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Australian Startups Have Global Vision

I made a trip down to Sydney last week and met up briefly with Kim Heras, the co-founder Of PushStart and former editor of The Next Web Australia, to understand a little about what is going on in the Australian startup scene.

Kim shared that areas in marketplaces, enterprises, and mobile space are looking sunny bright in Australia. A few examples he quoted were:

1. Big Commerce: A Sydney-based e-commerce platform company which raised $15 million in series A funding from General Catalyst and recently launched an integration fund to aid the development of BigCommerce integrations and third party applications.



先週、シドニーへ行き、PushStartの共同設立者で「The Next Web Australia」の元編集長キム・ヘラス(Kim Heras)氏に少しの時間お話を伺い、オーストラリアのスタートアップ業界の現状を少し理解することができた。


1. Big Commerce(ビッグ・コマース):シドニーを拠点とするeコマースプラットフォーム企業で、Aシリーズの資金調達でGeneral Catalyst(ジェネラル・カタリスト)から1500万ドルの資金を獲得した。最近、BigCommerceの統合や第3者アプリケーションの展開を促進するための統合ファンドを開始した。

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Australian entrepreneurs understand the true meaning of being bootstrapped and know how to run their businesses cheap. Kim describes this phenomenon as a by-product of the absence of capital in the Australian startup scene. Australian VCs are generally risk adverse, so entrepreneurs value every single cent that is given to them.

Australian entrepreneurs aim for the world market and possess a more global outlook. Let’s take some factors into consideration: Australia is relatively close to Asia, used to be a British Colony, and looks to the United States for expansion of their companies. They are well-positioned for a true global understanding of markets.




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Kim also shared that the real market outreach in Australia is about four to five million users, which makes it difficult for startups to scale. For that reason consumer web startups have trouble gaining popularity. It is essential for Australian entrepreneurs to think globally and integrate with other markets.

But having said all that, it seems that there is not much of an entrepreneurship culture in Australia. In fact, most students choose to seek comfortable high paying jobs instead of venturing out on their own upon graduation. It takes time to build an eco-system, and Kim actually sees the potential in Australia to produce the next big thing:




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Suning went online its book business in last November with a grand and generous campaign of “Free books in 72 hours” – basically all the book-related payments would be refunded as virtual balance in every shopper’s Suning account that could be used to buy other items from the B2C service, and they can keep the books. The eyes-grabbing campaign was a hit then and made to the headlines of a vast majority of local publications.

According to Gong, who is also a long-time Chinese ecommerce observer and tipster, Suning’s book promotion was backed up by Dangdang, “Actually (Suning’s) books were provided by Dangdang. The strategic cooperation between the two was aiming to compete with 360buy.com”, he said.




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Parent company Shanda has issued a prospectus, but has not yet filed with the US SEC for Cloudary (sometimes referred to as Shanda Literature). It includes standard 2011 financial data that shows the subsidiary made a loss of 27.1 million RMB (US$4.3 million) on revenue of 701 million RMB ($111.2 million). Once again, it aims to be listed under the NYSE:READ ticker.

On a more hopeful note, the prospectus points out that the Cloudary division, since its inception in 2008, has grown to have a Chinese ebook market share of 72.1 percent (by revenue). Plus, its operating loss narrowed last year compared to 2010, and its revenue rose by nearly double in that same time-frame.




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The company will be hoping that the markets will be kinder to Chinese tech stocks in 2012, and that its Amazon-like digital publishing subsidiary finally has a clearer business model – and a chance to turn a profit – now that it has more products in full flow. These include a Shanda-badged Android smartphone en route for later this year which will be another vehicle – along with its Bambook e-reader – for its paid ebook platform.

This all comes at a time when the parent company is looking to do quite the reverse: delist from NASDAQ and go private, thanks to a management-led buyout.


同社が望むであろうことは、2012年の市場が中国のテック株によりよい環境になること、そしてアマゾンのようなデジタルパブリッシャーである子会社がようやくより明確なビジネスモデルおよび収益を上げる機会を得ることだろう — 今ではより多くの商品を展開しているのだから。その中には、今年発売予定の新たなデバイス、Shandaブランドのアンドロイドスマートフォンや、有料電子書籍プラットフォーム向けの電子書籍リーダー「Bambook」がある。


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CyberAgent Ventures Continues Vietnam Push, Invests in Online Book Service

CyberAgent Ventures, a subsidiary of Japan’s CyberAgent (TYO:4751), today announced its most recent of many investments in Vietnam. The firm is investing in Ho Chi Minh-based Tiki Corporation, a company established in March of 2010 which runs an online book store.

CyberAgent cites rapid growth in Vietnam’s e-commerce market and Tiki’s correspondingly strong growth as promising reasons for investment. In the announcement, it noted, “We believe that they have [the] potential to become the top e-commerce company in the Vietnamese market.”



日本のサイバーエージェント(東証:4751)の子会社、サイバーエージェント・ベンチャーズは本日、ベトナムで展開している多くの投資事業の最新ニュースを発表した。同社は、2010年3月に設立したオンライン書店のTiki コーポレーション(拠点:ホーチミン)に出資している。
