I used the tracking service from Japanese Post and it was written that the article was delivered on 7th September.I will attach the photo of the report so please check.Besides you could also check the information the following address.I apologize for the trouble and thank you for your understanding.Nice to meet you.At the moment we're offering a thank-you campaign for purchasers.This is the detailPerson who put value with 5 stars.We will give you definitely 300 yen on an amazon gift card !
We deeply apologize for causing you the problem.We have deleted the article from our list.The price and additional tax total 25 pounds, we will do full-refund.Normally we will refund when the article is returned. However we don not want to cause you more troubles any more. Therefore we will refund immediately.As you mentioned that you bought the article for a present, we are very sorry that we could not meet your expectations.Best regards
12日(月・祝)18時~ DROPとなります!
On 12th ( Mon. Pub holiday ) from 18:00-Open End!
Reserved seat with an annotation is only purchasable
Its alias is "Chekypa".
Thank you for your quick respond!I don't have an account.Please send me the invoice. I'll immediately pay the postage by Paypal.Please choose the shipment which is cheaper.The package is small, so the shipping cost would be less than 20$... Right?As I considered it, please do not send it to the customer directly.Please send it to my address as usual.The address is on the order form.Do I send the broken controller to the following address?In case that, your company do not need the broken controller, please let me know.It would be nice, I don't need to pay the return postage.
Liebe/ Lieber Kunden/ KundinVielen Dank fuer Ihren Kntakt.Wir entschuldigen usn dass, wir Ihre Erwartungen nicht erfuellen konnten.In Bezug auf Zoll, ist unterschiedlich in jedes Land und wie es erhoben wird.Leider konnten wir vorher es nicht fassen.Wir bitten Sie um Ihnen Verstaendnis.Sobald wir das zurueckgesandte Ware erhalten, erledigen wir die Zurueckzahlung.Wir entschuldigen uns fuer diese Unannehmlickkeit.Freundlich Gruessen
Thank you Akiko Thank you for the payments. Please know that I appreciate very much but I have one more week of work to do on her. I must wait for the glue inside the head to dry. You need not pay me the $300 until next week. I will ship her out to you next THURSDAY Sept 17 . I like to send you pictures as I make her...to make you happy and keep you informed, but she is not completely done. Everyone who sees the pictures likes her! I have many people asking for custom orders now....lol anyway...thank you again for the payments. No rush to send the last payment. You can send on Wednesday next week if you like. Becuase I ship her to you on Thursday September 17.
あきこさん、ありがとうございました。それから支払いのほうも。私がすごくあなたに感謝していることを知っておいて下さいね しかしもう一週間彼女の事での仕事があるんです。 ヘッドの中ののりが乾くのを待たなきゃいけません。来週まで300ドル私に支払う必要はありません。来週の17日の木曜にそれを発送します。あなたを喜ばせる為にと、色々知らせて送るためにも作っている間の写真も送りたいと思っています。でもまだ完成していないんですけどね。その写真を見た誰もが、彼女を気に入ってくれてるんです!カスタムオーダーするお客さんが今私のところにたくさんいるんです、、、(笑) とにかく本当に支払いあの件ありがとうございます。最後の支払いは焦らなくていいですからね。もし支払いをしたいとの事であれば、来週の水曜でもいいですよ。なぜなら、17日の木曜に彼女を発送するからね。
Amazon.de sendet Ihnen diese E-Mail zur Bestätigung, dass ein Rücksendeantrag für folgende(n) Artikel gestellt wurde:Fundays, bitte bearbeiten Sie diesen Rücksendeantrag im Bereich Bestellungen > Rücksendungen verwalten in Ihrem Verkäuferkonto. Wenn Sie den Käufer kontaktieren möchten, antworten Sie einfach auf diese E-Mail.Bülent Yilmaz, wir bestätigen hiermit, dass Sie einen Rücksendeantrag für die unten aufgeführten Artikel an Fundays gestellt haben. Sie müssen momentan nichts unternehmen.Bestellung: 3Artikel: hi-pMenge: 1Rücksendegrund: Inkompatibel oder für vorgesehenen Einsatz ungeeignetKäufer-Kommentar: Ware kann nicht in Deutschland betrieben werden da 100VEingang des Rücksendeantrags: Freundliche Grüße
ドイツアマゾンは、このメールにてあなたが以下の商品の返品申請が受け付けられた事をお知らせします。Fundays この返品申請の処理をお願い致します。返送は、販売者のアカウントにて管理されています。販売者と連絡を取る場合は、このメールに返信をお願い致します。Bülent Yilmaz これを用いてあなたが返品申請書に記載された商品をFundaysに旨を確認いたしました。貴方は、今のところ何も行う必要はありません。オーダー:3商品:hi-p個数:1返品理由: 不適合 または あらかじめあった取り付け部分の不適合販売者のコメント:ドイツ国内の100ボルトでは作動させることが出来ません。返品申請書の到着敬具
I tried to reschedule today but unfortunately I can't change it.We'll go to Philippines from 18th to 21st as it's planned. Please tell me if I can see you on 21st.I'll send the sample of serum to your house. I prepared 1% 20 bottles and 20% 10 bottles so I'll bring them.Are anybody at home?We'll enjoy researching an another matter.By the way, I would like to hire the female interpreter who worked with us before. Is it possible?
