Hello,I believe we had the package insured. Let me get back with you tomorrow and I will have a plan, then you can decide which works better for you.Is there an amount we could refund to you where you would be OK with keeping the model (despite the fact it's missing the seat and roof piece)?. Then you could maybe replace those parts in the future. Think it over and let me know what that price may be.
You don't understand me. I want to sell 12 Cadillacs "NEO" for $ 55Hi,Is there a cheaper shipping option to MALAWI? $85 is very expensive.MikeHi, Thank you for your response.What will airmail postage for 2 Redline models to Malawi cost?
Hi ,Thank you for your payment via paypal , I will send the items to the following address, and can you tell me your mobile phone no. for fill the customs form use? thanks
I'm sorry the glass front was broken, that is unfortunate, the photo you sent did not come thru.I think $450 is excessive, I would prefer to give you a full refund and receive the unit back, glass panels run between $100 and $200.Let me knw what you would like to do. Please forward the photo to rusty stgelais at hot mail dot com
フロントガラスが割れていたのは残念です。申し訳ありませんでした。あなたが送ったという写真は届いていません。$450は高すぎると思います。全額返金し、その品を引き取りたいと思います。ガラスパネルは$100から$200の間です。あなたがどうしたいのか教えてください。その写真をrusty stgelais at hot mail dot com宛てに送ってください。
Another category is on the opposite side of the universe. Here, you might see two and maybe three logos that indicate a brewing trend with promise. But there's no critical mass here yet, and certainly no guarantees that these will eventually grow into something bigger.Some Examples From This Year's StudyTwixt – These contain odd little interlinks between points that suggest connectivity.Angle bombs – These contain highly angled geometric shapes, oftentimes triangles, and are usually chaotic and without symmetry, like an explosion of sharp pieces from a central explosion.Leaf amalgams – Leaves used to build cars, people, other leaves, whatever.
もう一つのカテゴリーはまったく宇宙の正反対側にある。ここであなたはいくつかのロゴを見られるかもしれない。それらは間違いなく醸造の兆しをもつものだ。しかし今はまだここには実態はない。そしてたしかに、それらがやがて何かとてつもないものになるという保証もない。今年の勉強からの二、三の例。Twixt - これらは連結性を示唆する、点と点の間を結ぶ奇妙なインターリンクを含む。Angle bombs ー これらはひどく曲がった幾何学形態を持つ。往々にして三角形であり、通常無秩序であり対称性をもたない。それは中心の爆発から生じた形状破片の爆発に似ている。葉状アマルガム - 車、人、他の葉、などなんでも作るために用いられる葉
In addition, if you anticipate your reaction to reviewing these trends is to dismiss every one of them as yesterday's news, you also may as well walk away right now.There's plenty to be learned here, but you need to be looking for the right thing. After a decade of studying logos from around the world—32,000 alone for this report—I can say with absolute confidence that the true benefit of studying logo design trends is that they invariably identify trajectories. Once you can see the path a trend starts to take, once you can see its arc and velocity, it's very possible for you to know where to take it next. You get to steer. You can find your own forward direction.
加えて、もしこれらの傾向のレビューに対してのあなたの反応がすべてのものを過去のニュースとして却下するものだと予想するなら、すぐにここから立ち去ってもいい。ここには多くの学ぶべきことがあるが、あなたは正しいものを探す必要がある。世界中からのロゴをここ10年間調べると --このレポートだけでも32000ある --ロゴデザインの傾向を調べるということの本当の利益は、それらが常に軌跡を同定しているのだと私は絶対的な自信をもっていえる。ある傾向がスタートし始める道筋を見ることができれば、そしてその円弧と速度を見ることができれば、次にどこにそれを持って行くかをあなたが知りうる可能性は大いにありうる。あなたは舵取りを始める。そしてあなたは自分自身の行く先を見出すことができる。
I have feedback from our logistic partner concerning the shipping.I requested two different scenarios as an example for you get an idea about the costs:360 piecesWould be shipped by Airmail as it is very fast and almost the same price asshipping by boat. The delivery takes 5-7 days and costs 950,- EUR3600 piecesWould be shipped by boat. It takes 4-6 weeks and costs 2.800,- to 3.000,- EUR(depending on the current exchange rate).If you are usually working with a forwarder in Europe we can alternatively ship to any location in Europe or prepare the goods for pick up.Concerning the visuals you prepared we like the approach very much, especially since we like Japanese Manga like Akira or "Ghost in the Shell
Baidu Now Has an Instagram of Its Own, Ready For Its Close-UpChinese search engine Baidu acquired the photo-sharing app PhotoSola last November – and now, finally, the Instagram-like app has been rebranded and reborn as Baidu MoTu. The newly launched app creates a mini social network around its photo app, with tweaked and filtered images sharable to Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Facebook, or Twitter.
