that fit in each local market users. For example, we are planning to launch our gift campaign, which is only available in Japan now, to foreign markets.
We continue to put our priority on Asia for our international business. Of course, it doesn’t mean that other regions such as Europe, which is included in our new multi-language support, are not important. In Asia, we have already established a certain level of user base and it is forming a community there. We already have a grounding as a market in Asia, so we would like to make sure we make it solid.
We also want to continue to take part in pitch events abroad, and at the same time, just like we promoted our service in Asia last year, we are looking for a chance to do the same in Europe as well. If you want to download SnapDish, access here.
料理写真共有アプリ『SnapDish 料理カメラ』、新たに仏・独・西・伊・ポルトガル・インドネシア・タ イの 7 言語に対応、計 11 言語 30 億人の母語で利用可能に日本から世界に向けてサービスを展開しているアプリがいくつか存在する。料理写真とレシピを共有するモバイルアプリ「SnapDish」もそのひとつだ。
Home-Cooking Photo Sharing App “SnapDish, Camera for Cooking” Adds 7 More Languages of French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian and Thai; Now Available for 3 Billion People in 11 Different Languages in the World There are some Japanese apps that expanded services to the other countries in the world. A mobile app SnapDish which allows users to share their home-cooking recipes and photos is one of them.
これまで日本語、英語、中国語(繁体・ 簡体)、韓国語の 4 言語でサービスを提供してきたSnapDishは、新たに仏・独・西・伊・ポルトガル・インドネシア・タイの 7 言語に対応し、計 11 言語 30 億人の母語に対応すると発表した。SnapDish は、料理写真を加工し、共有することを通じて、料理が好きな人たちと気軽に交流できるスマートフォン専用の写真とレシピの共有アプリ。
SnapDish, previously available in 4 languages, namely Japanese, English, Chinese(Simplified & Traditional) and Korean, announced that they added 7 more languages, specifically French, German, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, Thai, to support 3 billion people in 11 different languages in the world. The service is a smartphone-dedicated food photo & recipe sharing app that allows cooking lovers to communicate by editing and sharing food photos.
サービス開始は、2011 年 5 月。現在までに投稿された料理写真の数は 170 万件を超え、投稿された写真につけられる「もぐもぐ(Facebookにおけるいいね!)」は 1000 万 件を超えているという。写真やレシピを通じて料理の話題で様々な人とつながり、コミュニケーションをとっていくことが可能なため、家で手料理を作る人たちを中心に、ユーザ数を広げている。今回の多言語対応にあたって、SnapDishの国際担当に話を聞いた。
The app, launched in May 2011, now catalogues more than 1.7 million posted pictures, with more than 10 million “Yummys” (like “Like!” in the Facebook) on them.SnapDish is getting more and more popular mainly among people who cook at home, because they can connect with a wide range of people and talk about cooking through food photos and recipes. We talked to a SnapDish staff who is in charge of the international business on this new multi-language support.
Key points carried out for SnapDish’s international serviceWhen developing and designing the app, launched in May 2011, we had overseas users in mind as well from the very beginning. We planned to launch its English and Japanese versions at the same time. So, instead of simply translating the context literally, with the intention of having English user interface as well, we designed the app that is easy to use for both Japanese and non-Japanese users.
We also paid close attention to whether or not English expressions in the app sound fun for English users. For example, there is a button called “Mogu Mogu!” in the Japanese version. This works like Facebook’s “Like!” and users can click it when they like other users’ photos. But in English version, this button is named “Yummy!.”
本来、「もぐもぐ!」は英語では、"nom nom"とか"chomp-chomp"などと表現するのですが、それでは可愛くない、馴染みにくそうといった理由や、”Yummy! ”という表現の方が英語の文章の中でも自然であることなどからこの表現にしています。他の言語に展開する際にも、こういった部分には非常に拘っています。その甲斐あって、アプリの初期リリースから海外から一定のダウンロードがありました。
The word “Mogu Mogu” is essentially expressed as “nom nom” or “chomp-chomp” in English, but they don’t sound cute and we thought English users may not relate to the words. So we chose "Yummy!," since it sounds more natural in English writing. When working on other language versions, we also put particular focus on this sort of things. Thanks to all the efforts, the app was downloaded a certain number of times in overseas market after the initial launch.
