Dearthe Japanese post write into the tracking that it don't can make deliverey!!can you say me what happened?i send many many mail at the French Post without the replycan you say me what happened?Thank you
Amazon Japan would not accept an invoice only as they demand a submission of a sales certificate of your product. We've made a document mixed with invoice and sales certificate. We are attaching 2 documents for each of our purchases made on March 26 and April 29. If you are agree with the documents, please put your signature and a stamp on them. We are also attaching the originals created in Excel.If there are any English sentences that you find are not convenient, please correct them. Please make sure not to make it an invoice only.
Dear Mr Suzuki sanWe have some question wanted to ask you:1. about VN27: the iron leg should be painted in the normal way or powder coating??2. Still 27: the thickness of the table should be 40 as natural wood, or we will make and match wood so that it will have thickness 40???Pls we need the answers for those questionsthanks
鈴木さん貴方へいくつか質問があります。1. VN27について:鉄製の脚は、通常塗装もしくはパウダーコーティングのどちらを施しますか?2.同じく27:テーブルの厚さは、天然木で40、もしくは、厚さ40になるよう、木材を加工しますか?ご回答よろしくお願いいたします。
ご返信ありがとうございます私のファミリーネームはヤマムラで会社名もヤマムラにしています。下記は弊社のウェブサイトになりますはい、拠点は名古屋ですあなたは日本に来られるのですね。あなたの来日に合わせて東京に行くことは可能です。しかし、私は英語が話せません(笑)それでもよろしいですか?クレジット情報について返信いたしますPayment AmountとAccount Numberは何を記載したらよいのか分からなかったので記載していません不備がありましたらお知らせください
Thank you very much for your reply.My Family name is Yamamura and that's why my company is called "Yamamura". Following is our website. Yes, our business base is in Nagoya. Since you are coming to Japan, I can go to Tokyo to see you while you are there. However, I can not speak English. lolIs this OK for you? Here is my answer as to credit information. I didn't fill in Payment Amount and Account Number as I had no idea what to enter. Please let me know if there are anything missing.
Thank you for your continued support. As for seating surface and color samples, they should be delivered to us tomorrow. Delivery is delayed due to an inspection at the customs.
返信が遅くなり申し訳ありません。分かりました。ゴジラのフィギュアをご購入いただきましたので、こちらの商品は特別に140ドルでご提供いたします。ゴジラのフィギュアは、明日6/20発送予定です。サービスで、シン・ゴジラ&ゴジラ ペアチケットホルダーをお付けします。ゴジラのフィギュアは、箱は付いていませんので、予めご了承ください。ご購入いただきありがとうございました。※現在、日本国内での注文が多くあるため、発送が少し遅れています。順次発送しておりますので、今しばらくお待ちください。
I'm sorry for my late reply.I understand. As you purchased a Godzilla figure, I will offer this item to you for $140.The Godzilla figure should be shipped out tomorrow on June 20. As a free gift, I will enclose a ticket holder with pictures of Shin Godzilla & Godzilla.Please note that the Godzilla figure will not come with a box. Thank you very much for your purchase. *Shipping is delayed as I've been receiving a lot of orders in Japan.I will make shipments of whatever becomes available. Your patience would be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much for your reply.Please find attached my order. I would like to change my credit card to AMEX. Should I include the credit card information in this email?I understand. I will talk to you on my next order. As for my last order, I received one comic book with damage. I'm attaching a picture. Although it is hard to see, the book surface is smeared with some stuff like resin and is uneven. I suppose it's a coating failure. Can you please tell me what to do with a book in such a condition?
When you place the order, mention you want all to ship together please.ISBN and Title is fine when ordering.If you want to order 10 units or more of an ISBN, please send to us for review of discount. A spreadsheet is good for us to examine.We can then let you know a quote. If you are happy we will then process manually.AMEX is accepted but not DINERS.I hope all is well. Our max discount is 49% off, but we have our Back to School promotion going on now which is 50% off. If you order 1,000 units, I will honor the 50% off promo on your order.Attached is the sales quote with your total. When you are ready to move forward with the order, you can pre-pay with Amex.
