29-4Take steps to begin to rid yourself of the smaller things and watch your energy level begin to rise. You will build the resolve to tackle larger and larger things in your life that are problems for you. Start that list of aggravations now, then start fixing them, and watch your mood improve along with your accomplishments.
25-1Quit it. Stop it right now. You are doing something in your life that is holding back your potential and/ or damaging you in some way. It could be physical or mental, but chances are there is something you are doing that you would be better off not doing. Find out what it is, admit it, and find a way to reduce or eliminate it. Your life will move ahead faster and you will probably feel better in the long run, if you stop doing something that is holding you back.
One way to do this is to visualize what you want each night before you go to sleep. Have you noticed when you wake up in the morning, many times you are having the same thoughts you had when you went to sleep? You can use this to your advantage, by making your last thoughts of the day visions of what you want to accomplish, along with positive thoughts about accomplishing it. You will sleep better and move your life ahead as well.
13-1Winners look ahead and see what they want, instead of what they don't want. Use the power of visualization to move toward your goal. A picture is worth a thousand words, and it means the same thing when applied to visu¬alization. The stronger the picture you make, the stronger the results will be. Start to picture the good things you want to happen and you will be a winner as well.
12Looking for a role model to follow? Be the person your friends say you are, and avoid being the person your enemies say you are. Follow the positive traits people say you have and build on them. You will find people drawn to you and they will help you succeed. For one hour today, step into the role of the person you want to be. Be that person totally. Talk like they would, walk like they would, read what they would read, even eat what they would eat. Do whatever it takes to get into the role completely. Notice how you feel, how you approach decisions, what you do and what you don't do. At the end of the hour, ask yourself what part of that role you can take on right now and keep going.
11-4When you look at things differently, you still bring your old concerns with you, so those old concerns get looked at with this new information. And from that you can get some very creative insights into things that have been bog¬ging you down. So start right now, and begin to change lit¬tle things you do out of habit and then go back to some of the things that were bogging you down. I will bet a new approach will come to you.
11-3You need a change of pace. When you want things to go better, you are feeling stuck, etc., you need to shake things up. Drive home a different way, eat someplace different for lunch, go into a store you normally wouldn't go into. Every time you are exposed to something different, even if it is something that seems small and insignificant, you are forced to look at things differently.
Here are two great reasons to do something. Number one is that you have never done it that way before, and number two is that you tried it before and it didn't work. As you know, those are also the most common reasons for NOT doing something and they have killed more new ideas than anything else has. Why not reverse the logic on these two common objections to doing something and see what hap-pens?
The recent push back on immigration and PR approvals [4] for qualified foreign nationals from certain countries has created uncertainty and risks upsetting the momentum that has been built up over the last decade. The last thing Singapore needs at this point is to catch the west’s economic malaise by restricting investors and entrepreneurs who want to build global businesses in the country.
Singapore’s tryst with destinyAs greater affluence and economic integration makes political divisions less relevant, Singapore has the opportunity to become a major center of entrepreneurial activity in Asia. Its efficient administration, cutting-edge infrastructure and access to international multi-lingual talent make it a safe-haven for entrepreneurs, from which to build regional and global businesses.
The IFC’s annual ‘Ease of doing business survey’ consistently ranks Singapore at the top [5]. According to Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Teo Chee Hean, 5000+ new tech enterprises have been registered in Singapore every year since 2006 [6]. He also shared that 61 percent of all enterprises survive for more than three years. These are impressive credentials!It is often said that chaos breeds creativity. Asia as a whole should be a hotbed of creativity – and it is. However, a factor that is often ignored is that unsupported creativity often leads to failure. Creativity needs nurturing and support to turn it into something tangible.
IFCが毎年行う「ビジネスがしやすい環境」に関する調査では、シンガポールがトップとなっている。同国副首相のTeo Chee Hean氏によれば、2006年以降毎年5000を超える数のIT企業が新たに登録を行っているという。また彼の明らかにした所によればそれらのうち61%が3年以上継続して稼働出来ているとのこと。これは驚くべき数字である。混沌は創造性を育むとよく言われる。アジア全体が、創造性の宝庫となることには疑いの余地がなく、実際そうである。しかしながらしばしば見過ごされるのは、創造性も適切なサポートがなければ失敗に陥るということだ。創造性が実際の形を成すまで、育まれ守られる必要があるのである。
At the confluence of three powerful socio-economic spheres, Singapore seems to offer the perfect environment for great ideas to convert into great businesses. It remains to be seen if this small island will seize a historic opportunity and position itself as a crucible of great ideas and businesses.
Along with its administrative advantages, Singapore’s unique cultural, linguistic and historic linkage to all three of these spheres is creating a situation where the country now offers some of the same ingredients that made cities like London, New York, Bombay and Shanghai great economic centers in the past.I believe that the current environment in Singapore makes it inevitable that more than a few great global businesses will emerge from here in the coming years. Whether “natives” or immigrants start all of these is a moot point.
