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About Facebook, the platform has served as more of a forum for photo sharing and “we’re all in this together” camaraderie during the floods than real-time information. The community feature – pages “dedicated to a topic or experience that is owned collectively by the community connected to it,” as Facebook puts it – has seen the most use.

Probably the biggest community, the name of which can be loosely translated to “When the waters rise, we post”, launched on Oct. 6 and now has over 290,000 members sharing photos of their flooded backyards (sometimes with crocodiles loose in them), advice for house cleaning after the floods, and motivational messages.




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Bigger Net Loss Means Better Chance of IPO Success? – Key Lesson Learnt from Groupon’s IPO

(This article was co-authored by Ahn Seunghae and Jason Lin. Ahn is the founder and CEO of LetYo.com, China’s first group buying search provider while Jason is a student of Political Science at the National University of Singapore who is now stationed in Beijing doing Business Development at LetYo.com.)

Despite incurring massive losses of US$654 million, Groupon succeeded in achieving IPO on 4 Nov 2011. Groupon, the first firm in the group buying industry to go for IPO, has sparked discussions on the highly debated topic: what does this entail for the future of group buying?



(この記事はAhn SeungheaとJason Linによって共同執筆された。Ahnは中国初の共同購入検索プロバイダー「LetYo.com(来優団購網)」の創業者兼CEO。Jasonはシンガポール国立大学政治学学科の学生で、現在は北京で「LetYo.com」の事業開発をしている。)


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It has consistently been one of the top 10 group buying sites by domestic market share. Having published its F-1 document to the Securities and Exchange Commission on 28th October 2011, it seems that Lashou (one of the group buying firms with highest net loss), is en route to IPO as well. Before we embrace this and derive any verdict, let us first take a look at the Chinese group buying scene and some of the figures released by Groupon and Lashou prior to their IPO.

Lashou’s Losses are 15% that of Groupon, but Groupon Earns 77 times More!

Lashou was launched in March 2010, about 16 months after Groupon’s inception in November 2008.





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Furthermore, higher operating expenses can be attributed to the initial stages of starting a company, where there are sunk costs incurred, that can be diluted over time.

Groupon Competes with Living Social, but Lashou has 20 Challengers!

Groupon has expanded its reach into more than 40 countries, and due to the market structure, there are normally 2 to 3 large competitors in each of the markets.

However, the Chinese market is much more competitive. Since the inception of the first few group buying firms in China (Lashou being one of them) in March 2010, the industry has witnessed explosive growth, with about 2000 group buying websites emerging by the end of the year.



Grouponの競争相手はLiving Socialだが、Lashouには20社の競合他社がいる!



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This shows the competitiveness of the Chinese market, and as such, in order to build brand recognition and remain relevant, companies need to have huge advertising budgets to expand rapidly.

On top of that, the group buying market in China has evolved. The group buying business model is now not unique to pure group buying firms. There is an increasing trend of major e-commerce firms integrating group buying into their services, with big players in the different sub fields such as 360buy.com(Electronics), Vancl(Clothes & Apparels) and Ctrip(tourism) integrating group buying as one of their sales models. This expands the playing field for the entire industry, therefore driving further competition.




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App Economy – Hidden Story Behind the Rosy App World

Apps Are Disrupting The Web

August 2010, Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief at Wired co-authored a controversial yet thought-provoking piece announcing the death of web due in large part to the prevalence of a new breed of simpler, sleeker service – aka apps, a shift driven fundamentally by the rise of the iPhone/Android model of mobile computing. It seems to him that the ubiquitous of apps would eventually strip away everyone’s needs to go through the Web to Internet. Aided by a disparate set of apps on different mobile devices, one now can hang up to Internet all day long without accessing to Web.




