I wan to confirm one thing about the delivery.The bath mat I ordered at the beginning of this month is still not arrived in Japan.Below is the list of ordered items and its ordering date.Below item arrived on Jan.27.Large sized color: I heard ivory is the back order, so is other color also back color?If the items have been delivered, could you tell me the tracking number of the items with ordering data Jan.6, Jan.9 and Jan.13?I will try to contact with the delivery company that usually receives my item.
Ok, as you know this watch was for a gift.When in received it, i take a look at it, test it shortly and put somewhere my boyfriend can't find it.I just test the chronometer and nothing works.What do you offer me?A return?i can offer you $800for the camera and $600 for the body plus $35 postage
オーケー、この時計はあなたが知っているように贈り物だった。受け取ったときに、それを見てまもなくテストし、彼氏はが見つけることができないとこに置いていた。クロノメーターをテストし、何も動作しません。あなたはどのようなものを提供しますか?戻り?カメラ$800for ・ ボディ $600 + 郵便料金$35 を提供できます。
In liquor drinks I especially like wine, but I am not familiar with Spain produced wine. Therefore, although it is a hard-earned family trip, my father is also addicted with liquors, we both participated in the trip.It was very fun! After looking at VTR, I visited winery and tasted wine! Besides, although is is Frecyne's hippo, th explanation is full of knowledge we haven't heard before .Sitges was very feel like a resort. Unlike Japan, I wanted to be at the fascinating beaches of the Mediterranean forever.
Ces qualités, on les retrouvera dans ce deuxième livre de Guérard. Celui qui restera probablement comme « le » grand cuisinier de sa génération a mis ici ses idées à notre portée en nous livrant de manière claire les secrets d'une cuisine originale et inventive. D'une rigoureuse technique, équilibrant les saveurs subtiles, respectant de justes cuissons, elle est cependant simple au point qu'ont disparu complètement les fameux fonds qui effraient tant les amateurs et qui, tropsouvent, alourdissent inutilement les plats.
これらの資質をGuérard の 2 番目の本で見つける 。彼は彼の世代で最も素晴らしいシェフだったといいつつ、ここでは僕たちに鮮明にオリジナルかつクリエイティブな料理の秘密を伝えようとしていた。厳格な技術、微妙な味の分散、クッキングへの尊重というのはこの技術の簡単さとを愛好家と有名な資金を怖がらせる。多くの場合には不必要に重い料理になります。
It is a little late, but happy new year!Thank you again for this year.We also want to ask you this time to ship our products to Japan.For more product information please refer to the attachment.Last time our office did not directly handled the delivery, instead I arranged the procedures of importation.This time please ensure transport to our Office.In addition, an extra amount ($ 300) that occurred mistakenly last time shoul be subtratced from the quote this time, please.It took too much time, including procedures, for delivery last time.so please deliver smoothly this time.
I was touched.I was greatly satisfied with the dinner appreciation at the end of the tour. When I first entered the room, I felt thrilled. When I looked at the picture, I was figuring out the message that DaVinci was trying to convey. Once I studied before appreciation for the background and history of this painting, I think the 15-minute period would become more meaningful. I strongly recommend.
I am in the mood of traveling alone in Bernina Express.Since it is not easy to get the chance to think of the country next door, I took part in the tour. St. Moritz is indeed unlike Italy, just like Switzerland! I've very enjoyed the atmosphere of that feeling and the greatest thing, among others, is the Bernina Express.I thought I could take a relaxed sleep in the train, but it is really too good to fall asleep. After all, I was well awake from Tirano to St. Moritz and were busy taking the pictures.
お客様に語弊を与えてしまっていたなら申し訳ございません。もしキャンセルされるようでしたら速やかに全額返金致します。ですが、40本限定の日本限定モデルですので、非常に価値のあるものに変わりはございません。トップメイプルは、1,000枚を超える膨大な量のストックから、最上級のグレードのフィギュアを選定し、カラーとのマッチングを想定して選ばれた材を使用しております。もし購入されるようでしたらThe Beauty Of The Burstをプレゼント致します。返答お待ちしております。
Sorry if we had given giving misleading information to your customers. We will promptly fully refund if it is canceled. But, because it is the 40 exclusive models of limited edition in Japan, there is no change that they are very valuable. Top maple is made of the figure of the finest grade from a huge amount of stock in excess of 1,000 sheets, we use the wood chosen in consideration of the matching of the color. If you buy, you will have "the The Beauty Of The Burst" as a present. We look forward to your reply.
ご連絡ありがとうございます。AGITOのMy Jobs内を確認してもビデオが見当たりません。もしかしたら通常の業務と間違えてdeclineしてしまった可能性もありますので、確認いただけますでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for your contact.Although I checked "My Jobs" on AGITO, I cannot find the video.Maybe it has been declined by mistakenly regard it as different from normal operations, so could you check it?Thank you.
