同夜、両親に連れられ、3人の兄弟と米軍輸送機に乗ったという。 一家はワシントン近郊の知人宅の一室に身を寄せた。父は雑貨店や給油所で働き、子供たちを学校に通わせた。 一方、ベトナムは78年のカンボジア侵攻で国際社会で孤立、計画経済で人々の生活は困窮した。数十万人がボートで国を脱出した。95年の国交回復まで、故郷の親戚との連絡でさえ、困難を極めた。祖国は両親を惨めな生活に追いやった国だった。 ハーバード大の学生時代の95年、旅行雑誌のアルバイトで祖国を訪れ、記事を書く機会を得た。
On the same night, he boarded the US army aircraft with his 3 siblings.The family stayed at a house of their acquaintance in the suburb of Washington. His father worked at variety stores and gasoline stands to send his children to school.In the meantime, Vietnam was isolated from the international community for invasion into Cambodia, and the citizens went through hardships in daily life due to the Planned Economy policy. Several hundred thousand people evaded the country on boats. They had extreme difficulties making contacts with their relatives until Vietnam restored relations with the US in 1995. His homeland put him in deep misery.In 1995 when he was a student at Harvard University, he had the chance to visit his homeland to write an article, as a part time job.
湖や街路樹の美しさや言葉の響きに「故郷だ」と感じだ。将来、ベトナムで起業すると心に決めた。 ベトナムは86年のドイモイ(刷新)政策で市場経済化を進めていた。ヘンリーさんら「越僑」は敵ではなく、商機と外貨を呼び込む存在に変わりつつあった。 祖国への進出を果たした今、ヘンリーさんは言う。「ベトナムは平和になった。成長のチャンスにあふれている」
The beauty of the lakes and the roadside trees gave him the impression of "hometown". At this moment, he determined to start up a business in Vietnam in the future.Vietnam began to shift to market-oriented economy with the Doi Moi (reform) policy in1986. Vietnamese living abroad became the presence of business chance that attracts foreign money, instead of an enemy.Now that Henry has made his way into his homeland, he says, "Vietnam has become a peaceful country. It is filled with chances for growth."
If you can forgive my behavior, can you drop your claims made at Amazon?My Amazon account is suspended, and I am currently not able to execute any transactions.I have a wife and a small child, and will not be able to make a living without business at Amazon.I have no further intentions to sell Canon products, so please drop your claims to this regard.One email transmission stating your intentions to drop your claim will be fine.
Can you drop your claim regarding the intellectual property infringement?I was advised that the Canon lens that I am exhibiting in Amazon is infringing intellectual properties.I am a fan of Canon products, and used to distribute Canon products in Japan.I regret that I exhibited the product not knowing that Canon products were prohibited to be sold in Europe.I cancelled all sales of Canon products exhibited in Amazon.I have no further intentions to sell Canon products in the future, too.Please rescue this small fragile family.
The guitar is scheduled to be delivered in late June. It was my mistake that the order was not registered for a pre-order sale.I checked with the Japanese exclusive agent, Gibson Japan, and was told that this guitar will be available from late June,If you are able to wait for the arrival of the product, it will be delivered to you in late June.I have placed a priority reservation, so we are capable of ensuring the product.Of course, if the situation does not allow you to wait, the order can be cancelled and receive full refund.
・私は日本の製品をアメリカはもちろん世界中で販売しています。・私はお客様と英語で対応が可能です。・商品の発送手段は、日本郵便のEMS( Express Mail Service)を利用しています。EMSには追跡番号がついています。・商品の返品があった場合のための、アドレスを持っているので心配はありません。・これから販売予定の商品は、既にアマゾンのカタログで作成されていますので問題ありません。
・I sell Japanese products not only to the US, but to various countries worldwide.・I am capable of communicating with clients in English.・The products are shipped out using the EMS (Express Mail Service) by Japan Post. The EMS parcel carries a tracking number.・I have an address reserved for return products, in case there are any.・There should be no problems with the products, as the products scheduled to be sold are those previously presented in the Amazon Catalogue.
