※You are not allowed to take either videos or pictures.※We will not accept any refunds. If some defects are found on the item, we will exchange it for new one.※Some stores do not accept telephone order, so please check by yourself with the store near you.※We will not compensate for transportation fees and hotel charges wasted due to he delay or cancellation of the event.
※We will not be responsible for any accidents or thefts whether it occurs inside or outside of the hall. Please keep your eyes on your own bags.※Please note that you participation might be refused if we consider you as inappropriate to the event for the security purpose.※Please note that we record a video and you might get in there.
※握手会は係員がお客様の肩や腕などに触れて誘導する場合があります。この事をご了承いただける方のみ握手会へご参加ください。※イベント整理券・握手会イベント参加券の転売行為、コピー、偽造は固く禁止致します。特に偽造行為は犯罪に当たります。その様な行為が認められた場合、今後一切、Cheeky Paradeのイベントにはご参加頂けなくなる他、 警察へ通報させて頂く事になりますので、絶対にその様な行為を行わないで下さい。
※Staffs might touch your shoulders and arms in order to lead participants. Please be aware of that before you come.※The resale or the copy of tickets are strictly forbidden. They count as a criminal act and therefore we will call the police and you will not be allowed to participate in any of our events. Please do not do these activities.
「Together」発売記念 Thanksgiving Event(関東・関西)ファンのみなさま、いつも応援していただき本当にありがとうございます!!各地のCDショップにお邪魔して、メンバーから直接感謝のキモチをお伝えします!!<イベント内容>各店舗においてのグループ別 握手会☆<店舗・メンバー・集合時間>近日発表いたします
Thanksgiving Event(Kanto/Kansai)celebrating the sale of "Together"Thank you for your every supports!!Members will visit some CD shops and directly deliver their thankfulness!!<Event Info>Group Hand Shale Event at each store☆<Store/Members/Time>Coming soon.
iDOL Street全員集合!ニコ生・USTREAMで6/21(土)アイドルストリートカーニバル舞台裏完全密着!6/21(土)開催の「SUPER☆GiRLS 生誕4周年記念SP アイドルストリートカーニバル2014」舞台裏を完全密着!!ニコニコ生放送とSUPER☆GiRLS・Cheeky Paradeの各USTREAMチャンネルの3番組で、全て別アングルから生配信します!!【放送日時】6/21(土)12:30~20:00(予定)ご視聴はコチラ↓↓
iDOL Street gather! At Nico Nama/USTREAM on 6/21(Sat), behind scenes of iDOL Street Carnivals will be revealed!iDOL Street gather! At Nico Nama/USTREAM on 6/21(Sat), behind scenes of iDOL Street Carnivals will be revealed!It will be broadcast by Nico Nico Broadcast and SUPER☆GiRLS, and Cheeky Parade from all the angles!!【Date and Time】6/21(Sat) at 12:30~20:00(planned)Pre-watch it!↓↓
「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2014」昨年11月17日にZepp Nagoyaで開催されたアイドルの祭典「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2013」今年も「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2014」として開催します! 「アイドルが名古屋の街を元気にする!」 多数の地元アイドルが活動する東海地区において、愛知をはじめとする全国各地で活躍するアイドルがZepp Nagoyaに集結する“アイドル博覧会”
「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2014」The gallery of idols held at the Zepp Nagoya on 11/7 in 2013,「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2013」it will be held again but as「NAGOYA IDOL EXPO 2014」!「Idols will make Nagoya more energetic!」At "IDOL EXPO," idols from all over Japan gather at the Tokai region.
【チケット販売】・チケットぴあ(Pコード 235-133)※6月12日(木)発売開始・Sportiva Arena店頭 ※各出演者へのチケット予約、購入も可能です※オールスタンディング※整理券はございません※1階のみの開放になります。※会場内は禁煙となります。(会場外に喫煙スペースを設置します)※ホール内での撮影、録画、録音を禁止致します。※再入場の際にはチケットの半券をお見せ頂きます。※飲食物の持ち込み厳禁。
【Ticket Sale】・Ticket Pia(P Code 235-133)※6/12(Thu)・Sportiva Arena Store※You can order and purchase a ticket for each artist※All standing ※No numbered tickets※Only on the first floor※No smoking in the event(Smoking space will be outside of the place)※You are not allowed to record videos or take pictures※If you go out once and want to come in again, you must show the half of the ticket.※You can't bring any food or drinks.
