oier9 (oier9) 翻訳実績

4.8 1 件のレビュー
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 漫画 マニュアル IT 文化 ファッション Arts
oier9 英語 → 日本語

“On Friday afternoon, Mr. Garra slipped and broke his ankle and couldn’t walk any more,” said Tika Gurung, the expedition organizer, who also said that because it was late in the day, an immediate rescue was not possible.

“His guide, Keshab Gurung, stayed with him overnight and then the helicopters tried to rescue him the next day, but the altitude was too high,” he said.

Kono perished at an altitude of approximately 7,700 meters along with her guide, Dawa Sherpa.

Gurung, who was guiding Spain’s Garra on his quest to summit the 14 highest mountains in the world, is currently being treated for injuries in a Katmandu hospital. The remaining climbers in the group were confirmed safe.






oier9 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

5- Don’t operate the machine on backside , bone position and nursing time can not be over 30 minutes in one day

6- Don’t operate the machine on eye lid , prominentia laryngea , heart , don’t stop on a place for long time .
Prohibited people, The machine is not recommended for people who has following disease :
1- Fever , infectious disease , or acute illness .
2- Heat disease , who with the heart pacemaker .
3- Severe hypertension , tumor , asthma, deep venous thrombosis , varicosity , goiter, cancer , epilepsy etc.
4- Hemorrhagic disease, trauma, angiorrhoxis (broken blood vessels), inflamed skin, dermatopath
5- Pregnant women
6- Don’t working on belly during the menstrual period .


5 - 背中や骨部分には機械を使用しないでください。処置時間は一日30分以下にしてください。
6 - 喉仏、心臓、まぶたに機械を使用しないでください。長時間、同じ個所に接触させないでください。
1 - 発熱、感染症、または急性疾患。
2 - 心臓病でペースメーカー埋め込んでいる人。
3 - 重症高血圧症、腫瘍、喘息、深部静脈血栓症、静脈瘤、甲状腺腫、ガン、てんかん等
4 - 出血性疾患、外傷、脈管破裂(破裂した血管)、皮膚炎症、皮膚病
5 - 妊婦
6 – 生理期間中の腹部には使用しないでください。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

Then press “4” to choose the probe you need , press “8” to re-set time, press “6” and ”7” to adjust the intensity .

6- The machine will turn off automatically when the setting time is up .

7- Clean the skin by warm towel and clean the probe after treatment.


1- Have enough gel on the working place when doing treatment .

2- Super ultrasonic and ultrasound probe can not working for long time without doing treatment , press the start/stop button when stop using the machine, avoid damage caused by working without doing treatment .

3- Don’t stop on a place when doing treatment by super ultrasonic probe , don’t stop on bone position

4- It has output only if you turn on the manual button on the probe .



6 - 設定時間がくれば、機器は自動的にオフになります。

7 - 温かいタオルで肌をきれいに拭き、処置後はプローブを清潔にしてください。


1 – 処置部にはゲルを十分に塗ってください。

2 – Super ultrasonicと超音波プローブを長時間空作動させないでください。機器の使用を停止するにはスタート/ストップボタンを押してください。空作動による損傷を避けられます。

3 - 超音波プローブでの処置中に停止させないでください。骨の位置で停止させないでください。

4 - プローブの手動ボタンをオンにした場合、出力のみになります。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

1- Daub medium (essence,gel,cream) on the parts after deep clean it , a suitable volume of medium which can let the ultrasound probe move flexible .

2- Set working time , according to the part where to be treated to press button (4) . choose ultrasound A (small) probe , B(middle) probe , Small probe A is working for place around eye and nose , middle probe B is working for face and arms.

3- Choose working mode, A is continuous wave and B is discontinuous wave , adjust the intensity according to the treatment part .

4- Press start/stop button to start operation.

5- Please press the “start/stop button” (3) first to stop the machine if you want to change another probe during the treatment .


1 - 処置部をよくきれいにしてから、エキス、ジェル、クリームなどを塗ってください。適量を塗ることで、超音波プローブが動きやすくなります。

2 - 時間設定

3 - 動作モードを選択してください。Aは連続波、Bは不連続波です。処置部分に応じて強さを調整してください。

4 - 作動させるにはスタート/ストップボタンを押します。

5 – 処置中に別のプローブに変更する場合は、まず「スタート/ストップボタン」(3)を押して機械を停止させてください。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

The union of Antonius and Lepidus cleared the situation; messages may then have passed.They were instruments rather than agents. Of his lieutenants, Laterensis in shame took his own life; P. Canidius Crassus and Rufrenus were fervent Antonians; M. Silanus, who had carried his messages to Antonius, soon fell away to the cause of the Republic. The others were of no importance. Lepidus himself, however, was to have a second consulate in the next year, with Plancus as his colleague. For 41 B.C. were designated P. Servilius Isauricus and L. Antonius; for 40 B.C., Pollio and Cn. Domitius Calvinus. The Caesarians Servilius and Calvinus were consulars already, and nobiles at that.


AntoniusとLepidusの一団は状況を明らかにし、その後、伝言は広まったのかもしれない。彼らは公吏というより道具だった。彼の副官であるLaterensisは恥辱のうちに自ら命を絶った。P. Canidius CrassusとRufrenusは熱烈なAntonius 支持者だった。M. SilanusはAntoniusに彼のメッセージを齎したのち、すぐに共和国運動へと身を引いた。他の者には何の重みなかった。Lepidus自身は、しかし、同僚のPlancusとともに、次年に第二領事の職を控えていた。紀元前41年、P. Servilius Isauricus、L. Antonius就任; 紀元前40年、Pollio and Cn. Domitius Calvinus就任。Caesar支持者のServiliusとCalvinusはすでに領事になっており、またノビレスでもあった。

oier9 英語 → 日本語

1-Daub gel on the parts where has hypertrophic fat (abdomen, hip and legs),a suitable volume of gel which can let the super ultrasound probe move flexible .

2-Set working time, around 10 minutes per parts, choose a suitable level

3-Press start/stop button ,then the beautician should press the manual button, after that the probe will work

4-Beautician should hold the probe by one hand , move it as circle around or repeart move as a straight line , the another hand should push the fat to the probe.

5-Do not operate the machine on backside of person, avoid work on bone .

6-Do not do the treatment on lady’s uterine position when do treatment on their belly . Can’t do belly slimming during the menstruation .



2. 作動時間を設定してください。一部分につき10分程度が目安です。適当なレベルを選んでください。





oier9 英語 → 日本語

It is not a problem to refer people to you.

I just want to clarify a few points:

1. Any Online-market retailer you sell to will be in direct competition with you.

2. Something I learned in the last 6 months: Japanese Online retailers are tricky! They are very hard to control. Change company names, so you don't know which customer it is... They can buy from you, break your price on Amazon and tell you it's someone else! They also like to sell outside of Japan, which is a big No-No and could cost you your contract.
You need to consider very carefully who you sell to. Do background checks, see who it is you sell to.





2、この6ヶ月間で学んだこと。日本のオンライン小売業者はトリッキーです! 彼らを制御するのは非常に困難です。社名を変更すれば、あなたはどの顧客かわからなくなります……。彼らはあなたから購入し、Amazonでは破格値で販売し、「他の誰かですよ!」と言うことができます。それに彼らは日本国外で販売するつもりのようですが、それは重大なタブーですし、あなたの契約が犠牲になる可能性があります。