We are confirming the details now.Please give us a little more time.
We are very sorry to hear that.Can you tell us where we can get A?We are very interested in this service.
I returned the items I had bought before using them. The return policy of Amazon says buyers should pay only for the return fee when returning goods. I have paid for the return fee, so the seller should reimburse all the money I had paid for the goods. But the amount of money I got paid back was $514.69. The seller said he/she had deducted 10% of handling charge. But I don't think this makes sense. The seller must reimburse $571.88 to me, which is all the amount of money I had paid for the goods. So I claim that the seller should pay me back $57.19 to meet the difference.
We asked you for shipping on Thursday.I wonder why our order wasn't shipped on Friday.We have been using your company for a long time, but this was the first time our order wasn't shipped, even though we had asked for shipping one day before.Please let us know the reason why it wasn't shipped even you had one day for the preparation. I am really in trouble.And please be sure to use the same way of shipping for this time.If the shipment separates into two pieces, it would cause a delay in arriving at our company.Let me remind you that I need the reason why the order wasn't shipped next day.Thank you for your understanding.
1. Desktop LEDについてひとまず、少量での販売をテストしてみてみます。パッケージに関しては、元々のパッケージだと日本の法律に抵触することがわかりましたので、白い箱のままで結構です。アダプターに関してはこちらで用意します。もともと同梱されているアダプターは不要ですので、その分の代金を差し引いて欲しいです。また、追加で10個注文します。お見積もり下さい。
1. About Desktop LEDAt first, we will try a test sales of a small amount.Regarding the packages, we found out that the original packages design is illegal in Japan. So we'd prefer the package with no design. And we will get adapters by ourselves. So we don't need the adapters in the packages. Would you mind if we asked you for some discount for that?And we'd like to order for additional 10 units.Please send us the quotation.
As a good friend of yours, I recommend her to go to China for starting up a business in China, if she can convince her husband of that.When an American do a business in a communist country China, he/she may have some problem. That is because China is much different from European countries or democratic countries in terms of customs, ways of thinking, cultures etc. But I think it will give her an advantage in her career, whether she succeeds or fails.Now is the global age. So in my opinion, it is also good for her children because they can experience a foreign culture from childhood
Whether people like it or not, the globalization goes on.If so, she should take a chance of working overseas.When she decides if she goes to China for the business, it is important to see if the business in China improves her skills or makes her grow significantly. It is also important to think about what position she will be in when she comesback to the U.S. I think it is very important for her to make sure that she can be assured of her position in the U.S. after working in China.
注文番号F9811625についてお伺いしたいです。Order Status がキャンセルになっていましたが、何か問題がありましたか?支払い方法の問題でしたら、カードを変更して再度注文したいです。ご返信お待ちしております。
I'd like to ask you about the order #F9811625.Order Status says "cancel" but is there any problem?If it is a problem about my method of payment, I'd like to change my credit card and order it again.I will be waiting for your reply.
・To reduce the cost of distribution and procurement by shortening the supply chain・To increase the number of suppliers with an eye to a medium- and long-term decrease of the number of items and quantity we can buy in our market ・To reutilize our resources such as redundant staff and surplus facilities which came up with poor business results
お久しぶりです。お元気してましたか?!私の事覚えてますか?なぜ? あなたがこの会社にいるの?ビックリしました。前の会社AAAは辞めたの?いいモバイルトレーディングシステムを探しているんだけども。何知ってる?お元気ですか?お久しぶりです去年NZに行った時はありがとう。そちらのNZでの業務の調子はどうですか?!私たちはWEBサイトのセットアップと機能を今月に完成し来月から本格的にマーケティングしていきます。これから、いろいろとお願いする事もありますが。よろしくお願いしますね。
Long time no see. How have you been?Do you remember me?Why are you at this company?I was so surprised.Did you quit AAA, the former company?Anyway, I am looking for good mobile trading system. What system do you know?How are you?It is been a long time.Thank you for the time when I was in NZ last year.How is your work going in NZ?We are completing the setup of the website and the function during this month, and will start marketing in earnest next month.I think I sometimes ask you for help or advice.Thanks in advance.
I appreciate your offer.I'd like to continue to buy the product from you, but is $500 applied only this time?You offer $600 for usual price, but another seller offer $7.5.Please let me know your last price, because I'd like to continue to buy from you if possible.And I have a paypal account, so you don't have to worry about the payment.
Have you considered the selling price in Japan I asked you about?Please let us know how the things are soon.
Is it possible for us to order the sensor parts and the connector parts separately?That is because we want to assemble them by ourselves.And is it possible to order the connectors only?If we ask you to use longer wire for the sensors, can you accept the request?We place an order for five kinds of sensor samples below.
I was busy working, so it was not until yesterday I unpacked the package.I am satisfied I received the **** with good condition.But the package didn't include ●●●.(Instead there was a pink sponge at the place where ●●● should be placed. )I need ●●●.Please send ●●● ASAP.
Meanwhile, those who want to change the pacifist constitution claim that all the other developed countries have regular armies and they contribute to the peace.So they insist that Japan should also have a regular army to contribute to the peace. And recently there are many terrorist incidents happening, in which Japanese nationals are sometimes caught in dangerous situations.
Becoming a Medium, EC Changes "Discoveries" and "Experience" "In my opinion, something interesting happens when the number of shops exceeds 100 thousand" said Mr. Yuta Tsuruoka, the representative director of BASE and Mr. Kazuma Ieiri when I happened to meet them at a party and asked them about the recent situation.They said that three months after the release, the pace of increasing shops never slows down and the number has exceeded 15 thousand as of February 20th. It means that if they keep the pace --adding 5,000 shops every month-- "something interesting" would happen in 17 months.
Urgent--About the shipment delay of my order I e-mailed you yesterday but I haven't received your reply yet, which makes me uneasy.I selected EMS for shipment because I needed it urgently. I checked the shipment status and it said it has not been sent yet.When will it be shipped? I will be wearing it on March 7th. So Could you send it as soon as possible if you haven't sent it? I will be waiting for your reply.
I am Suzuki. Mr. Yamada introduced me to you at the event site yesterday.Thank you for your detailed explanation. I am convinced that the product is excellent after I have seen it with my own eyes and listened to Mr. Ogawa's explanation. I am sure the product will be of big help for us.And I'd like to request you to show me the construction pictures and the videos about screws that you showed me on PC yesterday. By using them, I want to explain how easy the construction work is.Thank you for considering my request.