2010年8月、Wired誌の編集長Chris Anderson(クリス・アンダーソン)氏は、ウェブが衰退するという議論の余地はあるが考え深い記事を共同執筆している。iPhoneやAndroidなどのモバイルコンピューティングが台頭したことで、根本的な変化をもたらし、ウェブに似ているが新しく更にシンプルでシャレたサービス—つまりアプリが広く普及しているというのが、その大きな理由なのだそうだ。同氏にしてみれば、広く普及するアプリが最終的にはインターネットをするためにウェブにアクセスするという必要性を削ぐということらしい。様々なモバイル機器にダウンロードされた異なる一連のアプリのおかげで、ウェブにアクセスしなくても、一日中インターネットをすることができるのだ。

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Case in point. You wake up to numerous emails on your iPhone/Android phone. On your way to the office you read Wall Street Journal and Economist for a while and then flip through Sina Weibo and Facebook and switch back and forth between those – of course – apps. The list can go on and on till you finally come to realize what I’m trying to get at – we’re already surrounded by apps that could virtually enable us to interact with technology, Internet and the real world around us in as profound a way as the Web could.

Apple App Store, which opened On July 2008 and currently hosts 425,000 apps for various iOS devices as well as over 100,000 native to iPad topped 15 billion downloads as of this July.


その良い例はこうだ。朝起きるとすぐに、iPhoneやAndroid携帯で数多くのメールをチェックする。出勤途中では、ウォールストリートジャーナルやエコノミストをしばらく読んで、その後、Sina Weibo(新朗微博)やFacebookをチェックするなど、複数の、もちろん「アプリ」を行ったり来たりしている。私が言おうとすることに読者が気付くまで例を挙げることもできるが、総括すれば、ウェブが提供していたのと同じレベルで、テクノロジーやインターネット、そして現実の社会と触れ合うことのできるアプリに既に私達は囲まれているのだ。

2008年7月にオープンした Apple App Atoreは現在、様々なiOS機器向けに425,000種類、iPad専用には100,000種類のアプリを提供しており、この7月時点でのダウンロード数は150億を超えている。

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Manufacturers and operators are covered in gold through contributing to the grand picture. HTC has successfully pulled off a transformation from OEM manufacturer to the market leader in Android phones in more than two years after the company launched the first Android phone in 2008 while MOTO turned around since the launch of its first Droid phone in late 2009. Operators also reaped big amounts from the data plan spawned by mobile connection.

The Revenue Dilemma

And, how about the app developers, those who literally crafted and perfected all these apps?

The convention wisdom tells us that there’re two major revenue sources for app developers, charge the app or give it out for free with ads.






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According to a late report, it’s quite hard to charge users given the market condition and customer habits here. The pitfall was evidenced by s startup’s gloomy sales in one of the companies Android-based freemium video player which has over 3 million downloads for its ad-included free version whereas only less than 5% people pay for a ad-free version.

That’s why a vast majority of Android developers and even some iOS developers resort to mobile ads platform and mobile ads.

In a concerted report by market researcher iResearch and mobile ads optimizer Guohe Ad, there’re currently three types of different mobile ads platforms in Chinese.




マーケット調査会社のiResearchとモバイル広告のオプティマイザーGuohe Ad(果合)による共同調査報告によれば、現在、3つの異なるタイプの中国語のモバイル広告プラットフォームがある。

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The first one is in-app-store ad platform by operators or mobile vendors who own their own app store, typified by Admob (Google), iAd (Apple) and 189Works/Ad (China Telecom) while mobisage, Vpon, SmartMAD, Adwo and domob are the post child for the second group, mobile ad platforms. Adwhirl, mobClix and Guohe Ad fall under the third category, mobile ads optimizer and optimizer aiming at generating more revenue in apps through optimizing ads impressions. Some other means include automatically switching between different ad platforms when one fails to maximize revenue.


1つめは、独自のアプリストアを持つオペレーターやモバイルベンダーによるアプリストア内の広告プラットフォームで、Admob(Google)、iAd(Apple)、189Workds/Ad(中国電信)などがある。2つめはモバイル広告プラットフォームで、mobisage、Vpon、SmartMAD(億動智道)、Adwod(安沃伝媒)、domob(多盟)らが、このグループの代表格だ。3つめのグループは、Adwhirl、mobClix、Guohe Ad(果合)などのモバイル広告のオプティマイザーで、広告のインプレッションを最適化することでアプリの収益を伸ばすことを目的にしたオプティマイザーだ。その他の方法には、あるプラットフォームが収益を最大限に引き上げることに失敗した際に異なるプラットフォームに自動的に切り替えるものもある。