Fokado Offers Fun Activities That You Can Give as GiftsFokado is one of the startups that has just graduated from the Jakarta Founders Institute two weeks ago. Fokado is trying to provide an alternative way for you to give someone a gift. So, rather than giving a physical item, the site encourages people to gift fun activities that will last longer in your friend’s memory.Antonius Taufan, the founder of Fokado.com, tells us more about his startup which has 43 fun activity packages for sale so far.
Fokadoで楽しいアクティビティのひとときをギフトにFokadoは、Jakarta Founders Instituteを2週間前に卒業したばかりのベンチャー起業家により考案されたサービスである。それは新たな贈り物のスタイルを提案する。何かモノを贈るかわりに、より思い出に残りやすい、アクティビティ体験をプレゼントすることを趣旨としたサイトなのである。Fokadoの考案者Antonius Taufanが、現時点では43種の体験パッケージを擁するこのサービスについて、さらに語ってくれた。
1. What is Fokado’s aim? "We’re try to ‘package up pleasure,’ giving people a good time by allowing them to experience something they’ve always wanted to do, like learning how to make sushi professionally or learning how to fly a microlight plane."
1 Fokadoの目的とは?それは楽しみを演出する試みです。人がやってみたいと思っていたようなこと、例えば本格的に寿司の作り方を覚えるとか、軽量飛行機を飛ばすとか、そんな経験をさせてあげることで、素晴らしいひとときをプレゼントするのです。
4. How will you keep the entry barrier high for your startup? "Experience providers are very limited in Indonesia, there are only a few (even only one in same cases) providing certain kinds of activity opportunities. Being the first player in the experiential gift industry, we are able to secure exclusive contracts with our providers meaning that they cannot work with other online companies which provides similar services."
4 どのように競合を牽制するか体験を提供する側の店やサービスがインドネシアではまだ限られています。ひとつの種類の体験につき、わずか数社、ものによっては1社のみがサービス提供可能といったような状況です。体験ギフトの分野では先駆者である我々は、提携のサービス提供店と独占契約を結び、彼らが同業他社と提携するのを防ぐことができています。
5. You aim to disrupt the gift industry by offering experiences, but will you offer physical goods as well in the future? " We are currently focusing on increasing the number of experiences on our website to tailor people’s interests from various backgrounds. Giving a memorable experience as a gift is our core value as we believe that doing something fun together really unites people and draws them closer. There is a small possibility that we may offer some unique physical goods in the future, but I do not see that coming at least in our first year of operation."
5 体験を贈る概念でギフト業界に一石を投じつつ、モノを贈るギフトにも参入の意思はあるか?現在我々は、多様な背景を持った人々の望みに合うよう、サイト上の体験ギフトの数を増やすことに注力している。思い出に残る体験をプレゼントすることは我々の考えるコアバリューであり、そのような体験を共にすることによって人の距離を縮めることができると信じている。ユニークな物質的プレゼントについても今後取り扱う可能性はゼロではないが、少なくとも開業1年目である今年度にはその計画はない。
6. How do you plan to boost your user-base? "Word-of-mouth is certainly the biggest driver of our sales so far. Realizing this, we are planning to boost our word-of-mouth promotions whether it be online or offline. From the online sector, we will focus our first year budget to learn more about our users through social media and search engine optimization. In the offline sector, we will talk directly to our users gathering feedback about the experiences they completed and prefer to buy."
6 ユーザ拡大のプランはどのようなものか?現状では口コミが最大の推進力になっている。これをふまえて、オンラインとオフライン双方の口コミプロモーション策を練っているところだ。オンライン分野では、ソーシャルメディアの活用や検索エンジンの最適化により、ユーザの特性をつかむために初年度の予算を割いている。オフラインでは、ユーザの声を聞く場を設けて、体験した、もしくは購入意向の高いアクティビティについてのフィードバックを集めることに注力している。
7. So what is the plan for Fokado this year? "We are happy that we have received a good response from the time our website went live. This year we will focus on learning more about the gift industry and listening to our customers and providers. We are hoping that we can go national at the end of this year."
7 では、今年のFokadoの目標は?サイト立ち上げ以降、良い反応が得られてきていることに満足している。今年は更なる業界分析と、顧客および提携店からのヒアリングにつとめたい。今年の終わりには、全国区でサービスを展開できるよう願っている。
12==Vision: Baby reaches for and pats mirror image. Depth perception is fairly developed at 7 months and baby can discern shadows.Touch: Baby is able to sit up and shake and bang toys! Baby also spends more time exploring her own self with her hands and mouth. For example, baby will put her feet in her mouth at this age.Hearing/Communication: Baby responds to changes in her world. Loud noises, soft music, bright lights and darkened rooms all have an impact on baby.After about 6-7 months, baby’s development rapidly expands. His senses are developed to a point where milestones change to Physical, Cognitive and Social/Emotional.