taksin96 (mydogkuro11) 翻訳実績

11年以上前 男性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
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The rule of the dynast Pompeius in 60 B.C. and during the years following depended upon control, open or secret, of the organs of govemment. Pompeius and his allies did not claim to be the government or the State: it was enough that their rivals should be thwarted and impotent. They now abolished the private rights of citizenship--no disproportionate revenge for men who had been declared public enemies.There were many men alive who remembered Sulla. Often enough before now proscriptions had been the cause of secret apprehension, the pretext of hostile propaganda, or the substance of open menaces.Tales of miraculous escapes adorned the many volumes which this unprecedented wealth of material evoked.


B.C.60年以降の数年間にわたる君主Pompeiusによる統制は、裏表に関わらず、政府機関の支配に依拠していた。Pompeiusとその同盟者たちは、政府や州の建てることを要求しなかった:敵を阻みその士気を奪ったというだけで十分であった。彼らは既に市民としての私権を放棄した身であった- ゆえに、政敵と宣告を受けた者たちにとって、復讐をするに足る正当な理由があった。生きてSullaを覚えている者たちが大勢いた。それまでよく追放処分が、極秘逮捕や敵意あるプロパガンダの口実、もしくはあからさまな威嚇行為として行われていたのだ。奇跡に満ちた数ある脱出劇が、先例にない豊富な題材により生み出された多数の書物を彩った。

mydogkuro11 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

Brutus had been desperately unwilling to provoke a civil war, ready even to go into voluntary exile for the sake of concord.The pressure of events gradually drove him to a decision.When he left Italy, it was not with the plan already conceived of mustering the armies of the East, invading Italy and restoring the Republic through violence.He did not believe in violence. At Athens he looked about for allies, opened negotiations with provincial governors--but did not act at once. In any event, principles and honor commanded a Republican to resist the worst excesses of civil war. Lepidus was a Caesarian: but Brutus refused to concur in the hounding down of the family of Lepidus, who had married his own half-sister.



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Masaaki Sando様


mydogkuro11 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

The other significant step which is equally decisive for the institutionalization of
professional autonomy, and especially for the promotion of political study
scholarship, concerns “internal institutional building,” by which I mean the norms,
principles, and procedures that govern qualifications and assessments of human
resources, research projects, scholarly publications, and educational offers in the
study of Chinese politics. A perhaps superficial issue in this regard is about the
format and professionalism of research articles: in China there are still numerous
articles published in leading political science journals like Zhengzhixue that
lack any format for academic reference—in other words, no any footnotes.



mydogkuro11 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

A scholar would not argue that this is a purely trivial problem, because
reference notes not only indicate the source of information and make arguments with
evidence, but they also ensure the continuation of intellectual development which
allows for the accumulation and progress of knowledge. A more significant issue
concerns the assessment and evaluation of scholarship: It is not the government or
the ruling political party that has the authority to assess and evaluate the quality of
scholarship. This is easy to understand in a system with academic autonomy and
freedom, but it is definitely not natural in contemporary China. In a similar vein,
financial sponsors are also unable to do such assessment
and evaluation.