≪出演≫【スペシャルゲスト】Cheeky Parade 【出演】(50音順)池本真緒(大阪)OS☆U(愛知)究極人形-アルテマドール(愛知)Candy☆Drops(愛知)合法幼女症候群(東京)ShaQ'n!(愛知)S☆KIP(高知)TAKENOYAMA24(愛知)ちぇり→☆ボンボン(愛知)ナト☆カン(愛知)nanoCUNE(愛媛)BUNNY♥KISS(京都)フェアリーテイルD.C(東京)FRUITPOCHETTE(愛媛) ※出演者決まり次第随時発表致します。
≪Guests≫【Special Guests】Cheeky Parade【Guests】(Alphabetic Order)Mao Ikemoto(Osaka)OS☆U(Aichi)Ultima Doll(Aichi)Candy☆Drops(Aichi)Goho Tojo Shokogun(Tokyo)ShaQ'n!(Aichi)S☆KIP(Kochi)TAKENOYAMA24(Aichi)Cherry→☆BonBon(Achi)Nato☆Kan(Aichi)nanoCUNE(Ehime)BUNNY♥KISS(Kyoto)Fairy Tale D.C(Tokyo)FRUITPOCHETTE(Ehime)※We will update the guests.
『NYLON JAPAN 特別編集★iDOL Street SPECIAL FASHION BOOK』発売決定!アイドル業界初!アイドル×ファッションマガジンが登場!『NYLON JAPAN 特別編集★iDOL Street SPECIAL FASHION BOOK』発売決定!
『NYLON JAPAN Special Edition★iDOL Street SPECIAL FASHION BOOK』will be on sale!It's the first for the idol industry!idol×fashion magazine!『NYLON JAPAN Special Edition★iDOL Street SPECIAL FASHION BOOK』 will be on sale!
「iDOL Street」とNEW YORK+LONDONのエッジィなファッションカルチャーマガジン『NYLON JAPAN』が強力タッグ!「iDOL Street」所属の全グループをコンプリートしたFASHION BOOKに!また、表紙が【通常版★私服Ver.】【web限定★制服セクシーVer.】【TSUTAYA限定★制服スマイルVer.】と全3種類!セットで付いてくるスペシャル生写真もヴァージョンによって違います!
The strong collaboration of「iDOL Street」and NEW YORK+LONDON's Edgy Fashion Culture Magazine,『NYLON JAPAN』!All groups in「iDOL Street」are packed in FASHION BOOK!There are 3 types of the front paper;【Regular Edition★Normal Ver.】【web Limited Edition★School Uniform Sexy Ver.】【TSUTAYA Limited Edition★School Uniform Smile Ver.】!Photographs that come with them are also different for each version.
【通常版】【web限定版】【TSUTAYA限定版】【発売日】2014年6月20日前後 ※地域、書店等によっては発売日が多少前後いたします。【本体価格】980円(税抜)【ページ数】84P【公式Website】http://www.nylon.jp/culture/idollstreet
【Regular Edition】【web Limited Edition】【TSUTAYA Limited Edition】【Date of Sale】2014/6/20 (planned) ※The date will vary with each region and bookstore.【Price】980yen (without tax)【Pages】84P【Official Website】http://www.nylon.jp/culture/idollstreet
Cheeky Parade ROAD TO NY~チキパとTogetherしましょう③~(【神奈川】たまプラーザ テラス)ミニライブ&握手会決定! 2014-06-15 (日)【神奈川】たまプラーザ テラス 1Fフェスティバル・コート≪1部≫15:30スタート≪2部≫17:30スタート<握手会参加方法>当日会場の販売ブースにて下記対象商品をご予約のお客様に、「握手会イベント参加券」を差し上げます。(ご予約1枚につき、「握手会イベント参加券」1枚)
Cheeky Parade ROAD TO NY~Let's get Together with Cheeky Parade③~(【Kanawaga】Tama Plaza)Mini LIVE&Shake Hands Event!2014-06-15 (Sun)【Kanagawa】Tama Plaza Terrace 1F Festival Court≪1st Section≫starts at 15:30≪2nd Section≫starts at 17:30<How to Participate in the Event>We will give the ticket for customers who ordered at the special sale's booth on the day of the performance.(One ticket per order)
Each person can participate in the Shake Hands Event (1 lane) per ticket for Shake Hands Event.※We will tell you about lanes on the day of the event.※The time it starts is planned to be 14:00.<Applicable Product>NEW Mini Album "Together" Event Hall/mu-mo Shop Limited Edition(AVC1-39165)sold on June 18th in 2014※If you have multiple tickets, you have to go back to the end of the line to consume each ticket,
※You might not be able to use up all the tickets you have if you are at the back of the line.※Each person can shake hands with a member (on each lane) once per ticket.※Each lane might be closed if we can see nobody waiting in the line.
