Nobu in LA (nobula) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nobula 英語 → 日本語

The social invite mechanic should be native to the underlying platform

This is where Asian gaming platforms are fundamentally different. A characteristic that differentiates some Asian gaming networks like GREE (TYO:3632) and DeNA (TYO:2432) from other social gaming companies is the fact that their user acquisition and cross-promotion is built on a native gaming platform. Users often have an avatar-based gaming identity rather than their real identity. With gaming being the core function of the platform, the risk of spam gets mitigated. And since people aren’t their real selves on the platform, the propensity to mass-invite will be that much higher.



ここが、アジアのゲームプラットフォームが基本的に違う点である。GREE (TYO:3632)やDeNA (TYO:2432) のようなアジアのゲームネットワークの性質は、他のソーシャルゲーム企業とは異なり、彼らのユーザー獲得とクロス・プロモーションはゲーム用のネイティブプラットフォームの上に構築されている。ユーザーは、アバターを基本とするIDを持つことが多く、真のIDを利用しない。ゲームがプラットフォームの中心機能であるため、スパムのリスクは軽減されている。また、人々はプラットフォーム上で真のIDを使わないので、大量招待の傾向が非常に高くなる。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

2. Mobile has a history of unbundling horizontal platforms into vertical services. is a single web destination for multiple use cases (communication, hosting pictures, sharing stuff, playing games etc.). But Facebook itself has multiple mobile apps for communication, photos, etc., and faces stiff competition from services like Instagram (pre-acquisition) which would not have been a direct competitor in a desktop/web-only world. This unbundling could also raise challenges for social games which depend heavily on cross-promotion and could come in the way of porting users from one game to another.


2. モバイルは横に広がったプラットフォームを縦割りサービスに切り離すことをしてきた。Facebook.comは複数の利用目的(コミュニケーション、画像ホスティング、ものの共有、ゲーム、等)に対する1つの目的地である。しかし、Facebook自体が、コミュニケーション、画僧、等に対して複数のモバイルアプリを持っており、デスクトップやウェブ限定の世界では直接の競合相手とはならなかったであろうInstagram(買収前)のようなサービスとの厳しい競争に面している。この切り離しは、クロスプロモーションに大きく依存しているソーシャルゲームに課題を投げかけ、1つのゲームから別のゲームへのユーザーの移行を妨げることになりうる。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

It’s ultimately the money, honey!

Social gaming ARPUs globally are still not at the level that they are in Japan. Despite the fact that Zynga had 10X the number of users that GREE had in late 2011 (Zynga was still on a roll), GREE had higher quarterly revenues and both GREE and DeNA had more than 10X the profitability of Zynga. Of course, this all works very well when you’re targeting the affluent Japanese market. But two significant reasons for Zynga’s low profitability have been it’s high customer acquisition spend and the 30 percent revenue share with Facebook. Acquisitions spends are controlled to a much greater extent on an owned, native platform, which contributes to DeNA’s high profitability.




nobula 英語 → 日本語

Aside from PaPa’s terrible name, it’s a clever app that fuses the best social elements of Path, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter/Weibo all into one. If that’s not enough, it also supports sending voice messages of up to 60 seconds in length, sort of like China’s popular Weixin/WeChat app. It can integrate with Chinese social networks like Weibo. It sounds like an overblown mess, but it might prove a hit with local smartphone users if it can find a niche – perhaps as an Instagram-on-steroids that can do voice plus photos. It was launched earlier this month as an iPhone app from its homepage.



nobula 英語 → 日本語

Many attribute the American company failures to government regulations or favoritism. While these played a part in their failure, there were other more relevant reasons related to the companies themselves:

1. Too short-term focused – China is a large market requiring much patience. American companies often prioritize globally based on profitability, or cut-back across all regions during economic downturns. But these moves often prove to be penny-wise, pound-foolish. They save some money in the short-term, but hand over market share to the competitors. Examples: AOL entered and exited China twice — each exit caused by its own financial woes, while the China market was booming.



1. 短期展望過ぎる - 中国は非常に忍耐の必要な大きな市場である。米国企業は世界的にしばしば利益性を優先し、景気が悪化する中、全地域に縮小政策をあてはめる。しかし、この動きは、一銭を節約して大金を無駄にする、となることが多い。短期ではいくらかの金を節約するものの、競合他社に市場シェアを明け渡すことになる。例えば、中国市場が盛況の間、AOLは中国に出入りを2度し、出るたびに同社には財政困難を伴った。