I'm sorry that my explanation was not enough. For example, if the re-issue of C79 takes 3 years, am I still going to receive a refund? Or is there a time limit for a refund? If I request HMRC for a re-issue of C79, it may take a long time. I'm worried if I can not receive a refund by the time C79 is re-issued. Can you confirm non-taxable items on the report issued automatically by Amazon? Or should we confirm them by ourselves?
I got a message from UPS that they will deliver the 2 items to me tomorrow. Also, they will collect the item to be returned tomorrow. I thank you very much for your immediate action for the exchange of the defect item. It helped me a lot. I will let you know the update tomorrow.
You are right. Japanese are the people who pay close attention to packages. I got ★1for such a tiny scratch. I will get rid of those whose packages are cracked by putting them on auction. I was surprised to hear that you used to work in Japan. Recently, I got a business with Yodobashi Camera and Don Quijote for the items I import and they will start selling them. I was so happy that I took a picture. I showed the knuckle light to the person in charge at Yodobashi and he got interested in it. (Unfortunately, I didn't get a contract, though...)
Also, I have another proposal. Although I haven't listed many items on ebay yet, I have a variety of items at my real store. Are there any Japan-made musical instruments (or other items) that you would like? If there are, please reply to this email address. I can sell it to you at a cheaper price than on ebay. Also, can you please tell me what kind of Japan-made items you are interested in? I would like to take your opinions into account when purchasing items. Therefore, your opinions would be highly appreciated.
1週間前にpaypalで支払ったのですが、あなたのところに入金されていませんか?ebayの画面上ではPAIDになっていて支払ったことになっているのですが、もし払われていなければ、直接 paypalで入金しますので、アドレスを教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。
I made payment via Paypal a week ago. Haven't you received it yet? On ebay, it shows "PAID". If you haven't received my payment, I will make payment directly on Paypal. Please let me know your address. Thank you.
Have you received my payment?Thank you very much for sending me empty packages for replacement. I received more than enough, so I will use them to replace crushed packages next time. Would you mind sending me some paper packages in your next shipment? As for plastic packages, I have enough of them. There are 8 packages whose paper parts inside are also crushed and can not be shipped out. The product is selling very well, but today, I received a complaint from a customer that the color is different from the one shown on Amazon.
jackさんこんにちは出張に出ておりましてご返信が遅れて申し訳ございません。添付のVAT計算表は8月24日にLaura Vanstoneさんに頂いたものと同じです。話を戻しますが、下記はこの計算表を確認して、私がLaura さん、Sarah Westさんに質問した内容になります。もう一度ご確認いただけますでしょうか?
Jack,Hello.I'm sorry for my late reply as I was on business trip. The attached VAT calculation sheet is the same as the one that I received from Ms. Laura Vanstone on August 24. Returning to the subject, the following is what I asked Ms. Vanstone and Ms. Sarah West about after checking this calculation sheet. Could you please confirm it again?
From Bulgaria I have chosen only one LP by Yanka Roupkina from Stradza Mountains where it definitely snows and people distill rakija, so the feeling you are after is most likely there. As for Romania I have picked amazing fiddler Nicu Stanescu and some general compilations of Rumanian folk from 70s. Please note that I can mail up to 6 LPs (sometimes even 7) for the standard postage of 18.20 Euro and that I will give honest discount and free stuff as you already know.
ブルガリアからは、ストランジャ山地出身のYanka Roupkina のLPのみを選びました。ストランジャ山地では、降雪があり、ラキヤを蒸留していますので、貴方が探し求めている感じがそこにはあるでしょう。ルーマニアについては、素晴らしいバイオリニストであるNicu Stanescuと、70年代のルーマニアフォークの、一般的なコンピレーションを選びました。LPは6枚まで(時には7枚までも)、通常配送料18.20ユーロでお送りすることができます。また、ご存知のように、誠意ある割引とおまけを差し上げます。
I have made a quick selection of my eastern european vinyl. I have pulled some 14-15 titles from the region. Links are listed below. From former Yugoslavia I have picked just one compilation from Macedonia with some great tunes. Macedonian folklore is as far as I am concerned the most exciting of all ex Yu lands and this compilation is really great. From Greece I have picked great late female singer Βίκυ Μοσχολιού and one album with instrumental classics from great 50s composer Manos Hadjidakis played by well known Bouzouki player Grigoros Zambetas. I have only two Russian gypsy records at the moment but I do have few more Visotsky LPs and also one LP of jewish russian music.