Baidu独自のInstagramを持つ。詳細発表間近。中国のサーチエンジンBaiduは写真共有のアプリPhotoSolaを昨年11月に手に入れ、そしてとうとうInstagram仕様のアプリを新しくブランド化し、Baidu MoTuとして生まれ変わらせた。新しくローンチされたアプリはSina Weibo, Tencent Weibo, Facebook, や Twitterなどと共有できる風変わりな. フィルターイメージでミニソーシャルネットワークをそのフォトアプリで作り出すものである。
Genuine new in factory sealed box, thanks for looking! Free shipping, not a refurbished or factory second item.
We understand that you may have initiated a dispute with a seller recently. Weappreciate your cooperation during this process.As part of PayPal's Commitment to excellence, we would like to ask you to takejust a few minutes to answer questions regarding PayPal's dispute resolutionprocess.To respond to our survey, please click on the web address below. If that doesnot work, please cut and paste the entire web address into the address fieldof your browser.
あなたが最近セラーともめたですが、このことについてご協力ください。お客様への Paypal Commitmentの一端として、Paypalもめごと解決に関してほんの数分ご質問にお答えいただきたいと思います。調査に関して、下のウエブアドレスをクリックしてください。もし届かないならそのアドレスをコピーしてあなたのブラウザにペーストしてください。
In addition, hot smoke radiates heat to furniture and other combustibles in the compartment. This increases pyrolysis which adds more flammable fuel to the gas layer. Cooling the hot gas layer mitigates these hazards by slowing the transfer of heat to other combustibles and reducing the chances of the overhead gases igniting.You can cool the hot gas layer by applying short pulses of water fog into it. With the nozzle set on a 40- to 60- degree fog pattern, direct it upward toward the gas layer and quickly open and close it in one- to two-second pulses (Figure 15.11). Remember that your intent is to cool the gases, not to produce a large volume of steam.
When water droplets begin to fall out of the overhead smoke layer, it means that the gases have been cooled and you can stop spraying water into the smoke.If the fire continues to burn unchecked, the gas layer will regain its heat and the gas-cooling technique may have to be repeated.The gas-cooling technique should be repeated as necessary while the hose team advances under the gas layer toward the fire. In narrow hallways, the fog pattern may need to be restricted. In large-volume compartments, the duration of the pulses may need to be increased slightly.
Smoke — Visible productsof combustion resulting from the incomplete combustion of carbonaceous materials and composed of small particlesof carbon, tarry particles, and condensed water vapor suspended in the atmosphere, which vary in color and density depending on the types of material burning and the amount of oxygen.Figure 15.11 The hot gas layer can be cooled with short pulses of water fogas the attack team enters the structure. Courtesy of Dick Giles.
煙 -- 炭素質の物質の不完全燃焼から生じた眼に見える生成物であり、それは炭素、タール状粒子、空中に懸濁する水が凝集したものから成る。これらの色や密度は燃えた物質の種類とその酸素含有量によっ変わる。図15.11 アタックチームが建物内部に入る際に、熱ガス層は水蒸気短時間パルスによって冷却される。 Dick Gilesのご好意による。
Direct AttackThe most efficient use of water on free-burning fires is made by a direct attack on the fire — usually from a solid or straight stream. The water is applied in short bursts di- rectly onto the burning fuels (often called “penciling”) until the fire “darkens down” (Figure 15.12, p. 768). Another effective technique (often called “painting”) is to cool hot surfaces to slow or stop the pyrolysis process by gently applying water and allowing it to run over the hot material. Water should not be applied long enough to upset the thermal layering (sometimes called thermal balance); the steam produced will begin to condense, causing the smoke to drop rapidly to the floor and move slug- gishly thereafter.
