Hello.I have purchased helmets from you on continuous basis.I got a notification from Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to make a registration.To examine your helmets' safety to sell them in Japan would need much cost unless it is done at some Japanese factory certified by Japanese Consumer Product Safety Association. Then I want to ask you the following.Are the items sold in your shop get certification from a factory certified by Japanese Consumer Product Safety Association?If not, as I run my shop personally, I cannot bear a large cost for safety examination. I must, therefore, resign to treat your items.I would appreciate your valuable suggestion.Thank you.
I am so sorry.It was completely my mistake.I will react as you like. What do you want?I am really sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
Owing to the price cutting of Gyu-don (beef on-rice dish), Yoshino-ya increased its customers by 31% compared with the same month of the last year, with 16% increase in sales. Mr. Kadowaki Sumitaka, senior manging director, talked that the consumer feeling about ordinary items did not change so much (even under Abenimocs effect), so the company wanted to enhance the sales of 300 to 400 yen items for those who wanted a little higher quality dishes with one-coin price range.
I think his knowledge and programming skill are very precious. I think he must spend his time for teaching them to as much as the interested people.
I haven't accustomed to the procedure of import yet.Can I receive the package at the Tokyo prt without the original BL?
●● 様先のメールの宛名が間違っておりました。大変申し訳ありませんでした。この度は、お買い上げ下さいまして、ありがとうございました。%store%から、「%title%」に関しまして、品質に関するお伺いと評価のお願いのメールをお送りさせていただききました。今回お買い上げいただきました商品の品質はいかがでしたでしょうか?商品は一点づつ検品しなるべく解りやすく状態を明記させてもらってるつもりなのですがご不明な点やご不満などございましたらAmazonにお問合わせ下さい。
Dear ●●:The address of the mail I sent just before was wrong.I am very sorry.Thank you for buying our item this time.%store% sent you a mail asking for the quality of 「%title%」and its evaluation.How about the quality of the item you purchased this time?We checked all the items one by one, and attached explanations for their conditions in a way easy to understand.If you have any unclear points and complaints, please ask Amazon.
I asked the post office again to check whether the package had been delivered to the military post. You seem to be in Europe. The package is once sent from Japan to the U.S., and then delivered to Europe.So it will take some days before you get it.
I ordered an item at this net shop the other day, but it was out of stock.I have already made the payment by my credit card, so please refund to me.Thank you.
AmericaThank you for buying an item at our shop.I checked it, and found some scars on the surface.We will get a new one.We think we can deliver it to you in one to three weeks.Thank you.
Thank you.We will continue to deliver items rapidly also hereafter.We also are glad that you like it.We are very sorry for that case.But we are very glad that you were satisfied with our customer service.It was our mistake that the item did not arrived in time.We will be very careful about that hereafter.We are glad that you were satisfied with our rapid delivery reaction.This time we sold the item at a price with no profit for us.Thank you for buying the item.We also are very glad.We are sorry. We will be very careful hereafter.
I am sorry.The notification of shipping the item I sent to you just before is wrong.I want to make correction.Thank you .I issued a shipping note by mistake.I actually do not sent the item, so I want to make correction for it.How can I do?
お世話になります。○○社の△△と申します。先日は、東京ビッグサイトの国際展示会で大変お世話になりました。私たちは、貴社の商品を是非仕入れさせて頂きたいと存じます。つきましては、展示会の席でご拝見させて頂いた商品の価格表を送って下さいませんでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。また、弊社ではSkype・hang outでのチャット交渉も可能です。下記にハンドルネームを送ります。貴方のハンドルネームを教えて下さい。ID:○○これからも末永く宜しくお願い致します。
Hello.I am △△ of ○○ Company.Thank you for your kind help at the international exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight the other day.We do want to purchase your company’s items.So, would you please send us the price list for the items that I saw at the exhibition?Thank you.It is possible for our company to do chat negotiation via Skype*hang out. I am sending our handle name below. Please kindly let me know your handle name,
All responsibility is ours: mistak in setting the item prices of our shop.We have received too many orders based on the wrong prices, and, accordingly, this state affects the operation of our shop.Therefore, we are obliged to ask you to do cancellation.It is possible for us to make cancellation on my side, but if you cancel the transaction from your side, both of us will have merits. For that purpose we are preparing a small gift for you.However, it is up to you to decide which way you would choose.If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow, we will make cancellation from our side.We are very sorry to have caused you so much trouble.
