
penpen (penpen) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
penpen 英語 → 日本語

I have shipped many components over a 13 year period exactly the same way without any problem. No part of the amp was touching the sides. If there is no evident damage or penetration to the box itself then it means the box was slammed to the ground flat and the shock broke the glass. Nothing protects against shock when glass is involved. There is no way this should break if handled as fragile as it was marked. I bought full coverage insurance on the item so the repair is covered. I will initiate the claim. There will be a form for you to fill out and return. They may request a picture proof of the damage and a written estimate for the repair, then they will issue the amount to your paypal account.



penpen 英語 → 日本語

Curiosity's scientific mission involves driving around its landing site, perhaps up to 15 or 20 miles,...
...collecting samples of rocks and soils with a big jackhammer drill located on the end of a six foot robotic arm.
Those samples are delivered to the rover and analyzed with some very sophisticated...
...and power hungry, analytical laboratory instruments.
And that's where the "MMRTG" comes in.
The "Multi Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator" is a power source that we've used for years... power a spacecraft that have gone to the outer planets,...
...and even the Apollo missions used it on the moon.
Behind me, you can see a full-scale model of Curiosity, including the generator in the back.



penpen 英語 → 日本語

The deputy project scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory mission and its Curiosity rover.So, a lot of people wonder why Curiosity doesn't have solar panels, like the Mars exploration rover, Spirit, and Opportunity.The Mars exploration rovers often found themselves short on power as dust settled on their solar panels.This was especially a problem in the short days of winter.We need a good, strong, and reliable source of power to keep Curiosity going for over two years on Mars.Curiosity is two times bigger, five times heavier and has 15 times the weight of scientific equipment,..relative to Spirit and Opportunity.Like those rovers, Curiosity surveys the landscape and examines rocks and cliffs.


火星科学研究探査機ミッションと火星探査機Curiosity の副研究員です:
多くの人々が、なぜCuriosityは、火星探査機スピリットやオポチューニティのように、ソーラーパネルを搭載しないのかと不思議がリます。火星探査機は、ソーラーパネルを搭載した場合、その上に塵が積もるためパワーが不足することがよくありました。特に冬の、日が短い期間では、これは問題になります。Curiosity には、火星で2年間電力を保持するための、良質かつ強力で信頼性のある電源が必要です。Curiosity は、スピリットやオポチューニティと比べると、大きさは2倍、重量も5倍、科学装置の重さは15倍あるのです。これら探査機と同様、Curiosity は地形を精査し、岩や崖といったものを調査します。

penpen 英語 → 日本語

With new social features for Angry Birds on Facebook, fans can compete with friends, brag around about scores and earn the coveted gold, silver, and bronze crowns. Power-ups are a big addition on Facebook. Beside the all-powerful Mighty Eagle there are more power-ups that you can receive by playing the game, receiving them as ‘mystery gifts’ from friends or purchasing them. There are four power ups available: Sling Scope, King Style, Super Seeds, and Bird Quake.

I asked Henri Holm, the SVP of Rovio Asia, why he chose this mall among all the other places in Jakarta where brands typically launch products. He explained:


Facebook用Angry Birdsに新しくソーシャル機能が追加されたことにより、ファンは友人たちと戦ったり、スコアや皆が欲しがる金・銀・銅の栄誉を自慢をしたり、といったことも可能だ。パワーアップ機能は、Facebook用に追加された大きな変化だ。万能のMighty Eagleの他に、パワーアップ機能を備えたキャラクターが追加され、ゲームをすれば、友人から「mystery gifts」として受け取るか、購入するかで、それを得ることができる。パワーアップ機能は4種類:Sling Scope、King Style、Super Seeds、Bird Quake

Rovio Asiaの上級副社長、Henri Holm氏に聞いてみた。ブランド企業が新製品を立ち上げるときにはジャカルタの他の場所を使うのが常ですが、なぜこのモールを選んだのですか。

penpen 英語 → 日本語

Choosing your payment method is also important. For this transaction I used a bank transfer (pictured below). To make the process faster, Tiket provided a unique numbers/transfer code to simplify tracking. After that, we can complete the booking and make the transfer through an ATM. If you’re done with that, you can confirm your payment and if your payment is exactly the same as stated on the invoice page, within a few hours the status will be updated in your ‘manage orders’ page. In less than 15 minutes, the B2ST festival and diamond tickets (the two closest areas to the stage) were sold out, and within 10 hours absolutely all tickets were gone.


支払い方法の選択も重要です。今回の購入では、私は銀行振込を選択しました(下の図を参照してください)。もっと早く処理したければ、Tiket が、トラッキングを簡素化できる特別な数字/振込コードを教えてくれます。その後予約が完了し、ATMで振込できるようになります。この手順に従って完了すれば、2,3時間後には「注文内容確認」ページに情報が反映され、支払い状況や、インボイスページに記載されている内容との照合もできます。15分以内に、B2STのフェスティバルチケットとダイヤモンドチケット(いずれも舞台に最も近いエリア)は売り切れてしまいました。10時間後には全席完売しました。