I have something I would like to discuss regarding the current shape of the deal.Regarding the items planned on being supplied by us, we are thinking we want to send 10 units each of USB memory and calculators. We are thinking 10 units would be good, because we would like you to try a sampling of the items and attach and furnish a planned purchase order.We would like you to ask the buyer on site what price and how many units they plan on ordering.Speaking of which, what is the manner you use to collect payments from buyers?Please inform us of the collection period and wage flow.We are considering the number of items to ship out based on these figures.
ph76202そのため人種・種族がどう設定されようとも成り立つ属性である。 対義語である色白に比べるとかなり新しい萌え要素であるが、褐色の肌や日に焼けた肌を魅力として描写しているものは比較的古くからあり、少なくとも「萌え」という言葉が発生する1990年代後半よりはるか以前から存在する要素であることは確かである。そのため、萌え文化の外でも通用する。▼美しい褐色の肌を見せておくれっ!※【】内が登場作品となります。ウルド 【ああっ女神さまっ】ナディア 【ふしぎの海のナディア】
ph76202For the sake of that, however race and tribe are configured it is a feasible attribute. When compared to the antonym fair skinned it is a rather new element of Moe but preference for, brown skin or sun-tanned skin have been seen even from relatively earlier times. At least it is certain that the the word moe has existed much earlier than the second half of the 90s. Because of that, it is used outside of Moe culture also.-Show me some pretty brown skin!* Within parenthesis is the works they appear inUrd (Oh my Goddess!)Nadia (Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water)
ph76003▼ザクカレーだと?シャア専用ザク 【機動戦士ガンダム】 ▼エヴェ三人娘!マリ、綾波、アスカ 【ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q】 ▼写楽までー!!大谷鬼次の江戸兵衛 【東洲斎写楽作の浮世絵】 ▼おわりに……いったいどのくらいの時間をかけているのだろうと思って調べたのですが、個人差はあれどだいたい一時間が平均のようです。それにしてもこの緻密さには驚きますね。しかも結局は食べるのですから、執着なくあっさりとしたものです。日本人の器用さを垣間見られるまとめでした。
ph76003-Zaku curry?Char custom Zak (Mobile Suit Gundam)-EVE three daughters!Mari, Ayanami, Asuka (Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo)-Down to Sharaku!!Otani Oniji III as Yakko Edobei (Toshusai Sharaku's Ukiyo-e)-Lastly...I've researched exactly how long it will take, there may be differences from person to person but largely it takes an hour on average. Nonetheless, the amount of detail is amazing isn't it? Not only that, in the end its going to be eaten so it something simple without too much concern over it. It was a mashup of Japanese handiwork.
ph75804一ノ瀬はじめ 【ガッチャマンクラウズ】 猿渡銀兵衛春臣 【お兄ちゃんだけど愛さえあれば関係ないよねっ】 白鬼院凜々蝶 【妖狐×僕SS】 天上ウテナ 【少女革命ウテナ】 ▼ボクっ娘レジェンド!サファイア 【リボンの騎士】 来生愛 【キャッツ?アイ】 ▼おわりに……男勝りや男の娘とは違う、内気なボーイッシュ(中には男勝りもいますが)のイメージのボクっ娘は少年と少女の中間に位置する存在のように感じます。
ph75804Hajime Ichinose(Gatchaman Crowds)Ginbei Haruomi Sawatari(OniAi)Ririchiyo Shirakiin (Inu × Boku SS)Utena Tenjo(Revolutionary Girl Utena)-The "boku daughter" legend!Sapphire(Princess Knight)Ai Kisugi(Cat's Eye)-Lastly...Unlike mannish and sissy boys, "boku daughters" with a shy boyish image (on the inside mannish) feel like they exists on the interim between young men and young girls.