★大変申し訳ないですフォーカシンングスクリーンが標準でないことに私は気づいていませんでしたそれをお詫びしたいのですが私があなたにできることはなんですか?なるべく希望に応えたいと思います。☆ 確認したところファインダー内には小さな黒い点のようなゴミが3つ、小さなカビが3つ確認できましたがどちらも視界の邪魔になるようなものではなくクモリもなく液晶の表示もちゃんと見えています記載されていない小さなカビがありましたので、価格を下げて提供でさせていただきますので検討いただければ幸いです
I am extremely sorry.I was not aware that the focusing screen was not standard.I would like to apologize.Is there anything I can do for you?I would like to meet your wishes.After examination, I found 3 small black dots which seem to be dust, and the small molds, neither of which will interfere with the eyesight.There are no blurs, and the liquid crystal vision can be viewed properly.There were small molds that were not notified so I would like to lower the price.Please give it some consideration.
Below item is unfortunately out of stock at the moment.I am unable to send it to you as the date of arrival of the goods is not confirmed.The above items are out of stock, but these products are available, with 2 pieces in stock.You may change the order, so please let me know if you would like to do so.If you would like the items other than those out of stock to be shipped out, please let us know so that the shipment can be arranged.I would appreciate if you can contact me by May 30, and shipment before entering the Golden Week holidays is possible.Please note that for instructions received after this, the shipping arrangement will be made on or after May 7.
All goods will be shipped out from Japan.Our company profile is as follows.The prices of the inquired products are as follows.The prices do not include shipping fees, so UPS shipping charges will be added according to volume of shipment.Below three products are no longer in stock as they are of previous models, but if you are willing to pay the presented amount, they can be purchased from a retail outlet.The availability of the below two products are being inquired at the time being.As we will be entering the Golden Week holiday, the date of reply is expected to be around May 7.I would appreciate it if you can let me know the quantities of each products you intend to purchase.
New product registration will stop until the above program error is restored and the current stock is re-examined.Error check procedures in the process of uploading a csv file for a new product will be introduced to make sure that there are no prohibited items in the actual data uploaded.We have notified all exhibitors by email and have deleted all exhibited products.I thank you in advance for your support.
I am very sorry for exhibiting a product not to be sold at amazon EU.I apologize to the many exhibitors and AMAZON for the trouble caused.The reasons for the exhibition of the many products prohibited for sales was due to the system error that occurred in the confirmation process of the exhibited product when uploaded by csv, resulting in exhibition of several items prohibited for sales.In order to improve the situation, we plan to imply the following control procedure.- Re-examination of the Product Control System
2/8に行われたトークショーでも触れられていましたが、 新シリーズとなる着圧タイツをプロデュースしていたUNO。「AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary -Attack All Around-」ツアー会場&ネットショップ(mu-mo、ココビューモ)限定デザインの発売が決定しました♪人気のキスマークデザインを春らしくパステルカラーに♪この限定デザインのタイツには、撮り下ろしのコーディネートカード(全6種類)が ランダム封入されています☆
As mentioned in the talk show on February 8, UNO produced a new series of pressure tights."AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary -Attack All Around-"Items of limited design edition will be on sale at the venue and through web shop (mu-mo and COCOBEAUMO).Check out the popular Kiss-mark design in a pastel colors of spring!These limited tights will randomly contain a newly photographed fashion coordination cards.
★「エステレッグ ミサフィア」ブランドページhttp://www.sho-bi.jp/misafia/index.html------------------------------ ※グッズ売場にて販売いたします。※ツアー会場にて購入された場合、え~キャンペーンの対象商品となります。------------------------------
"Esthe Leg Misafia" brand pagehttp://www.sho-bi.jp/misafia/index.html-------------------------------* Products will be sold at the sales area.* Goods purchased at the venue will be candidate products for the E--Campaign.-------------------------------
ネットショップ(mu-mo、ココビューモ)では、5/1(金)10:00より先行予約開始をいたします♪さらに!!2015年春夏にもぴったりな3rdシリーズから1商品をツアー会場先行販売いたします♪はきやすいベージュのタイツに、右足首の内側にデザインされている「Love you」の文字。UNO直筆なのです。そして、パープルのクリスタル石が付いています。
Products will be on sale in advance in the web shops (mu-mo, COCOBEAUMO) at 10:00 on Friday May 1.And--Of the items of the third season, perfect for 2015 SS (Spring-Summer), a selected item will be on sale at the venue. Beige tights, easy-to-coordinate, with a message of "Love you" imprinted on the inner right ankle.The letters are autographed by UNO, with a purple crystal.
