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But a partner at GSR Ventures, Zhu Xiaohu, let slip on his microblog page that things were not looking too good for the VIPShop proposal, saying that “the IPO window” is probably not open to the e-commerce site. He later added, as he was a party to the discussions, that it’s “still very challenging. [VIPShop is] too aggressive on price range.”

Others in the industry also rate VIPShop’s chances as slim – partly because the global economic outlook is still a bit grim, but mainly because the e-commerce site’s profit margins are pretty thin and some of its logistics costs are reportedly twice that of other leading sites in this sector in China.


だが、GSR Ventures のパートナー Zhu Xiaohu 氏は、自身のマイクロブログページで VIPShop の提案についての状況はあまり上手くいっていないと口を滑らせ、 eコマースサイトには「IPOのチャンス」はおそらくないだろうと言っている。その後、同氏は論議の当事者として「依然としてかなり難しい。(VIPShopは)価格帯に関して独断的すぎる」と付け加えた。


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So what companies are winning on weibo? If you take a look at the pure follower numbers, computer products for nerds (UC web browser, World of Warcraft) and shopping and sharing sites for ladies (Meilishuo, Mushroom Street, Ai Wu) dominate the list.

But anyone can buy zombies, and since these numbers were almost certainly collected before real name registration went into effect last week, what really matters is who has got the most active followers. Pinterest-y fashion sharing site Meilishuo tops that list, followed by Mushroom Street and rounded out by YinYueTai (a music platform), Weico (a weibo client), and Tmall.


では、Weibo で企業は何を競っているのか?純フォロワー数で見れば、専門家向けのパソコン商品(UC Webブラウザ、World of Warcraft)や女性向けのショッピングと共有サイト(Meilishuo、Mushroom Street、Ai Wu)がリストを独占している。

だが、誰でもゾンビ(架空アカウント)を買うことができるし、この数字が収集されたのは先週施行された実名制度前だったことはほぼ確実なので、一番肝心なのは誰がアクティブフォロワーを一番多く抱えているかということだ。すると、Pinterest 系のファッション共有サイトの Meilishuo がトップで、その次は Mushroom Street、残りは YinYueTai(ミュージックプラットフォーム)、Weico(Weiboのクライアント)そしてTmallとなっている。

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YouTube Launches Localized Service in Malaysia

We just received word from the folks at YouTube that the popular online video site has just launched a localized service for Malaysia. As of about two hours ago, Malaysians can visit youtube.com.my or set their location setting to ‘Malaysia’ at the bottom of the YouTube page.

YouTube’s Asia Pacific director of product management, Adam Smith elaborated on the new regional service:

Over the last few years Malaysians have been watching YouTube in huge numbers, and by launching a version of the site optimized for Malaysia today, we aim to create an even more relevant local YouTube experience.



人気動画サイトのYouTube がマーレーシア・ローカライズ版をローンチしたと、たった今 YouTube の人達から聞いた。2時間前から、マレーシアの人達は youtube.com.my のサイトを見たり、YouTube サイトの下にある場所の設定を「マレーシア」に登録することができるようになった。

YouTube プロダクト・マネジメント・アジア太平洋地区の責任者 Adam Smith 氏はこの新しいローカライズ版について次のように説明した。
「過去数年、マレーシアでは数多くの人が YouTube を見ているので、今のマレーシアのために最適化したサイトをローンチし、現地にもっと関連した YouTube 体験を作ることを目指している。」

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The announcement has some positive implications for the music industry as well, as Malaysian musicians represented by the collecting society MACP can profit from having videos on YouTube, and even use it as a platform to springboard to a global stage.

Youtube also has partnerships in place with prominent Malaysian media companies such as Astro Malaysia and KRU Studios.

Our readers may recall that it was just back in October that YouTube also launched a localized site for Singapore as well.

Check out the ‘Welcome to Malaysia, Youtube’ video below, which features a number of prominent musicians offering their congratulations.


この発表は音楽業界にもよい影響を与えている。というは、著作権管理団体 MACP のメンバーになっているマレーシアのミュージシャンは YouTube にビデオを投稿することで恩恵がえられるし、あるいは世界へ飛躍するためのプラットフォームとして利用することもできる。

Youtube は Astro Malaysia や KRU Studios などマレーシアの著名なメディア企業とも提携している。

読者の中には、ほんの少し前の昨年10月に YouTubeがシンガポールでもローカライズ版をローンチしたのを思い出す人もいるだろう。

下の「Welcome to Malaysia, Youtube」をチェックしてみて。たくさんの有名ミュージシャンがお祝いの言葉を送っている。

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Why Don't Young Americans Buy Cars?
Auto makers are worried about the Millennials. They just don't seem to care about owning a car. Is this a generational shift, or just a lousy economy at work?
Kids these days. They don't get married. They don't buy homes. And, much to the dismay of the world's auto makers, they apparently don't feel a deep and abiding urge to own a car.
This week, the New York Times pulled back the curtain on General Motors' recent, slightly bewildered efforts to connect with the Millennials -- that giant generational cohort born in the 1980s and 1990s whose growing consumer power is reshaping the way corporate America markets its wares.