ph75803登場当初何らかの理由により男装していた少女が男装を解いた後も一人称はそのままでボクっ娘になる場合や、元は男性だったキャラクターが性転換してボクっ娘になる場合、男性キャラクターと女性キャラクターの中身が入れ替わった結果ボクっ娘となる場合も存在する。▼ボクはッ!キミのことが好きなんだ!※【】内が登場作品となります。アルル・ナジャ 【魔導物語/ぷよぷよ】蒼星石 【ローゼンメイデン】 土御門夏目 【東京レイヴンズ】 キノ 【キノの旅】
ph75803The following characters can be divided into those who from the moment they appear for whatever reason as women disguised as men. Even after they take off their disguises they keep referring to themselves as "boku", originally male characters who change their gender and become "boku" or as a result of male characters and female characters whose insides get switched around.-I like you!*inside the () are the works the characters star in.Arle Nadja (Tale of Sorcery/Puyo Puyo)Souseiseki (Rozen Maiden)Natsume Tsuchimikado (Tokyo Ravens)Kino (Kino's Journey)
ph62403ララ・サタリン・デビルーク 【To LOVEる-とらぶる-】 風見みずほ 【おねがい☆ティーチャー】 トマリン 【てーきゅう 】 エリス 【あそびにいくヨ!】 ▼私は宇宙人です!本人は宇宙人と言い張ってますが、主人公たちは小首を傾げています。藤和エリオ 【電波女と青春男】ルーシー・マリア・ミソラ 【To Heart 2 】 ニノ 【荒川アンダーザブリッジ】▼おわりに……「宇宙人と出会いたい!」や「私は実は宇宙人なのでは?」といった願望はいつの時代も絶えません。
ph62403Lala Satalin Deviluke(To LOVEru -Toraburu-)Mizuho Kazami (Please teacher!)Tomalin (Teekyu)Eris (Cat Plant Cutie/Let's go play: Bomb shells from the Sky)-I'm an alien!He insists he's an alien, but the main characters are doubtful.Erio Tōwa (Electric Wave girl and Youthful boy)Lucy Maria Misora (To Heart 2)-Lastly...No matter what generation, desires like "I want to meet an alien!" or "Am I actually an alien?" are ceasless.
独自の多次元キューブによる高速レスポンスと多彩な分析を特長とする、MOLAP(Multi-dimensional On-line Analytical Processing)ツールです。 直感的なマウス操作で「ドリルダウン」や「スライス&ダイス」が実行でき、期間、部門、商品、地域など、様々な切り口により自由に視点を変えて分析できます。また、財務諸表のような複雑なレポートやビジュアルなプレゼンテーション用レポートなども手軽に作成できます。
A MOLAP (Multidimensional On-line Analytical Processing) tool having the advantage of multicolored analysis and high-speed response through its proprietary multidimensional cube technology. You can carry out "drill down" and "slice & dice" functions using intuitive mouse control and you can freely change the perspective and analyze by using various sections such as time period, category, product, or region. Also, you can easily draw up complex financial reports and visual presentations.
This is a platform for actualizing performance management to make use of information throughout the whole company. All Business Intelligence functions (OLAP, query, report, dashboard, scorecard, alert) from sharing to analyzing information are available to be utilized in the web without the need for programming knowledge. These functions are all based on a shared metadata model that excels at managing and maintaining the consistency of information. With its three layer architecture (data layer, application layer, web server layer) that provides load distribution, this platform is also ideal for large-scale enterprise environments.
ph35310それでも団体試合を行う5人には1人足りないまま練習試合の期日が迫る。 試合に向けたコジローの秘策とは? そして練習試合の裏にある真意とは? 部活動を通じて成長していく彼女達の姿をコミカルに描く、青春系学園剣道ストーリー。▼サムライを髣髴とさせる……サムライ人気で剣道は海外で人気の武道のひとつ。サムライといえば武士道、武士道といえば男ですが、日本では女子剣道も盛んで、広く受け入れられています。
A group game played by five people is one man short, and the practice game is closing in. What is the Kojirō's secret strategy? And what is the real meaning behind this practice game? An adolescent kendō story taking place in a school, and comically depicting the girls as the grow up through after school activities.A vivid reminder of the samurai....Kendō which was popular with the samurai is a martial art popular overseas. When you think of samurai you think of the way of the warrior, when you think of the way of the warrior you think of men, but in Japan, Kendō prospers among females to and female practitioners are widely accepted.
ph35307YAWARA! 【題材:柔道】▼あらすじ天才柔道家の祖父、猪熊滋悟郎の元で3歳から稽古に明け暮れている「普通」の少女・猪熊 柔が、祖父滋悟郎に大学進学・就職で一方的に決めつけられ、恋愛においてもほとんど許されないなか、祖父滋悟郎の凄さは実感しつつ反発していながらも、徐々に天性の才能を発揮・自覚し、日本国内を始め世界のスポーツの祭典アトランタオリンピックまで雄飛してゆく姿を描く柔道恋愛漫画作品である。
YAWARA! (Subject: Jūdō)SummaryA Jūdō lover's manga that depicts an everday girl, Yawara Inokuma, who has done nothing but study Jūdō under her prodigal grandfather, Jigorō Inokuma, since age 3. Her grandfather has been so adamant about her training that he has forbidden her from dating while at college and even at work. As she rebels, she comes to realize her grandfather's greatness. Slowly, she awakens to her innate talent as she prepares to exhibit her skills beginning nationally in Japan and on to compete at the Atlanta Olympics.
