zhizi 翻訳実績

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Spotify, long the darling of the European music press, finally arrived in America to much fanfare. Competing against US-based rivals like Rdio, Rhapsody and MOG, Spotify has armed itself with a known brand name and strong Facebook integration.

This has re-opened the debate over whether music is owned or rented and how artists and labels are compensated for their works. It’s a complex problem and one that wasn’t decided in 2011 and likely won’t be settled in 2012.

Artists continue to use social networks, including Facebook and YouTube, to promote their music and their albums. Meanwhile, we’ve seen the rise of music shared experiences services, like Turntable.fm.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Create a video. Video is one of the most expressive and effective ways to show off your app’s interface and capabilities. Consider creating a video that demonstrates its features and workflow. And you don’t necessarily have to invest in a production team — by using a smartphone screen emulator, Simfinger (free) and iShowU HD ($60 for Pro), you can easily create simple, professional-looking video tutorials that showcase your app’s coolest features.

Decide where you want to be. If you’re launching an app for Android, don’t try to submit your app to every store. Centralize your user base and focus your promotions to drive all potential users to one store.


ビデオを作ろう:ビデオはアプリのインターフェースや機能を紹介するには最も表現に富む効果的な方法の1つだ。アプリの特長や流れを説明するビデオを作ることを検討しよう。でも、制作会社にお金を払って作成しなければならないことはない。Simfinger(無料)やiShowU HD(プロ向けは60ドル)などのスマートフォンのスクリーンエミュレーターを使えば、シンプルでプロっぽいチュートリアルのビデオを簡単に作ることができ、アプリ自慢の特長を紹介することができる。


zhizi 英語 → 日本語

This will allow your app to get higher ratings, higher ranking and more visibility. Also, fewer distribution channels makes it easier to update and track. Start with an official smartphone market, then expand to others once you start to build awareness.

The Week Before

Draft and finalize your content. Make sure your press release, blog post, newsletter copy and even the text for your tweets and Facebook posts are all drafted, proofed and finalized in advance. Don’t leave this to the last minute! You’ll have plenty of other things to think about the day before you launch.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Organize and finalize your visual assets. The more visuals you have, including artwork, logos, screenshots and video, the prettier and more dynamic your resulting articles and marketing collateral will look, and the more interesting and communicative it will be to your audience. Make sure every reporter you’re in touch with has access to all assets before your app is released.

Launch Day

Reach out to everyone on your press list. Hopefully you’ll get plenty of positive press the day of launch. To boost awareness, reach out to your expanded list of relevant reporters and bloggers and let them know about your launch.





zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Be sure to send information about your app to the big app review sites and any other publications you think would love to know about it.

Tap your existing users. If you’re launching on a new platform, be sure encourage the fans you already have to help you spread the word. Leveraging your existing community to evangelize your product can have an immense impact on your launch. Reach out to your existing user base via blog, social media, newsletter or all three, and be sure to specifically ask users to help you spread the word. Consider a refer-a-friend campaign to boost response.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Jiayuan is making quite a good sum of money out of it. Its net revenue (unaudited) for this quarter hit $14.3 million which is 84.5 percent higher year-on year, and 9.1 percent higher then the last quarter. Jiayuan claims to have over 50 million registered users. But most of them are probably just checking out hot girls and guys and then leaving the account to collect dust.

The number of average monthly active users accounts for Q3 2011 is about 5.56 million. Out of which, 1.25 million are paying customers. I must say it’s pretty cool of Jiayuan to reveal its number of active users, rather than just registered users. We wish Sina, Tencent, and Netease Weibo would do the same.



2011年第3四半期の月平均アクティブユーザー数は約556万人。そのうち、125万人はお金を払ってサービスを利用している。Jiayuanが登録ユーザー数だけでなく、アクティブユーザー数も公表したのは素晴らしい。Sina(新浪)、Tencent(騰訊)、Netease Weibo(易網微博)も同じことをしてくれれば嬉しいのだが。

zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Shunwang was founded in July 2005. After just three years, it claimed to provide its software service to over 93,000 Internet bars and have at least 46 percent market share in the industry. Its Internet bar management software, iCafe8, follows a freemium model. Internet bars can use the software for free but have to pay for premium service such as automated and safe upgrading of games, financial management tools, and advertisement revenue.

Shunwang also has two other products: a media and advertising platform (for ads selling) and a digital entertainment marketplace.




zhizi 英語 → 日本語

While the internet cafe is still a viable business in China, it’s a bit difficult to understand what Tencent’s strategic intentions are here (except for pure massive distribution through Internet cafes), as net cafes are slowly being replaced as users turn to tablets and mobile phones to access the internet from anywhere. As China’s economy develops and these devices become more affordable to Chinese consumers, it’s likely fewer and fewer people will turn to internet cafes. It’s tough to imagine that in ten years’ time internet cafes will be as prevalent in China as they are now.

