石村達雄 (tatsuoishimura) 翻訳実績

12年以上前 男性 70代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 フランス語
tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

All of this was supported by the largest Japanese presence at IT&CMA since 2010, with a Japan cluster at the event consisting of CVBs, DMCs and hospitality chains such as the Sapporo Convention Bureau, the Fukuoka CVB and Fujita Kanko Hotels and Resorts.

“With TCEB as our new MICE partner, we are pleased to launch joint promotion efforts and announce exciting business opportunities for buyers all over the world,” said Marico Ogi, Deputy Director of the Sapporo Convention Bureau. “IT&CMA and CTW Asia-Pacific presents a vital opportunity for us to experience and engage potential buyers through the event’s official and social programmes.”



「我々の新しいMICEパートナーとしてのTCEBと共に、共同のプロモーションの取り組みを開始し、世界中のバイヤーに絶好の商機を発表することを、私たちは光栄に思います」と、マリコ・オギ 札幌コンベンションビューロー部次長は言っています。「IT&CMAとCTWアジア太平洋は、同イベントの公式な、またソーシャルなプログラムを通して、私たちが潜在的バイヤーを経験し、引き込むための不可欠な機会を提示しています」と。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

The recent visa waiver for Thai and Malaysian nationals was making news as a smart move to attract much more visitors to Japan as an incentive destination and to position it as a stronger competitor to both South Korea and China. This is also supported by new air routes into Japan, such as from Bangkok to Hokkaido with Thai Airlines, by Japanese incentive destinations coming more strongly on to the radar, such as Okinawa and Fukuoka, by the relative affordability of the Japanese yen against the strengthening euro (taking business from Europe), and by the recognised diversity of the Japanese offer.



tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

US distribution rights were acquired by Kenner, Inc., which introduced it to the United States market in 1966 and promoted it as a creative children's toy.In 1968, Kenner introduced Spirotot, a less complex version of Spirograph, for preschool-age children too young for Spirograph.

Goldstein, Cathérine; Gray, Jeremy; Ritter, Jim (1996). L'Europe mathématique: histoires, mythes, identités. Editions MSH. p. 293.
Kaveney, Wendy. "CONTENTdm Collection : Compound Object Viewer". digitallibrary.imcpl.org. Linderman, Jim. "ArtSlant - Spirograph? No, MAGIC PATTERN!". artslant.com.
"From The Boy Mechanic (1913) - A Wondergraph". marcdatabase.com. 2004



ゴールドスタイン、カテリーヌ;グレイ、ジェレミー;リッター、ジム(1996)『数学的なヨーロッパ: 歴史、神話、同一性』MSH版、293ページ。
カヴェニー、ウェンディ 『CONTENTdmコレクション: 複合オブジェクト・ビューアー』digitallibrary.imcpl.org.
リンデマン、ジム 『ArtSlant-スピノグラフですか?いえ、魔法のパターンです!』artslant.com.
『少年整備士から(1913)-ワンダーグラフ』marcdatabase.com. 2004

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

I really like your cage! it sucks that (manufacturer) does not have this kind of cage.

does this gas engines need a lot of maintenaibility? like can you use them everytime without having to replace something everytime you use them?

TSCO Racing will have our yellow Raceworks Raptor prerunner at this weekends BITD Parker Bluewater Challenge. We have entered it in the race under the #98 & Gary Wehyrich to keep our points championship race alive. Even if we entered this race and won, we would throw out the points under BITD's point system. This way, we are able to have our race truck prepped and ready for the Baja 1000, and the BITD Final at Henderson in December.



このガス・エンジンはたびたび整備が必要なのかい? たとえば使うたびに何かを交換しなくても使えるの?

TSCOレーシングには、この週末のBITDパーカー Bluewater Challengeに、我々の黄色のRaceworksのラプター・プレランナーが出る。それをこのレースには、ポイント・チャンピオンシップ・レースを生かしておくため、#98 & Gary Wehyrichの下で参加登録した。たとえこのレースに参加して勝ったとしても、我々はBITDのポイント制では、ポイントを拒否することになる。この方法なら、我々はBaja 1000と12月のヘンダーソンでのBITD Finalのための、レース・トラックの準備がととのえられる。

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

B. The bitterness, aromatic strength and coloring of the Sesame
shall be determined using the ISO 2542-2 or a similar
replacement standard and shall meet the minimum
requirements provided by Distributor to Supplier from time to
time; and
C. The sourcing, processing, and export of the Sesame will comply
with all laws, rules, regulations, export restrictions and other
requirements of Thai, Japan., and any country that may
be involved in the transport of the Sesame, as such may change
from time to time.
Supplier shall provide to Distributor marketing materials,
testimonials, testing results, and other items that may assist Distributor to
maximize his sale of Sesame.


B. ゴマの苦味、香りの強さ、および色合いは、ISO 2542-2、または類似の交替標準を使用して決定され、時々卸売業者から供給業者に提供される最低条件を満たすもとすること。および、
C. ゴマの調達、処理、および輸出は、タイ、日本、およびゴマの輸送に関与している可能性のあるすべての国の、すべての法律、規定、規則、輸出規制その他の要件に、これらは時々に変わる可能性があるものの、従ったものとなること。
12. マーケティング

tatsuoishimura 英語 → 日本語

well it won't be very obvious in the image since I examined the clips earlier and they show no sign of damage but I'll include images of the inside of the socket and how the arm hangs out of the socket although it's only the right socket that isn't holding tight I'll snap an image of the left arm to compare since it still holds tight like it should. the image of the right arm is a little blurry due to the flash and the blue color of the arm and no the arm is not intentionally set like that that's how the arm is after just lightly bumping the mech with my hand image 0178 is a shot of the inside of the socket and the clips, 179 is the left arm and 182 is the right