Direct Attack (Structural) — Attack method that involves the discharge of water or a foam stream directly onto the burning fuel.Indirect AttackWhen firefighters are unable to enter a burning building or compartment because of the intense heat inside, an indirect attack can be made from outside the compartment through a window or other small opening (Figure 15.13). This method of attack is not ideal where building occupants may still be inside or where the spread of fire to uninvolved areas cannot be contained. However, this may be the only method of at- tack possible until temperatures are reduced.
直接(消火)攻撃(構造因子) -- 燃焼中の燃料に対する放水あるいは泡沫噴射を含む攻撃(消火)方法間接的消火(攻撃)消防隊が燃えている建物あるいはコンパートメントに激しい熱で近づけない場合には、窓あるいは他の小さな隙間を通じて外部から攻撃をすることができる(図15.13)。この消火(攻撃)方法は建物の居住者がまだ内部にいるか、あるいはまだ罹災していない場所への火のまわりが考慮されていない場合には問題がある。しかしながらこの方法は、温度が低下するまでには攻撃(消火)の唯一の方法であるかもしれない。
To make an indirect attack on the fire, a fog stream is introduced through a small opening and directed at the ceiling where the heat is most intense. The heat converts the water spray to steam, which fills the compartment and absorbs the bulk of the heat. Once the fire has been darkened down and the space has been ventilated, hose- lines can be advanced and water applied directly onto whatever is burning.Indirect Attack (Structural) — Directing fire streams towardthe ceiling of a room or building in order to generate a large amount of steam. Convertingthe water to steam absorbs the heat of the fire and cools the area sufficiently for firefightersto safely enter and make a direct attack on the fire.
間接的消火法では、水蒸気は小さな出口から天井に発射される。そこはもっとも熱量がたまっているところだ。熱は水のスプレイを水蒸気に変え、それはコンパートメントを満たすことによって大部分の熱を吸収する。一旦火がおさまっって内部が換気されるとハウスラインはもとにもどり、水は燃えているところすべてに注水できる。間接的攻撃/消火(構造因子) -- 火の流れを部屋あるいはビルの天井に変えること。それによって大量の水蒸気を作り出せる。水を水蒸気に変えることによって火が持つ熱量を吸収し、消防士が安全にそこに入り直接火と対決できる空間を冷やすことができる。
Direct and Indirect AttackThe difference between a direct attack and an indirect attack is the location from which the attack is started. An indirect attack is started from outside the compartment, and a direct attack is started from inside it. Skill Sheet 15-I-1 describes how to attack a structure fire with an exterior attack.Combination AttackA combination attack uses the heat-absorbing technique of cooling the hot gas layer followed by a heat-reducing direct attack on the materials burning near the floor level. The attack starts with short bursts, known as penciling, from a penetrating fog stream directed into the hot gas layer at the ceiling level (gas cooling) (Figure 15.14).
Combination Attack — Battling a fire by using both a direct and an indirect attack. This method combines the steam-generating technique of a ceiling level attack with an attack on the burning materials near floor level.
コンビネーション攻撃 - 直接および間接攻撃(消火)を組み合わせて火と戦うこと。この方法は水蒸気発生テクニックを用いた天井付近でのアタックと、床付近での燃焼物に対するアタック(消火)を組み合わせたものである。
Gas cooling is not a fire extinguishment method but simply a way of reducing the hazard presented by the hot gas layer. This technique is effective when faced with a shielded fire; that is, one you cannot see from the doorway because objects are shield- ing it. In these situations, you cannot apply water directly onto the burning material without entering the room and working under the hot gas layer.The hot gas layer accumulating in the upper levels of the compartment can present a number of problems for you and the other members of the hose team. Remember that smoke is fuel, and it may transition to rollover, flashover, or a smoke explosion at any time. In addition, hot smoke radiates heat to furniture and
You are still free to sell your items to others. Just do your normal and usual thing. The photos that we will select on your shop will be marked as “pre-order” items. Should a buyer from our side be interested to buy a specific designer bag but has been sold on your store already, it’s still fine with us. J We will adjust to your movement and availability of the items. Should we push through with this, it’s also better if we subscribe to your mails regarding new designer bag items/ stocks, news and updates.