penpen (penpen) 翻訳実績

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It’s a cheaper solution in comparison to those conventional ones. And it’s easier, basically, anyone who has access to a video camera and can afford a Botata client will able to live webcast his/her party joy, wedding ceremony, other important moments and more. The client is a no-brainer to use as compared to professional equipment that require extra knowledge and effort to manage and operate.

It currently supports H.264 video coding standard and 1080i, 1080p and 720p image quality. It’s software client that used to receive webcast is integrated with social media like Sina Weibo so you can share whatever you see to Sina Weibo to share the moment with more friends.



現在は、動画データ圧縮符号化方式標準H.264をサポートしており、映像品質は1080i、1080p、720pが可能だ。ウェブ放送受信用クライアントソフトは、Sina Weiboといったソーシャルメディアと融合しており、貴方が目にしているものをSina Weibo で共有すれば、より多くの友人と、その瞬間を共有できるようになる。

penpen 英語 → 日本語

Hello and greetings to you, my dear customers. I am delighted to welcome you to my eBay store.We specialize in making excellent top rated violins, violas and cellos. Our craftsmen have learned their skills from experienced masters, with more than ten years experience making violins and string instruments. We make all the instruments with only first class materials. We use the best traditional violin-body making techniques to guarantee professional top quality violins which sound rich and resonate beautifully. We adopt a semi-oily lacquer made by an ancient method to manufacture all our string instruments, which provides a pleasant and melodious timbre from our violins, violas and cellos.


弊社では、一流のバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロを専門的に製作しております。職人は、熟練工より技術を習得しており、バイオリンや弦楽器製作において、10年以上もの経験がございます。 弊社の楽器は全て最高級の材料のみを使用しております。極上の伝統技術をもって作製しており、プロによる、最高品質の、深く美しい音を奏でるバイオリンを保証いたします。弊社では、全ての弦楽器は古くからの製法で作られたsemi-oilyのラッカーを使用しており、これによりバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロは心地よく美しい音を奏でることができます。

penpen 英語 → 日本語

At 3 months, baby begins to transition from a newborn and by 4 months, many noticeable developmental milestones are beginning to appear. Some of the information below covers a range of developmental milestones that span the period of 2 to 6 months. Baby development is continual and each little one has his or her own pace, so read on for more information about this wonderful time in baby's life.

Vision: Baby's eye muscles are stronger and the “cross-eyed” effect is disappearing. Babies this age can track objects in motion. Beginning around 4 months, baby's vision will coordinate both eyes together, which leads to the beginning of depth perception.




penpen 英語 → 日本語

Touch: Beginning around 4-6 months, babies explore using not only their hands but also their mouths. Babies put everything in their mouths because this is an effective way for them to explore their environment and learn about it.

Vision: Baby is now able to follow an object with his eyes to 180°, as far as his head turns. Baby’s focus has improved and he is able to see at greater distances now. More colors continue to become visible. Eye contact with others begins and baby will begin to mimic facial expressions.

Touch: Baby will deliberately reach for objects at 3 months of age and is developing head and neck control. Baby may begin rolling from side to side at this age as well.





penpen 英語 → 日本語

Hearing: Baby enjoys listening to music. Baby may become distracted by noises in the environment at 3 months.

Taste: Visible communication skills are beginning to emerge. Baby may be heard making an ahh sound deliberately. Baby will vary her cries and her cries begin to have meaning.

What You Can Do:
With close supervision, use a tummy time mat or playmat on the floor. Place a colorful toy or a toy that makes an interesting sound in front of baby to encourage him to lift his head. This exercise time helps baby build neck and shoulder strength.
Keep tummy time sessions brief if baby is fussy, but continue to repeat daily.
Allow baby to grasp your finger or reach to touch your face.






penpen 英語 → 日本語

With this in mind, the following social media campaigns from marketers big and small are designed to be idea generators. This isn’t a ranking of the most effective social media campaigns of the year, but rather the ones that have the most to offer an entrepreneur with big ideas and a not-so-big marketing budget.

1. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Jinx

Last March, the venerable Kraft brand launched an interesting campaign on Twitter: Whenever two people individually used the phrase “mac & cheese” in a tweet, Kraft sent both a link pointing out the “Mac & Jinx” (as in the childhood game Jinx.) The first one to reply back got five free boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese plus a t-shirt.



1. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Jinx
昨年3月、老舗店Kraftが、Twitter上で興味深いキャンペーンを打ち出しました。: “mac & cheese”というフレーズをツイートした2人に、Kraftは “Mac & Jinx”サイトのリンクを送る(子供のゲームJinxの名を冠して)。先にリンクをクリックして返信した方には、Kraft のMac & Cheese5箱とTシャツが贈呈される、というもの。