※The event will be held outside. Please take care of your own health such as by drinking water.※It may rain, but you are not allowed to bring umbrellas to the event. We recommend you to bring a rain coat.※You are not allowed to take pictures of members.※The place will be extremely crowded.※The event will be processed in groups. We will tell you about these groups on the day of the event.
※Tickets will be collected at the event.※Staffs might touch your shoulder or arms in order to lead participants. Please be aware of it.※You are not allowed to ask members for something else other than shaking hands.※Members are not allowed to receive any letters or gifts from customers.※If the resale of tickets is found, these tickets involved in the resale will be completely invalid.
※The event will end once we consider it impossible to go on due to disasters, traffic strikes, and other uncontrollable issues.※Contents might change depending on members' condition.※We will not compensate for the transportation fees or hotels fees wasted due to the delay or cancellation of the event. ※The date, time , and place might change.※We will not be responsible for any accidents or thefts whether it occurs inside or outside of the hall. Please keep your eyes on your own bags.
※Please note that we record a video and you might get in there.※You are not stay in front of the hall from a day before the actual performance because it will annoy the neighbors.※You are not allowed to participate in the event if you are drunk.※We will check all your bags for the security purpose.※Please note that you participation might be refused if we consider you as inappropriate to the event for the security purpose.
「Together」発売記念 チキパとTogetherしてEnjoyするDay 追加開催決定!!「Together」発売記念 チキパとTogetherしてEnjoyするDay 追加開催決定!! 6/3(火)19時より抽選販売スタート!<イベント概要>日時:8月17日(日)イベント内容:【STAGE1】2ショット撮影会:11:00~(受付終了11:30) 集合10:45【STAGE2】なんでも似顔絵会:14:00~(受付終了14:30) 集合13:45
Celebrate the sale of "Together"! Day you Enjoy the Celebration with Cheeky Parade Together!!Celebrate the sale of "Together"! Day you Enjoy the Celebration with Cheeky Parade Together!!The lot will start on 6/3(Tue)at 19:00 !<Event Info>Date:8/17(Sun)Event Contents:【STAGE1】Two-Shot Event:at 11:00~(reception will end at 11:30) gather at 10:45【STAGE2】Flexible Portrait Event:14:00~(reception will end at 14:30) gather at 13:45
【STAGE3】2ショット撮影会:17:00~(受付終了17:30) 集合16:45会場:avex本社ビル<イベント参加方法>販売サイトより、イベント参加券付「Together【2枚同時購入セット】」をご購入ください。イベント参加時にはCDと同梱されている各STAGEの「イベント参加券」1枚と、CD+DVD盤(AVCD-39163/B)に封入されております「握手会イベント参加券」1枚の2枚を1セットとして必ずイベント当日にお持ちください。
【STAGE3】Two-Shot Event:at 17:00~(reception will end at 17:30) gather at 16:45Place:avex headquarter building<How to Participate in the Event>Please purchase two unites of "Together" at the same time and get the ticket for the event.In order to participate in the event, you must show both a ticket for the event that came with CD and a ticket for the Shake Hands Event that came with CD+DVD ver.(AVCD-39163/B).