I'm sending you a quotation that was made based on the image received. Please also confirm if there are any changes made on the information for application received before. If there are no changes, I will issue a contract. A voucher will be issued upon signature of the contract.If you sign the contract by the 23rd of this month, an invoice will be issues at the end of this month (Payment due by the end of next month.)Please note that this is only for Japanese program and that English program is not included in the quotation.
ご返信ありがとうございます。ゴールドジムのウェアをネットで探していて、「ANAX FITNESS」というショッピングサイトで、自分用に数回購入したことがあります。非常に気に入って、何度かリピート購入しているのですが、商品タグで貴社名を知りました。是非、直接購入して、日本で販売したいと考えております。よろしくお願い申し上げます。
Thank you very much for your reply.As I was looking for Gold Gym's fitness wear on the internet, I purchased it for myself on the shopping site called "ANAX FITNESS" a couple of times. Since I liked it so much, I purchased it repeatedly and found your company's name on the product tag. I would love to purchase the wear directly from you and sell them in Japan. Thank you.
2) Now, since you have not received any response from your seller, we suggest that you please open an item not receive request on June 12. Please know that opening an Item Not Received request is one of the steps for you to get you money back and to get in touch with your seller for not shipping your item.For your convenience, here’s how to open an item not receive request: 1. Go to Resolution Center (this is located at the bottom most part of every eBay page)2. Click I haven’t receive it yet, Then click Continue3. Select the item you want help with.4. On the next page, select I want a refund or I want the item. If you wish, you can also include a message to your seller.5. Click Send request.
2)セラーから何の連絡も無いとのことですので、6月12日に「商品未入手」リクエストをオープンしてください。「商品未入手」をオープンすることは、貴方が返金を受け、商品の出荷をしていないセラーに連絡を取るための手段の一つです。以下、「商品未入手」をオープンする手順となります。1 レゾルーションセンターへ行ってください(eBayのほとんどのページの下部に位置しています)2 「I haven’t receive it yet(商品を受け取っていません)」をクリックした後、Continueをクリックしてください。3 当該商品を選んでください4 次のページで、「I want a refund(返金希望)」もしくは「 I want the item(発送希望)」のどちらかを選んでください。ご希望であれば、セラーへのメッセージを記載することも可能です。5 「Send Request(リクエストを送信)」をクリックしてください。
1) Thanks for contacting eBay. I understand you are concerned since your seller has not shipped your Portrait until now. Let me go ahead and review this for you.Naruhiko, I’ve checked on your account and I do see that the seller stated that he will usually ship within 01 business day – his last day to mark the item as shipped was supposedly on June 07, 2019 but still nothing from this seller. I know how concerning it is not to receive any response from your seller about the shipment of your item especially that you have great purchases from the past.
1) eBayへのご連絡、ありがとうございます。セラーがポートレイトを発送せず、心配なさっているとのこと。貴方のために、調査させていただきます。Naruhiko、貴方のアカウントをチェックしたところ、セラーは1日営業日以内に発送すると述べています。彼が、商品を「発送済み」とすべき最終日は、2019年6月7日でしたが、現在のところ、同セラーの動きはありません。貴方の購入品の発送について、セラーから何も回答が無いということが、どれほど心配か理解いたします。特に、以前から素晴らしい購入をしてきた貴方にとっては。
遅くなりましたが、19SS のお支払いが完了しました。ITO MASAKI の名義で今日か明日には振り込まれるはずです。振り込まれましたらDHLにて配送をお願いします。DHLアカウントナンバー964688982よろしくお願いします。20SSの展示会の概要も出ましたら教えてください。
I have made payment for 19SS.I'm sorry for the delay. It should be paid into your account under the name of ITO MASAKI today or tomorrow at the latest. Upon confirmation of receipt, please ship the item by DHL. My DHL account number is 964688982.Thank you.Please also let me know the outline of 20SS exhibition when it becomes available.