Hi Koichi! So sweet of you. I am so sorry, Jernel has to come with us to Jolo. Sulo as instructed by the military. He will be the one to hand the money and take Daddy back . I will only stay in Zamboanga for easy communications. You can come say Sept 13 to Sept 16. Cause we will leave for Mindanao on Sept 17. Thank you. God Bless Us All...
こんにちは、コウイチ!とっても優しいのね。Jernelは 私たちと一緒にJoloに来なければならないの。Suloは軍で指導を受けているの。彼が、お金を渡してお父さんを連れ戻してくれる役目をしてくれるの。私は、Zamboangaに簡単なコミュニーケーションの為だけに滞在する予定。9月13日から16日に来ていいわよ。なぜなら私たちはMIndanaoに17日に離れる予定つもりだから。ありがとう!私たちに神の恵みを、、、
If Jernel is there between 18th and 20th, I would be happy to discuss with Jernel. However don't worry about us, please concentrate on the matter of your father.I'll bring 20 bottles of face water this time. They are presents from me.And additionally I'll send you more when you need them.As soon as the problem about your father is solved, I'll go to the Philippines. Then let's have a discussion about business without being hurried.I and our staffs really wish that your father is released on 18th.And I'm looking forward to seeing everybody's happy smile on 21st.
Thank you so much for the concern. I really appreciate it. You are a true friend.I am Communicating with my father's kidnappers and we are arranging the exchange of my father with the money the kidnappers are asking.We have a tentative schedule for the exchange on Sept 18. We have to go to Jolo, Sulo where the Abu Sayaff is keeping my father.Please schedule your trip here let's say Sept 21 onwards.I will give the payment when you get here. Will that be alright with you?I discovered that the 1% serum is good for acne and for ages 39 years below. And the 20% is for 40 years old and above. If the result is too slow people would say the product is nt good. People now want instant results as much as possible
心配してくれてありがとう。本当に感謝しています。あなたは、本当の友達だわ。今私の父親を誘拐した人と連絡を取っていて、その人達が要求している金額と父を交換する条件で話をすすめています。今のところの交換の日程は9月18日。父を捕まえているAbu SayaffがいるJoloに Suloに行かなきゃいけないの。だからあなたの旅行の日程は9月の21日という事にしましょう。あなたが、ここに着たら支払いをします。それでも大丈夫ですか?1%のセリウムは、39歳以下のにきびに効くってわかったの。それから20%は40歳以上の人に良いってね。もし結果が出るのが遅いと、人はそれは良くない商品て言うと思う。人は可能な限りすぐに結果を求めるのよ。
Hello. Due to a problem with the brazilian postal office and customs authority my purchase was returned to you (last week, so if it hasn t arrived yet it will soon). I would kindly ask you for a refund and apologise for the unfortunate circumstances regarding our transaction even though it wasn t due to an error on my part (neither on yours). Thank you
こんにちは。ブラジルの郵便局の問題と税関の問題で、私の購入した物があなたの手元に戻ってしまいました。(先週、 たぶんまだ届いてないと思うけれど、すぐに届くと思います) その為返金を是非お願いしたいのですが、この不運な状況に対して非常に残念です。もちろん私自身、あなたの過ちでもないです。ありがとうございます
I am very sorry for causing so much trouble.We would like to refund so please tell the price of the good, the return postage , the tax ( 54 Euro=60USD at the current rate) and the postage in USD.Thank you for your understanding.
On course I knew before I watched A. Before watching A, I had watched B, that's why I was so surprised how you've grown up!I’m so thankful that you visited Japan when C was released on screen.I really wanted to the preview show but I didn't have a luck with the lottery.In Japan it's normal only people who had won in the lottery, can go to the red carpet.But a few days later I could read your talk on the web.I'm so happy that you enjoyed shopping in Japan.I think that this film is not only adults but also children can enjoy!!
I've received your mail.As this mail, the procedure is completed.On the day, please pay for the ticket at the site.Thank you
I found out that the delivery will be about 3 days late than the original expectation.I deeply apologize for this and this is totally my fault.In compensation for this, I will return some money which you have paid.The reason why there is the delay.Sending such a heavy thing was the first time for me, that is why I used a transfer service by a company to be sure.The company is very reliable however the response was later than I expected. In addition to this, the company is closed on Saturday and Sunday. So the shipping will be Monday at earliest.Because of this, the article will be delivered between 10th and 12th.Thank you for your understanding.
When the article will be send on 25. September, it is the best.I'll tell the customer that at the current moment I can say : the article is supposed to delivered until the middle of next month.Again I will check the condition of the shipping.If there is any delay, please let me know.Thank you.
How is the packing of our order?It takes more time than normal, is there any special reasons?Actually we don't have many stocks any more, I would be very happy when I can get the articles which I ordered.If it's takes more time, is it possible to get the articles as son as possible when I delete the some orders?