The app gained many users particularly from Southeast Asia and Chinese-speaking regions, and we learnt quickly that not only Japanese but also people in the other Asian countries like the combination of “food” and “photo.” Even after launching apps, we figure out users’ needs and try to meet the needs. For example, genres that can be tagged on to each picture are customized to each countries’ food culture.
Since we have overseas users in mind for the app from the beginning, we receive many comments like “I didn’t know this is a Japanese-made app” from heavy users abroad, or “I thought this app was made in an English-speaking country” from American users. So we feel confident that this is an app that can be used in foreign countries without a sense of discomfort.
SnapDishのビジネス開発昨年は中国のRenren.comや韓国SK planetなど、海外の大きなパートナーとの提携を進めることで海外展開を進めました。提携については、基本的には先方からお声掛け頂き、実現に至っています。こういったパートナーシップによって、SnapDishがアプリとしてアジア諸国のニーズに合致する魅力を感じている人が、SNSやキャリア内のプロバイダー側にいて、付加価値となりうることが確認できました。
SnapDish’s business developmentLast year, we expanded our service further by partnering with big foreign companies such as China’s and Korea’s SK planet. Basically, so far, we agreed to those partnerships after receiving offers from the other companies. Thanks to these tie-ups, we realized that, among SNS or carrier providers, there are some people who think SnapDish app can meet the needs of Asian consumers, and that our service can be an additional value.
昨年は同時に海外のスタートアップ向けのピッチイベントには積極的にエントリーを行い、6月にシンガポールのEchelon、7月に台湾のIDEAS Show, 10月に米サンノゼのGMIC-SVに選ばれました。プレゼンテーションをする機会だけでなく、イベントでブースを持つ事もできたため、海外の既存ユーザとも話す機会があり、人的なネットワーク構築をしたり、海外メディアから取材を受けるなどPR面でも非常にプラスになりました。
Also, we actively applied for overseas startup pitch events last year, and participated in Singapore’s Echelon in June, Tiawan’s IDEAS Show in July, and GMIC-SV which was held in San Jose, USA, in October. In those events, we not only made presentations but also set up our booth in venues, so we were able to talk with existing overseas users and build a network of people. We were even interviewed by foreign media companies, so it was very beneficial for a promotional aspect as well.
LinkedIn Reaches 200 Million Users, Indonesia is the Fastest Growing Asian Country [INFOGRAPHIC]LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) announced yesterday that it has reached the 200 million user milestone. And to mark the occasion, Linkedin released an infographic illustrating some insights about the company’s growth so far.
LinkedIn、ユーザー数2億人を達成。同サービスが最も急成長しているアジアの国はインドネシア[インフォグラフィック]LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD)は昨日、同サービスのユーザー数が2億人に達したことを発表した。これを記念して、同社はLinkedInのこれまでの成長を示すインフォグラフィックを発表した。
Drilling down to Asia, we can see that India is still the number one country in the region on LinkedIn, and is the fifth-ranked country overall with 18 million members. The fastest growing Asian country is Indonesia, which according to LinkedIn’s ad creation tool, has around 1.7 million members at the moment and is now the third ranked Asian region in terms of users. Surprisingly, China represents Asia’s second largest LinkedIn user base with around 2.8 million members.
It’s also worth noting that the most-followed person on LinkedIn is US president Barack Obama who briefly spent his childhood in Indonesia; he has 617,239 followers. Indian-American author Deepak Chopra MD is third overall with 372,903 followers.Below is the new infographic in its entirety. You might also want to check out another recent infographic from LinkedIn about the most desired professions in Singapore. (Via TNW):For more fun graphics like this one, check out previous entries in our infographic series.