5月6日にアイテムナンバー 372660979894のミュージックレコード(Gordon Giltrap/PortraitTransatlantic TRA 202 U.K.)を落札したのですが、このセラー、商品を送る気がまったくないのとさらには何度連絡しても1回の連絡もしてきません。ebayのほうで、なんとかしてほしいのですが、どうかよろしくお願い申し上げます。
I won a record (Gordon Giltrap/Portrait Transatlantic TRA 202 U.K.) with item number 372660979894 on May 6. However, the seller has no intention of shipping the item and has never contacted me, although I emailed him many times. Could you please deal with this issue at eBay's side?
I would like to ask you about the items that arrived. This time, I ordered 3 items (in the total of 6pcs). However, you said that 2 items (in the total of 5pcs) arrived. Have you received one more calculator that should arrive? Your prompt reply would be appreciated.
No problem, I have noted your address.There is no tracking with first class air mail. Tracking only comes with express air mail ( around $70 to send one album). I wouldn’t worry, as I send records to Japan every week for many years. My packages are well wrapped and clearly labeled and it will get there safely. But if you want express air mail, I can send you an invoice to pay the extra amount for express air mail with tracking.
わかりました。貴方の住所はメモしました。First Class Air Mailには、追跡機能はありません。追跡機能は、Express Air Mailを使用したときのみです(一つのアルバム送付につき$70ほど)。何年も、毎週のように日本へレコードを送っていますので、心配はしていません。荷物はしっかり梱包し、ラベルもはりますので、無事に到着します。それでも、Express Air Mailをご希望の場合は、追跡機能付きExpress Air Mailの追加料金に対するインボイスをお送りします。
1) 6月に引越しするので、追跡番号付きの発送便に変えてほしいとの交渉中だったのに、どうして発送してしまったのですか?理由をお聞かせください。もし届かなかったらどい対処していただけますか?ちなみに荷物に私の電話番号は記載されてますか?日本の郵便局で 確かめたいので荷物の送り状の写真を送ってください。よろしくお願い申し上げます。2) 2度の私からのメールに、どうして返信をいただけないのでしょうか?このままだとebayに報告せざるをえません。返信のほど、よろしくお願いします。
1) I was asking you to change the shipping method to the one with tracking number as I would move in June.Why did you ship it? Please let me know the reason. If it doesn't arrive, how would you deal with it? Is my phone number written on the package? I would like to check the status, so please send me a picture of the shipping note. Thank you.2) Can you please tell me why you haven't answer to the 2 emails that I sent you? If I don't hear anything from you, I will have to report it to ebay. Your reply would be highly appreciated.
I'm writing to let you know that the fabric you requested has arrived. I will immediately start production using this fabric. (There is no additional payment required.)At this time, the suit you ordered should be finished between the end of September and the beginning of October. I will let you know once the suit is finished.Your patience would be appreciated.
もし商品を7個以上購入してくれましたら、送料を無料にさせていただくのはいかがでしょうか?もし商品を7個以上購入してくれましたら、US $1.50値引して1個US $6.00の販売価格ではいかがでしょうか?このご提案はいかがでしょうか?本日、3月にあなたへ送った商品が、開封された状態で当店に返送されました。日本へ返送された理由は「受け取り拒絶」と記載されています。受け取りを拒否した理由をご説明ください。またこのような状態で返送された理由も教えていただけますか?
I will offer you free shipping if you purchase more than 7pcs of the item.I will offer you US$6.00/pc with discount of US$1.50 if you purchase more than 7pcs of the item. How do you like this offer? Today, I received the item that was sent to you in March with the package opened. The reason for return to Japan says "Receipt rejected."Can you please explain why you rejected receipt of it? Also, I would appreciate your explanation about why it was returned in such a condition.
I'm sending you a new English version installer. I'm afraid it's taken time. First, please uninstall the previous software.After restarting the PC, please install the new software. After installation, please copy the attached excel file over the following location. It's OK if the old file is deleted. Compared to the previous version, quite a lot of errors have been corrected. In terms of functions, there are more reading files, which makes real-time recording possible. You can play it as well. Thank you.