yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 日本語 → 英語

フランクフルトからの参加。遠い道のりで片道5時間。メンバーは、一人旅の日本人女性、私たち夫婦と香港の女性一人旅。これ以上無いくらいの素敵な運転手さんは、本当に車の温度を気にしてくれたり トイレを聞いてくれたり 感じのいい人でした。遠いので食事は車の中でボソボソサンドイッチ。やっとの思いで着いたお城は雨女の私。結構降ってたけど、城の中は素晴らしく感激。夜のローデンベルクはロマンチックで素敵。1時間オーバーで空腹の中10時に帰宅。いいドライバーさんに当たり、いい思いでになりました


I joined in this trip from Frankfurt. It was such a long journey that it took 5 hours one way. The members were a Japanese lady who was on a solo trip, my partner and I and a lady from Hong Kong who was on a solo trip. The driver was more than wonderful. He cared about the temperature inside the car and constantly asked us if we wanted to go for a toilet break. He was such a gentleman. As it was a long journey, we ate some sandwiches inside the car. When we finally got to the castle, it was raining. I am such a rain goddess. It was raining quite a bit, but I was amazed at how beautiful inside the castle was. Rothenburg at night was romantic and amazing. It took an hour and a bit more to get back to the accommodation at 10pm with an empty stomach. This has become such a memorable trip because of the great driver.