
Kei (nbdy) 翻訳実績

Vancouver, BC
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
nbdy 英語 → 日本語

What does the tracking show for you. Here it shows it has not moved out of your post office, in the japan postal site that Mr Taizo uses to send me stuff from Japan, i buy a lot of stuff frm him.
If there is a problem like last time please check or if you feel like it, send me another one so atleast one of them reaches. If botb reach i will of course pay for the other one. My wife was asking if you have some small flowers design as well, so it shows brilliantly all over without having to turn the pen for the complete design. Let know status please at time is running short for me to decide.



nbdy 英語 → 日本語

I gotta say, i choose the airmail and is it really that fast? You shipped the game like on monday and it's already in Finland. I have bought several games from a shop called "Yamatoku-Classic" and they say that airmail is supposed to be slow, and now one of my game has been lost in the mail and they are willing to refund my partially back. They charghed me like 9$ for he shipping and they didn't bother to give tracking number to the package.

But you my friend, are the one of the best Super Famicom sellers on Ebay, and i'm gonna give you a feedback tomorrow for a ultra-fast shipping.