On January 8th, Japan Exhibition Association (Ishizumi Tadao chairman) carried out New Year banquet at the ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo. About 710 people participated which is the most compared to the past.Ishizumi chairman, who gave the opening remarks, newly announced three strategies for achieving the target till 2020. Specifically, ① increase the number of expositions to 1000, three times the number of the past, ② three times the gross domestic exhibition area based on expansion and construction of new venue ③increase the number of companies and organizations by three times to 1000."if the scale of exposition industry triples, the ripple effect of the Japanese economy will be immerse. " the chairman says as the new year's resolution.
Voyage en famille en Noël, la famille McAllister qui vivant à Chicago allait à Paris. Mais le matin de la journée, tout le monde serait dormi car le réveil qui a été fixé est remis à zéro par panne de courant, Dépêchez-vous vers l'aéroport, le 8 ans Kevin qui dormait dans le grenier par la querelle avec le frère de la veille avait été laissé seul.Kevin est joyeux que la famille a disparu et jouisse d'une vie seule. Cependant, deux groupes de voleurs visait à cette maison. Afin de protéger la maison contre les voleurs, Kevin créeait un mécanisme de nécessités quotidiennes pour la maison par embuscader les voleurs.
書き込み完了時の画面今度はチップRGBだ!各種LEDに対応した専用Pad 赤枠ebayで代表的な3528サイズ (1個3円~)RGBは型番ごとに用意されているPadに押し当てます初期設定では赤のみ点灯します色ごとに確認したい時は裏面のDRと書かれたJPをカットします金属製のピンセットで点灯させたい色のHoleを接続すると対応する色が点灯しますBT6はシルクと点灯色が違いますブレッドボード直差しでTinyを開発しよう!Tinyは試作用、TRIGは組込用としてターゲットしています
Screen at the time of writing completionThis time is chip RGB!Pad exclusively applicable to the various kinds of LED, red frametypical size 3528 on eBay (3 yen each)RGB is pressed against the Pad that is prepared for each part numberOnly red color will be ignited in the initial settingWhen you want to check each color you can cut the JP written at the back of the DRWhen you bridge the hole of the color that you want to be ignited with the metallic tweezers, corresponding color will ignite.The silk color and lighting color of BT6 is differentDirectly point breadboard and develop Tiny!Tiny is in trial period, TRIG is targeted for building in.
I was looking for this product on Amazon, but I didn't wanted to buy it, due to the fact that the shipping was so expensive. However, I have recieved it twice. I'm agree to stay with one of the thermal bento, but I want to return the other one. I have received this product with other ones that I didna?t want to buy. I have only done a proof of purchase to see the shipping cost but I didna?t continue it because it was expensive. Amazon used my bank data and an address that wasn't the one in the proof. Now to return the items I've to pay all the shipping costs that are so expensive, so I've to stay with the products to not spend more money.
当商品は撮影・mini dv再生は確認しました。全く異常はありませんでした。しかし、当機種は古い物で多少機能に不安定な部分があります。メーカーでも生産・修理・点検は終わっており詳細までは確認が出来ないのが現状です。そして、この商品は完璧な商品をお求めになられている方が多く多少のノイズ程度でもクレームになってしまう為あくまでも、部品取りという事で出品しております。ご理解頂いてご入札頂ければ嬉しいです。
The function of photography and mini dv replay of this product has been confirmed. There is nothing abnormal with it.However, since this product is old-typed, it might not function very smoothly from time to time.The current situation is that the production, reparation and inspection has been completed by the manufacturer, but details cannot be confirmed.In addition, since many users ask for perfection in this product, there will be complaint even if the product has some minor problems. We will at most present this product as spare parts donor.Thank you for your kind understanding.
15周年YEAR記念!「LINE PLAY」倖田來未の公式ルームに、いままでリリースした曲やライブのアイテムが登場倖田來未の公式アバターが登場中の、アバターコミュニケーションアプリ「LINE PLAY」に、第2弾アイテムが本日12月8日(月)より登場となります。
15周年纪念!「LINE PLAY」幸田来未的官方网站中加入迄今为止发行的歌曲以及现场歌会内容。从12月8日起,幸田来未官方网站Avatar可以在Avatar Communication应用「LINE PLAY」中使用了。
新曲「Dance In The Rain」の衣装やアイテムをはじめ、15周年YEARを記念して、いままでリリースした曲やライブのアイテムなど、倖田來未といえばコレ!なアイテムもたくさんご用意しました。この機会にぜひ「LINE PLAY」で遊んでみてください!【アプリ詳細】LINE PLAY公式サイトhttp://lp.play.line.me/LINE PLAY公式ブログhttp://blog.lineplay.jp/archives/42252190.html
我们特别为您准备了许多已经成为幸田来未代名词的物品,包括新曲「Dance In The Rain」中出现的服装、道具,或是为纪念出道15周年迄今为止发行的单曲以及现场歌会的物件。特请您通过「LINE PLAY」尽情享用此次机会。【应用软件详细信息】LINE PLAY官网http://lp.play.line.me/LINE PLAY官方博客http://blog.lineplay.jp/archives/42252190.html
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