今回も色んなTPOに合わせてはけるデザインをプロデュースしたUNO。3rdシリーズの全デザインは5月中旬頃発表予定ですのでお楽しみに!!-------------------------------■ベージュパステルキスマーク 価格:2,000円(税込)※AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 & ネットショップ限定※コーディネートカードは全6種類の中から1枚がランダムに封入されています。※一般発売をしない限定商品となります。※お一人様1会計につき3個まで
The tights designs by UNO are suitable to wear in any occasion, this time too.The full line up of the 3rd season is scheduled to be presented in mid-May. Don't miss it!--------------Beige pastel kiss mark price: JPY 2,000 (tax included)* Only sold at AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 and web shops.* One of the six fashion coordination cards will be included randomly.* Limited products not scheduled to be sold openly.* Purchase limited to 3 items per person, per payment.
Release of a Best Album in June, and a New Album in July!!The "Aggressive" KEMURI to release a Best Album in June, and a New Album in July this year, commemorating the 20th anniversary as a band.The Best Album to be released in June is the all time best, composed mainly of numbers played in the live performances.
しかも再結成以前の楽曲は、ギタリスト・田中‘T’幸彦は勿論、ライヴではお馴染みのサポート・メンバー、トランペットの河村光博、トロンボーンの須賀裕之も参加してレコーディングし直した、現在のベスト・ライヴ・メンバーでの再録といえるでしょう。CD+DVD盤の方には、「PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)」の新作ミュージック・ビデオの他、先日のUSツアーのドキュメンタリーが収録されるとのことで、こちらもファン必見の内容となっています。
Furthermore, the numbers created prior to getting back together were re-recorded by the current best members of Yukihiko 'T' Tanaka on guitar, and the two familiar supporting members of live performances, Mitsuhiro Kwawamura on trumpet and Hiroyuki Suga on trombone.A new video clip of "PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)" and a documentary video of the US tour will be included in the CD+DVD, contents that a fan couldn't miss!
スマートフォン向けアプリ『ぷよぷよ!!クエスト』新テレビCMにAAAメンバー出演! スマートフォン向けアプリ『ぷよぷよ!!クエスト』新テレビCMにAAAメンバー出演! 1300万DLを達成したスマートフォン向けアプリゲーム『ぷよぷよ!!クエスト』のCMキャラクターにAAAが就任!また、CMタイアップ曲は4/29発売となる「GAME OVER?」!!
Appearance of AAA members in the new TV commercial of a smartphone application, "Puyo Puyo Quest".Appearance of AAA members in the new TV commercial of a smartphone application, "Puyo Puyo Quest".AAA members will become the CM character for the smartphone application "Puyo Puyo Quest" which marked 13 million downloads! The tie up theme music for the commercial is "GAME OVER", to be released on April 29.
新CMとメイキング映像はこちらの特設サイトから見る事ができます!http://sgap.ps/puyoAAAsp CMは2015年4月30日(木)からオンエアとなります!ぜひご覧ください!●テレビCM「はじめよう篇」 ●テレビCMメイキング「はじめよう篇」
The new commercial film and the making video of the CM is available at special site below. http://sgap.ps/puyoAAAspThe commercial will be on air starting Thursday April 30, 2015! Don't miss it!- TV commercial film: episode "Let's Start"- Making video of CM: episode "Let's Start"
イトーヨーカドー「COOL STYLE」新TVCMにAAAメンバーが出演!!イトーヨーカドー「COOL STYLE」新TVCMにAAAメンバーが出演決定!!今回からなんとメンバー全員でのTVCM出演と、それぞれがコラボした商品に注目です!!2015年4月22日(水)からオンエアとなりますので、是非ご注目ください! http://www.itoyokado.co.jp/special/2015coolstyle/aaa/index.html
Appearance of AAA members in the new TV commercial of Ito Yokado "COOL STYLE".The appearance of AAA members in the new TV commercial of Ito Yokado "COOL STYLE" has been confirmed.This time, all members will appear in the TV commercial, so watch out for the collaboration items by each members!The commercial film will be on air from Wednesday April 22, 2015. Don't miss it!http://www.itoyokado.co.jp/special/2015coolstyle/aaa/index.html