ニューヨークタイムズは今週、 ミレニアム世代と接点を持つためにジェネラルモーターズが最近行なった若干意外な取組みを紹介した。ミレニアム世代とは、80〜90年代に生まれた大きな世代グループで、伸び続ける彼らの消費者パワーがアメリカの経済の商売のやり方を変えている。

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Unfortunately for car companies, today's teens and twenty-somethings don't seem all that interested in buying a set of wheels. They're not even particularly keen on driving.
The Times notes that less than half of potential drivers age 19 or younger had a license in 2008, down from nearly two-thirds in 1998. The fraction of 20-to-24-year-olds with a license has also dropped. And according to CNW research, adults between the ages of 21 and 34 buy just 27 percent of all new vehicles sold in America, a far cry from the peak of 38 percent in 1985.

At a major conference last year, Toyota USA President Jim Lentz offered up a fairly doleful summary of the industry's challenge.




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"We have to face the growing reality that today young people don't seem to be as interested in cars as previous generations," Lentz said. "Many young people care more about buying the latest smart phone or gaming console than getting their driver's license."

The billion-dollar question for automakers is whether this shift is truly permanent, the result of a baked-in attitude shift among Millennials that will last well into adulthood, or the product of an economy that's been particularly brutal on the young.
There are plenty of reasons to suspect the latter. The Millennials have become notorious for delaying, or entirely skipping, the traditional markers of adulthood.




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But as my colleague Derek Thompson has argued, that's largely because the economic milieu that shaped their parents' and and grandparents' lives has disappeared. How can you buy a home when you're underemployed and saddled with student debt? Why would you want to after the horror of the collapsing housing bubble? And why would a 25-year-old woman get married when so many of the men she knows are out of work, while she's financially independent?

Collectively, the Millennials still have a tremendous amount of spending money. But although they may have been synonymous with youth culture way back in the 20th century, cars are extremely adult investments -- exactly the type twenty-somethings tend to shy from now.




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Even a bottom-tier Kia Sedan will run you $12,000, not counting the monthly cost of insurance, repairs, and filling up on $3.90-a-gallon gasoline. If there are reasonable, nearby alternatives to owning -- say, paying for a Zip Car membership, or taking the subway -- why commit to the expense?

Of course, Millennials are more likely than past generations to live in an urban community, and this may be part of what terrifies car markers. About 32 percent reside in cities, somewhat higher than the proportion of Generation X'ers or Baby Boomers who did when they were the same age, according to a 2009 Pew Research Center report.




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But as the Wall Street Journal reports, surveys have found that 88 percent want to live in an urban environment. When they're forced to settle down in a suburb, they prefer communities like Bethesda, Maryland, or Arlington, Virginia, which feature plenty of walking distance restaurants, retail, and public transportation to nearby Washington, DC.

If the Millennials truly become the peripatetic generation, walking to the office, the bus stop, or the corner store, it could mean a longterm dent in car sales. It's doubly problematic if they choose to raise children in the city. Growing up in the 'burbs was part of the reason driving was so central to Baby Boomers' lives.




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Car keys meant freedom. To city dwellers, they mean struggling to find an empty parking spot.
GM is hoping that the right car, at the right price, can solve these challenges. According to the WSJ, the company has appointed a 31-year-old marketing executive named John McFarland as its "youth emissary" to try and turn cars back into the sorts of attractive toys that can compete with smart phones and tablets in the Millennial consciousness. During the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, he told the paper: "You hear [Millennials] don't have money. They do and there is potential. You just have to have a product that gives them exactly what they want."



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The company has also retained MTV Scratch, a consulting group owned by media conglomerate Viacom dedicated to teaching brands how to appeal to today's youth. As the Times put it, "The strategy is to infuse General Motors with the same insights that made MTV reality shows like 'Jersey Shore' and 'Teen Mom' breakout hits." Here's a taste of their method:

On a recent Tuesday morning in the General Motors Technical Center, which was designed by Eero Saarinen, a couple of car executives huddled around a "persona board" in the color and trim laboratory.They studied a collage loaded with images of hip products like headphones created by Dr. Dre, a tablet computer and a chunky watch.


同社はさらにMTVスクラッチ(MTV Scratch)も雇っている。MTV スクラッチは、今日の若者にどのようにアプローチするかをブランド(企業)に教えるヴィアコム(Viacom)というメディア複合企業が所有しているコンサルティンググループだ。ニューヨークタイムズは「大ヒット作の『マカロニ野郎のニュージャージ・ライフ』や『ティーン・マム』などのMTVリアリティー番組を作ったのと同じ見識をジェネラルモーターズに吹き込むことが戦略だ」と言っている。彼らの方法はこうだ。