また、LinkedInでもっともフォローされた人は、幼少期を一時的にインドネシアで過ごしたことのある、アメリカの大統領・バラク・オバマ氏だったことも特筆に値する。オバマ大統領のフォロワー数は617,239人。そして、インド系アメリカ人の著者Deepak Chopra MD氏が第3位で、フォロワー数は372,903人だった。下に掲載しているのが、この新たなインフォグラフィック全容。また、LinkedInが最近発表した、シンガポールで最も望まれている職業に関するインフォグラフィックを見たい方はこちら(TNW)で。こういう興味深いインフォグラフィックをもっと見たい人は、当サイトのインフォグラフィックシリーズで以前の記事をぜひチェックして欲しい。
Will the same environment of rule of law, intellectual property rights, labor rights and democracy that increased Turkey’s GDP per capita to $10,524 in 2011 propel it to the government’s target? Indeed, the same government has a plan to increase research and development by 2023, according to the OECD Technology, Science and Industry Outlook report, with an additional allocation of $217.4 million to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, the main body for organizing national R&D activities. But is pouring money on the issue enough to sustain what The Economist dubs the “Boom on the Bosphorus”?
トルコの1人あたりのGDPを2011年に10,524ドルまでに上げたのと同じ環境 —つまり、同レベルの法の支配、私的財産権、労働者の基本的権利、民主主義 —で、政府の目標を達成することができるだろうか?確かに、同政府は2023年までに研究開発を増やす計画をしている。OECD Technology, science and Industry Outlook (産業、科学技術の見通しに関する)リポートによると、国の研究開発活動の主要機関であるトルコ科学技術研究会議に2億1740万ドルの追加予算が配分されている。だが、この課題に資金を投入するだけで、エコノミスト誌の言う「ボスポラス海峡の好景気」を維持することができるのだろうか?
It may be, but how then to explain Turkey’s other overtures that squelch creativity? Late last month, 2,000 police descended on the campus of Middle Eastern Technical University to block a student protest. The university happens to be among the best entrepreneurial ecosystems in the country, but the government’s actions essentially squashed young people’s right to express themselves, their desire for creativity and essentially created a culture of fear. This government also happens to lead the world in requests for Google to remove content from the Internet and has the most journalists in jail. Is it aware how this impedes its ability to become a top-10 economy and attractive investment destination?
可能かもしれない。だが、独創性を抑制するトルコ政府の他の発議をどう説明しよう?先月末、学生抗議を阻止するために、2000人の警察官が中東工科大学のキャンパスに押しかけた。同大学は偶然にもトルコで最高の起業家エコシステムを誇るが、政府の行為は若者の表現の自由 —創造するという願望 —を実質的に押しつぶし、恐怖の文化を築いた。政府もまた偶然に、Googleにインターネットからコンテンツを削除するよう要請することで世界を先導した。トルコは拘束しているジャーナリストの数が1番多い国でもある。政府はこのような行為が世界トップ10の経済大国となり、魅力的な投資先となることを妨げていると気付いているのだろうか?これら好まれない独創家の間に築かれた恐怖の文化はGDPの数字にはまだ現れていないが、長期的には反映されるだろう。
This culture of fear created among those unfavorable creatives has not showed up in GDP yet, but it may be in the long run.These are not just rhetorical questions. Rather, they force a fundamental reckoning about the type of society and economy a government wants to foster. Studies show that there is strong connection between the creative class and levels of entrepreneurship in a region. Arts, design, media and entertainment function “can be a driver of creativity and entrepreneurship across a region,” Florida says.
Courage is the first step of the creative process. By restricting free thinking, especially for those whose existence is based on asking questions, governments prevent this very basic first step. Currently, there is no pressure on emerging economies with astonishing growth rates to make their markets more creative. But they must proceed with caution: What brought their economies to this level won’t carry them into the future.We welcome your comments at