Orange Is the New Black is an American comedy-drama series[1][2] created by Jenji Kohan and first released on Netflix on July 11, 2013.[3] The series, produced by Tilted Productions in association with Lionsgate Television, is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, about her experiences in prison.[4] The second season premiered on June 6, 2014 at 3:00 am EDT.[5][6] The series has been renewed for a third season.[7] On July 10, 2014, the series received 12 Primetime Emmy Award nominations.
Orange Is the New BlackはアメリカのJenji Kohanが作成したコメディドラマシリーズ[1][2]で、2013年7月11日にNetflixで初放映された。[3] そのシリーズはLionsgate Televisionとの連携によりTilted Productionsがプロデュース、Orange Is the New Black-私が女子刑務所で過ごした1年間という自信の刑務所での経験によりPiper Kerman's の回想録を元に作られた。[4] 2014年6月6日午前3時(米国東部夏時間)にシーズン2の初日を迎えた。[5][6] シリーズはシーズン3に突入。[7] 2014年7月10日、シリーズはエミー賞ゴールデンアワー部門において12のノミネートに輝いた。
The series revolves around Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling), a bisexual woman living in New York City who is sentenced to 15 months in a women's federal prison (operated by the Federal Department of Corrections, a fictionalized version of the Federal Bureau of Prisons), for transporting a suitcase full of drug money to her former girlfriend, Alex Vause (Laura Prepon), who is an international drug smuggler/mule. The offense occurred ten years prior to the start of the series, and in that time Piper had moved on to a quiet, law-abiding life among New York's upper middle class. In prison, Piper is reunited with Alex and they re-examine their relationship and deal with their fellow inmates.
このシリーズはニューヨークで暮らすレズビアンの女性が、(国際麻薬不法所持/密輸を行っていたかつてのガールフレンドAlex Vause (Laura Prepon))に宛ててスーツケースに一杯詰まった麻薬資金を届けた罪で、(連邦刑務所局をフィクション化させた連邦更生部門により運営されているとする)連邦女子刑務所に15ヶ月間の服役を命ぜられる主人公Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling)の周囲で展開する。その不法行為はシリーズ開始から10年前に遡り、当時彼女はニューヨークの中上流階級で静かで合法的な人生へと切り替えていた。刑務所ではPiperがAlexが再開して相互の関係を見つめなおし収監期間を過ごしていく。
Orange Is the New Black has received critical acclaim. For Season 1, Metacritic gives a score of 79/100 based on reviews from 31 critics, indicating generally favorable reviews.[24] Rotten Tomatoes gives a score of 93%, with an average rating of 8.2/10 based on 40 reviews. The site's consensus is "Orange Is the New Black is a sharp mix of black humor and dramatic heft, with interesting characters and an intriguing flashback structure.
Orange Is the New Blackは批評家の賞賛を浴びた。一般的に好意的なレビューを寄せた31人の批評を元に、Metacritic はシーズン1を100点中79点と評価した。[24]Rotten Tomatoes は93%のスコアを与え、40のレビューを基準に平均10点満点中8.2点と評価。当サイトの総意として「Orange Is the New Blackは鋭いブラックユーモアとドラマチックな勢いを兼ね備え、面白いキャラクターとぞくぞくするようなフラッシュバック構成によりできている。」と評価された。
I have a favour to ask you. H is a baby doll I am going to give my friend as a gift. Please set H's weight as 6.7 pounds as my friend asked me so. Also, I am sorry to bother you, but when you send me the picture after the doll's hair is done, would you please send me a photo of the doll taken from right in the front so that the figure would appear in bilateral symmetry. As for my friend, the photo of the doll you sent me the other day appears as if it's mouth is distorted. I tried to convince the friend it is bilaterally symmetric, but I failed to do so. Sorry for asking you this in your busyness. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Grazie per il contatto rapido. Dal momento che il mio account Amazon è in fase di screening (non è perché io sono in difficoltà), non è disponibile per la visualizzazione, per ora. La proiezione sarà effettuata in poche settimane e sarà disponibile per la vostra conferma. Se volete ordinare qualcosa nel frattempo, potrei farli pronto per voi. Per questi due elementi che si desidera ordinare, io confermare la disponibilità così si prega di attendere per un po '. Penso che ci siano dojinshi per Transformer in Giappone, anche. Vuoi che io per cercare altre dojinshi, troppo?
※武道館ライヴのプレゼントBOXについて※9月12日(金)日本武道館公演会場にはプレゼントBOXの設置はしない事となりました。尚、スタッフがお預かりする事も出来ませんのでメンバーへのプレゼントは、KISSme JAPAN宛に送って頂けますようお願い致します。
*Present BOX at Budokan live*It is determined that the present BOX will not be situated for the performance at Nihon Budokan on Friday, September 12.If you wish to give presents to the members, since the staffs cannot take care of them, please send them to KISSme Japan.
札幌 真駒内セキスイハイムアイスアリーナWESS011-614-9999
Sapporo Makomanai Sekisui Heim Ice ArenaWESS011-614-9999
Yokohama ArenaDisk Garage050-5533-0888
福岡 マリンメッセTSUKUSU092-771-9009
Fukuoka MarinemesseTSUKUSU092-771-9009
福井 サンドームキョードー北陸025-245-5100
Fukui SundomeKYODO Hokuriku025-245-5100
長野 ビッグハットキョードー北陸025-245-5100
Nagano Big HatKYODO Hokuriku 025-245-5100
宮城 セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナGIP022-222-9999
Miyagi Sekisui Heim Super ArenaGIP022-222-9999
新潟 朱鷺メッセキョードー北陸025-245-5100
Niigata Toki MesseKYODO Hokuriku025-245-5100
広島 グリーンアリーナ夢番地(広島)082-249-3571
Hiroshima Green ArenaYumebanchi (Hiroshima)082-249-3571
静岡 エコパアリーナキョードー東海052-972-7466
Shizuoka ECOPA ArenaKYODO Tokai052-972-7466
Osaka Jo HallYumebanchi06-6341-3525
東京 国立代々木競技場第一体育館ディスクガレージ050-5533-0888
TOkyo Yoyogi National Gymnasium The 1st National Gymnasium Disk Garage050-5533-0888
I bought this machine about a month ago, but as per attached, the main machine display is defected due to the contact failure of the body head.As I tried with the other backup machine with the normal head, it shows properly.This therefore is not a failure of the main machine.Since it has only been a month, please send me the body head to the below address as a replacement.
名古屋 日本ガイシホールキョードー東海052-972-7466予定全席指定席:7,800円ファミリーシート:7,800円
Nagoya Nippon Gaishi HallKYODO Tokai052-972-7466TBDReserved seat: JPY 7,800Family seat: JPY 7,800
AAA ARENA TOUR 2014 -Gold Symphony-一般発売のチケット購入に関してはこちら!【ぴあ】
AAA ARENA TOUR 2014 -Gold Symphony-Check below for the ticket purchase of a general ticket!【PIA】