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Additionally, many of these brands, including Samsung and Nokia also have a partnership with other China e-commerce companies. It is really smart to cooperate with local platforms and leverage the local understanding and resources these platforms have to offer.

Another approach to consider is building your own e-commerce platform like Apple or Estee Lauder, which have their own online stores. High-end or luxury products which need to maintain an exclusive distance from average consumers and popular brands might take this approach instead of opening stores on Tmall. Overall, I think this will not be easy given the different online shopping habits I mentioned earlier.



出店を考慮するにあたってのもう一つのアプローチは、AppleやEstee Lauderは独自のオンラインストアを持っているが、彼らのように独自のeコマースプラットフォームを作ることだ。一般の顧客や大衆向けのブランドからは距離を置く必要のあるハイエンドな製品や高級な製品はTmallに出店するかわりにこのアプローチを取るだろう。総合的に見て、先に述べたような様々なオンラインショッピングにおける慣習を考えるとこれは簡単ではないように思える。

yashiro148 英語 → 日本語

UX is not just talking about making wireframes. UX is an umbrella term encompassing how your users will interact with your product. By finding out who your users are and why they would use your product, UX can help you go back to the users and determine what they want before you make major decisions on what features to implement and design.

In my opinion, UX is supposed to be present in strategic level decisions, not treated separately as part of the design process. UX strategy is about the big picture on how you can deliver a compelling and engaging experience and it is highly relying on your ability to bring about marketing, engineering, IT, product development, sales, and operational efforts.




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The return of IDG and Zero2IPO in a second round could be construed as a very good sign for FClub’s growth in the past year. The site is following the path first taken by the Chinese flash sales site VIPShop, which listed on the NYSE in March of this year.

Speaking to the Chinese media last week, Zero2IPO’s Wang Lipeng praised FClub’s “precise positioning and meticulous management” in this tricky B2C e-commerce sector.

FClub has self-reported having two million registered users, of whom 400,000 are active. It has 500 employees, including all those at its warehouses. Based in Shanghai, the startup site has offices in Guangzhou and Hong Kong too.



Zero2IPOのWang Lipengは先週中国メディアに対し話をし、この難しいB2C eコマース分野でのFClubの「正確なポジショニングと細やかなマネジメント」を褒め称えた。


yashiro148 英語 → 日本語

You can identify your indirect competitors by going broad and listing the companies with the same market as yours. When I started gantibaju.com, I didn’t think of competing directly with Threadless but more on to the communities of designers in Indonesia. If I want to lure them in, I need to ‘steal’ their time on other similar designer community sites, which is why I stole my first members from the Indonesian community at Deviant Art and also from other similar sites. On retail, I’m competing with other t-shirt distros, directly with the ones upholding a nationalistic theme but indirectly with the general population of t-shirt distros targeting the age of 24-32.


広く調査を行い、同じ市場にいる企業をリストアップすることで間接的な競争相手を特定することができる。私がgantibaju.comを始めた時、Threadlessと直接競争することは考えていなかったが、それ以上にインドネシアのデザイナーのコミュニティーと競うつもりはなかった。彼らをおびき出したかったら、ほかの似たようなデザイナーのコミュニティーサイトで彼らの時間を「盗む」必要がある。それが私がDeviant Artでインドネシアのコニュニティーから最初のメンバーを盗み、ほかの似たようなサイトからも盗んだ理由だ。小売に関して、私はほかのTシャツの流通と競合している、直接的には国家主義的なテーマを支持している流通と競合しているが、間接的には24歳から32歳をターゲットとしているTシャツの流通全体とも競合している。

yashiro148 英語 → 日本語

How One Startup Aims to Help Filipinos Commute With Ease

They say driving in the Philippines is not for the faint hearted. As for commuting, that can be even worse. That’s the problem that this startup aims to ease. Commute.ph is a web application co-founded by four young individuals. In a nutshell, its founders describe it in this way:

It is a commuting guide for Filipinos. It provides detailed directions that include step-by-step routes to take, what to ride, and how much. The directions provided are crowdsourced and driven by the community. Meaning, the directions are added by commuters or the people who know how to commute.





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Together, they joined Startup Weekend Manila and met their fourth member, JP Dela Torre. They coded and designed and worked on Commute.ph over the weekend of the contest. Despite not winning, they continued working on the web app as they deemed it to be usable already.

To this day, they only measure their users through website traffic. According to Jolo, they are getting an average of 30 visits per day and it’s slowly increasing.

Commute.ph is bootstrapped by its founders, and have no investors yet. They do not have a revenue model as such, and “just want to create a quality service for commuters.” Although in the future, ads or an API are some possible monetizations models they are looking into.


全員で、彼らはStartup Weekend Manilaに参加し、4人目の仲間に出会った。JP Dela Torreだ。彼らはコンテストのあった週末にかけてCommute.phのコーディングやデザインなど作成に取り組んだ。優勝こそ出来なかったものの、彼らはCommute.phはすでに使用出来るレベルにあると考え、作成を続けた。

