zhizi 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(簡体字)
zhizi 英語 → 日本語

Firstly, what sit at the core of Flipboard – its disruption of elegant magazine-style e-reading experience and concept of personalized social magazine – have all been copied by its Chinese clones. On that front, they’re standing on the same starting line. Meanwhile, these local players with their first mover advantage have signed up a great quantity of local publications to provide quality content for users for free. Apparently it’ll take Flipboard some time to catch up with them on that front. Plus, almost all its Chinese rivals support both iOS and Android platform, which help them reach out to a broader audience.


まず、Flipboard のキーポイント(エレガントに雑誌を読むように電子書籍を読むという劇的な変化、そして個人的なソーシャルマガジンというコンセプト)は、すべて中国のクローンサイトにコピーされている。そういう意味では、皆同じスタートラインについている。しかし、真っ先にFlipboard系アプリを中国で導入した強みを持つ現地企業は中国国内の数多くの出版社と提携を結び、利用者に無料で質の高いコンテンツを提供している。こういう状況では、Flipboard が競合他社に追いつくのに時間がかかるのは明らかだ。さらに、中国の競合他社のほとんどすべての企業が iOS と Andoroid プラットフォームの両方に対応しているので、(Flipboardよりも)より多くの利用者を取り込むことができる。

zhizi 日本語 → 英語




and we work in local communities together with their local people on development, procurement, production and sale for our products.”

He also sent a encouraging message to the company’s new recruits. “You have just joined our company in Japan, and your working stage is not only in Japan but also in the world. We would like you to start working, always thinking about what kind of contribution we can make to the world and how we can make the best of Japanese corporate strength and identity. First of all, be a person with global perspective without sticking to the Japanese tradition, in order to contribute to the global growth. We wish you all the best of success and look forward to seeing your great work as soon as possible.