私の所有する東ヨーロッパのレコードの中から、手短に選出してみました。その地域から、14、15タイトルを取り出しました。リンクは以下の通りです。旧ユーゴスラビアからは、いくつかの素晴らしい曲の入った、マケドニアのコンピレーションアルバムのみを選びました。マケドニアのフォークロアは、私の意見では、旧ユーゴスラビア諸国の中で最も面白く、このコンピレーションアルバムは本当に素晴らしいです。ギリシャからは、素晴らしい女性歌手である故Βίκυ Μοσχολιούを選び、50年代の素晴らしい作曲家であるManos Hadjidakis作曲、著名なブズーキの演奏者であるGrigoros Zambetas演奏の、インストゥルメンタルクラシックのアルバム一枚を選びました。ロシアのジプシー音楽のレコードは、現在のところ2枚しか所有しておりませんが、VisotskyのLP数枚と、ロシアのユダヤ音楽のLPを一枚所有しています。
Thank you very much for your message. I've just checked Paypal and found that I paid 24.50.I wonder why this happened. Anyway, thank you very much for giving me a refund of the difference 8.50.I do appreciate it.
Hi again, For some reason it has charged you twice for the postage. I don't know how this has happened. can you confirm your PayPal account and I will credit you back 8.50 The total should of been 16.50 and not 24.50, which it says below in our messaging.
Mein Handy ist leider kaputt gegangen.Daher verspätet sich die Überweisung. Ein neues Handy bekomme ich vermutlich bis zum Ende dieser Woche. Könnten Sie bitte eine Weile warten?
それはつまり、あなたのところにpaypalから払い込まれていないということでしょうか? システム上は今、ebayの画面では支払った表示が出ていますが、実際はそうではないのですね?以前、同じようなケースがdiscogsでありました。他の払い込みは正常に行われているようなので、この一件だけかと思われます。ご迷惑をおかけしますが一度、キャンセルしたいと思いますので処理できますか?他に手がないので、よろしくお願い申し上げます。
Does it mean that you haven't received the money from Paypal? On ebay, it shows that the payment is completed, but actually, you haven't received it, right? I had the same case before on discogs. It seems that my other payments were made correctly, so this should be the only case. I'm sorry to bother you, but I would like to cancel it for now. Can you please take the proper procedures? I would appreciate your understanding as there are no other measures I can take.
I checked it on Paypal.Although I made payment twice, both of them remain "pending" and have not been "completed". I have never had a case like this. As long as I can not make payment, I would like to cancel the order. I am sorry for the trouble, but please proceed with the cancellation procedures.
hello! just pulled this and saw it was a regular release and not a promo, is this ok with you? thanks for your patience and business
I'm not feeling very well today.I have a slight soar throat. On Sunday, I stayed home because of the typhoon. Was it OK at your place?I'm glad that you are OK. I had no problem, either. Last time, I was a bit worried as there was a blackout and I saw serious damages featured in the news. I was thinking of going on a trip if there was no typhoon. I would like to go to Okinawa. Last year, I went there around this time of year. In Okinawa, it is still warm at this time of year. I saw people swimming in the sea. If I can, I would like to go there at the end of this month.
You anticipate my email . Your model is now available so You can proceed with the balance. If You will open Your account You will find the pending order . The system will aloud You to finalize it . Please let me know if Your need further assistance Kind regards Atelier Team
The bar, which is included as accessory, is in the same color as the UNIT. Please see the attached pictures provided by Fender. It's been only a year since we started a small shop on ebay. So far, we have sold 20 guitars or so to overseas customers. However, there were no accidents occurred during transport of any of the guitars. The guitar cases were shipped out together with the guitars without problems. Also, we ship items to customers with shipping insurance just in case of damages. Please be assured that we pay close attention to packaging.
Nice to know you.I made a successful bid on the item. I just wanted to ask you to pack the amp securely. The knobs and switches in front are especially easy to break or bend, so please make sure to pack it securely so that it won't get damaged. I look forward to receiving it. Thank you.
Before I ship I just wanted to let you know I also have a few more Stan Rogers albums I was about to upload for sale. All these look great and they will be uploaded later today. I also found that Tom Ghent album from your previous order and will be sending it with this order free of charge. Thanks,