石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

We are sorry to hear about your struggles, perhaps you should notify the supplier of the counterfeit lights of the problems they have caused you. Please remain vigilant in the future in order to avoid encountering such issues.
We would also like to specify that the item you listed is not our product. It is a counterfeit reproduction of our product, and distributing it makes you liable for this.
Please assure us that you will verify that the items you are selling are not counterfeit items, and that you will bring this issue to the attention of the party who provided you with this product. Once you agree to this, we will contact Amazon and withdraw our complaint.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

I understand you would like to know who pays the return shipping cost, so please allow me to explain.
I have reviewed your account and can see the buyer filed the return on #22855 SIGMA APO TELE CONVERTER 2x EX DG for Canon Excellent+for for the reason that “converter doesn’t t work”.
Return shipping charges will be handled as specified in return policy on your listing.
Since the return policy specified that the buyer must pay for any returns, we’ll charge the buyer’s PayPal account for the
I am still hoping that this concern will be solved within both of you and the buyer.
Since we always want that problems arises to any transactions will be resolved between the members.


貴アカウントを見直しまして、売り手が、「コンバータが機能しない」との理由で #22855 SIGMA APO TELE CONVERTER 2x EX DG for Canon Excellent+for の返品を申請していると承知しています。

当社としましては常に、すべての売買において 生じる問題は、メンバー間で解決していただきたいと考えるからです。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.5

In case of T did paid to an individual who is a dealer of T

1. In case of award for sale and promotion purposes which not related to competition event or lucky drawn event, the WHT 3% shall be applied.
2. In case of award or prize from competition or lucky drawn event, the WHT 5% shall be applied.

In case of T did paid to company or partnerships.
3. In case of whatever assessable income that T did paid to company or partnerships, the WHT 1% shall be applied.

All dealer who is an individual and company/ partnerships who received award or prize from T has liability to record income for income tax purposes, but not subject to VAT on assessable



1. 競争イベントもしくはラッキーくじイベントに関係しないセールおよび販促目的の賞品の場合は、3%の源泉税が適用される。
2. 競争またはラッキーくじイベントからの賞品もしくは景品の場合、5%の源泉税が適用される。


3. Tが会社またはパートナーシップに支払いをした何であれ課税対象となる収入の場合は、1%の源泉税が適用される。


tatsuoishimura 英語 → フランス語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

Thank you for your message.

Have you played on Japanese console?
As described on item note, this game could not be run on other than Japanese console.

Item note:

If the game has defective with the Japanese console, we would like to refund soon.
In this case, please send us proof picture and details about it.

However, if you use other console, we cannot refund and this return reason is responsibility of buyer.
If you allow in our return policy for a different console listed below, please return to us.

Regarding a return Policy for a different console:
As described on our item note, video games which we sell on Amazon is only for Japanese console and in Japanese.


Merci pour votre message.

Avez-vous joué sur la console japonaise ?
Comme décrit sur note d'article, ce jeu ne pouvait pas être dirigé sur l'autre que la console japonaise.

Note d'article :

Si le jeu est défectueux avec la console japonaise, nous voudrions rembourser bientôt.
Dans ce cas, envoyez-nous s'il vous plaît la photo qui sert de preuve et les détails de cela.

Cependant, si vous utilisez d'autre console, nous ne pouvons pas rembourser et cette raison de retour est la responsabilité de l'acheteur.
Si vous permettez dans notre politique de retour pour une différente console énumérée ci-dessous, revenez-nous s'il vous plaît.

Concernant la politique de retour pour une différente console :
Comme décrit sur notre note d'article, les jeux vidéos que nous vendons sur l'Amazone sont seulement pour la console japonaise et en japonais.

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

There are several benefits to you resolving this case on your own:
•You'll provide a better buyer experience, which may result in better Feedback and detailed seller ratings.
•This won't count as a “case closed without seller resolution” towards your seller performance standards.
•PayPal funds for the sale, which are placed on hold when a case is opened, will be released and applied to the refund.
•Your eBay and PayPal fees will be automatically credited to your account when you issue a refund.
If you haven't resolved this issue before the hold is released, eBay will be forced to take the following actions:


• 貴社がより良い買い手経験を提供することが、より良いフィードバックと詳細な売り手評価という結果になる可能性があります。
• 本件は、貴社の売り手パフォーマンス水準に対する「売り手側の決定のない解決済みのケース」とはされません。
• PayPalの販売基金は、訴訟が始まると保留の状態に置かれますが、解除となり払い戻しに当てられます。
• 貴社のeBayおよびPayPal会費は、貴社が払い戻しを行えば、貴社の口座に自動的に入ります。