Hello,I apologize for the inconvenience.It appears we made a mistake with the return address.We are now enquiring about the proper address.We will probably get a response within a few days, so we will e-mail you immediately once they have contacted us.At that time we will have it sent again, so have the luggage for tracking numbers 11111, 2222, and 333 in safe keeping. The total will be a fair sum of money so please don't cancel them .Best regards
First of all, the view we have regarding the problem with Amazon is that we have no obligation to compensate.The reason being that the customs check was an issue beyond our control, and we had shipped the item before the planned shipping date. However, after plenty of consideration of this problem we have decided to return a portion of the shipping charge $3.50 to you. The reason being we want to continue doing business with you and do not want you to have this on your head during Christmas. We hope you can be understanding.
In While domestic production of cars has fallen behind, surrounding countries like Thailand have become the center of automotive production, the Philippines has now come to raise the stable growth and development of their manufacturing industry from here on as the biggest issue. In contrast traditional I.C.E based vehicles, technologies used to manufacture engines are unnecessary in the manufacturing of electric vehicles. Moreover, compared to I.C.E based vehicle these new electric vehicles have less parts resulting in smaller investment in equipment, giving them a chance for new market penetration. Also, atmospheric pollution and oil dependence are a shared issue among the surrounding countries in the region, there is goal to be the first to resolve these issues and become the center of electric vehicle industry.
—電動3輪タクシーの普及ポテンシャル 電気自動車(4輪車)は航続距離、充電設備、車両価格の3点が普及のハードルと言われますが、電動3輪タクシーは限られたルート内で使用されており、航続距離があまり必要とされません。また家庭のコンセントで充電できるため充電設備が要らず、車両価格もリーズナブルで、普及に際する大きなボトルネックがありません。そこでフィリピンにとって最大の輸入相手国かつ最大のODA援助供与国であり、品質とサービス力で高い評価を得る日本企業に期待が集まりました。
The potential for widespread adoption of three-wheeled electric taxisThe three factors of range, charging facilities, and price are said to be hurdles to widespread adoption of Electric vehicles (4-wheeled) , but 3-wheeled electric taxis are used within their limited route and aren't limited by range. In addition, because they can be charged using household outlets, you do not need special equipment to charge and the price is much more reasonable, so when they become widespread there is no huge bottleneck.Anticipation is rising for the Philippines whose largest import country and largest ODA aid donor is Japan, a country whose enterprises are esteemed for their product quality and service.
The mail forwarding company B rejected the product A we purchased from you through E-bay a few days ago. Because of this we will resend you a product. After it is resent, can I have you to send it to my Japanese address? I will pay the shipping cost to Japan. If however you cannot, I wish that it be treated as a returned product. I'm awaiting your response.
Thank you for contacting me about shipping the product(s) and back orders.Please send me back ordered items as they arrive.Thank you for making a replacement product for 1037.Let me order by 1453H.From here on, when you order the entire line of Specialty Pro items is it okay to order by 1453H?Does this mean the item I ordered below on December 2nd is not in stock?I will contact you again to confirm whether I will wait on the product or not.Are the products I ordered before that already being sent?Please send me the invoice.
Thank you for the e-mail on the materials.,In case the material we received doesn't clear customs, we've requested the supervisors at XX send them back to your company. A few days ago I have run into some unfortunate problems with a funeral in my family and have to deal with matters concerning inheritance, therefore I am personally unable to handle this case. If we are able to return the materials back to your company, please resend them via Express mail. Please contact us separately the difference in postage cost. Thank you for all of the other things you have been able to handle for us. If you can send by Express mail we look forward to ordering more from you in the future. Another company is sending the same products with Express mail, so if you can use that method I think it will reach us faster.
I sincerely thank you for your interest in the products at this store. The product you inquired about is unfortunately censored/altered. The language is in Japanese. Purchasing it under these conditions means a new unopened product will be sent, not a used one. I hope you consider purchasing it. Best regards.
Thank you for the response,I have indicated the required items on the wholesale contract. Please check the attached PDF file. Since my company doesn't have an official website, I have posted them on my store page on Amazon Japan, so please check there also. Now, I would like to create my account.