I refunded $200, so please check it.After you check it, please close the deal of this time.Thank you very much for your kind reaction this time.
時の流れ移りゆき遥かなるこの空の果て色褪せてゆくものにも目くるめく想いをよせて瞬間(とき)の揺らぎにこの身を委ね尽きぬ心のままに光輝く未来に 風薫る季節にふと立ち止り佇んでみる昨日とは何もかも違う今心で感じ動き出すのさ光を求め夢はつかみ取るんださあ立ち上がれ未来に あー ひとすじの光にタペストリー情熱の炎と煌めく希望に心紡ぎ ※ 間 奏瞬間(とき)の揺らぎにこの身を委ね尽きぬ心のままに光輝く未来に燃え上がれ ときめきの 打ちよせる 熱い思い届け響け明日を掴め
Time goes on floatingFar away to the end of the skyEven for something fading awayI dream with my dazzling heart. Throwing myself To the will of time just nowWith unfilled spiritTo the glorious futureBy chance at nice windy seasonI stop walking just thinking of somethingEverything is differentFrom yesterday, I feel everything differentIt’s going to moveTo seek the lightI must catch dreamI will stand up now for the futureOh! Single precious light for the tapestryPlease let my sour lead to the flame of passion and sparkling hope*InterludeI say throw myself To the will of time just nowWith unfilled spiritTo the glorious futureBlaze up to catch throbbing Don’t let tomorrow go without my dashing passion
The account was recovered.thank you.I have one question to ask of you.The account in England recovered, but those in Germany and France remain stopped.Up until yesterday, acounts of all the countries recovered and I could place items on show.However, only Germany and France accounts again stopped.Could you tell me the reason for that? Do I have to propose improvement plans separately to Germany and France?I want to recover the accounts, so please tell me other unsolved problems.
This T-shirt is applied with hand-dyeing special to Japan and it does not lose its color readily.Kurume kasuri cloth (an important intangible cultural asset) is used for its pocket; with full of high-grade sense finish.The size of its pocket is such that it can just accommodate iPhone and a cigarette case. Don’t you want to wear this high-grade T-shirt that a Japanese skilful craftsman made?
Concerning the folding type baby carriage, the situation is the same whether the batteries are charged with a battery charger or by choosing pushing method.The Charged amount is shown as “full” (mark 3) on the liquid crystal indicator.However, when the folding button is pushed, it (なにが?) stops; the indicator and foot light go off.Even after charging, the batteries seem not to be charged.The indicator does not show “error” message or something like that. Only power is off.I thought the sheet might interfere with something, and took it off. However, the result was the same.
It’s been a long time!I was pretty busy for startup of a new business in June.Do you have a list of watches that I can purchase right now?I do want to buy some.Also I want a list of new design watches. After I see the items, I will consider of buying some.Thank you.
こんにちわ。メール有難うございます。弊社のフォワーダーは、IFS(http://www.ifsjpn.co.jp/com/)となります。フォワーダーより、連絡を入れるよう伝えます。荷揚げ港は、東京 です。最終目的地は、弊社倉庫の 栃木県栃木市泉町15-10 となります。残金につきましても、早々に支払手続きを進めさせていただきます。宜しくお願い致します。
Hello.Thank you for your mail.Our company’s freight forwarder is, IFS(http://www.ifsjpn.co.jp/com/).WeI will ask them to contact you.The landing place is Tokyo.The ultimate delivery place is our warehouse; the address is 15-10 Izumi-cho, Tochigi City, Tochigi prefecture.We will rapidly take the procedure of the remaining payment.Thank you.