Dear Sir, I have mailed out those 3 replacement hooks now for you to test the clock. If everything is OK with the clock, I will mail you the eagle. I don't want us to mail too many things back and forth.
Our Sales Manager (Ron-san) have moved you to a Level 2 Distributor/Reseller with a wholesale price of 26.99 USD per unit.You can meet the Level 1 Wholesale Priceof 25.00 USD with a mimimum order of 200 units per month.One of the privileges of Level 2 is you can provide/send us any images so we can turned it into a playmat without any additional cost - price is the same26.99 USD so you can take order from your customer - any playmat they want.
商品一点につき26.99USDの卸値をつけられたということで、当方の販売部長(Ron さん)が、あなたの(流通業者/販売業者)レベルを2に変更いたしました。もし卸値25.00 USDで一ヶ月最少200を注文されますとレベル1となります。レベル2の特典の一つはあなたのイメージを当方に知らせていただければ追加料金なしにそれをプレーマットの製造に反映できるということです。代金は同じ26.99 USDで、あなたは顧客が望むどのようなマットについても注文を受けることが出来ます。
As promised, I discount $10 form the total. Would you please email your address to which I should be sending this pen?
I mark all of my items that are out of the original box or in an open box with a special marker that will only show up unter certain lighting conditions so that i can verify that an item that is returned is the same item that I sent. I also record serial numbers on everythingThe fan is fully functional so sit back and enjoy it.Have a nice day!
Hi,That it is a pity,I return you 1 glass.I wish you a super day and sends my more cordial thoughts of France to you.Evelyne - napoleone43
Comes with all of the following: SoftFit breastshield,Tubing, 2 bottles and caps,Valve and membrane, Power cord, Bottle stand, Shoulder/next strap,Drawstring bag
hello ,way do you always changing your home adresse.That's the second time that you do that with me.You did'n had the highest bid you know but shipping to the US was a lot shieper for me.Don't try that again O.K.Greetings
Please declare it as and device for repair, and value it for 120usd, not more then that!This is very important.
それは修繕に必要な機器で、代金は$120かっきりだとはっきり言ってください。大事なことです。 よろしく。
I believed honest and proud Japanese. Apparently you are not worthy. It is damage I lost under with you but generally that does not carry chance. I wish you many goods on Ebay and in your life, with the height of your dishonesty
誠実で誇り高いのが日本人と思っていましたが、あなたはそうではないようですね。もう修復の機会もないでしょう。Ebayにたくさん出品されて、いいことがありますよう。その不誠実さでできるならやってごらんなさい。これ、まったくの誤訳ですか?! それでしたらごめんなさい。
All components are near perfect excepting the box. There are only a couple TINY dots on some of the discs; the box itself mostly shows light wear but is cracked along lower edge of spine side.
Those hooks are screw into the weight. You can use a pliar to unscrew the hook. I think that will be the easier way for us to fix the problem for you. Because I don't want to waste any money on shipping. Please those weights are heavy and shipping them back to US will be expensive for you.Please let me know if that will work for you.
Nothing was painted on the sax. It is silver plated. It was done at the Conn factory as far as we know. They dip it into a tank of plating solution and it silver plates the brass. Yes, those saxes are beautiful and to think they were done so long ago.
This instrument is in very good playing and cosmetic condition. It has been very well looked after and is in fantastic condition. It has been replated at some point in the last 20 years or so and barely used since, there are two minor knock dings on the bottom bow and that is it. The silver finish is all intact with no wear and as can be seen in the pictures shines to a beautiful finish. The slides are all free and clean.
弾き具合も外見も極めて良好な楽器です。大変丁寧に扱われてきたために素晴らしい状態です。この20年くらいのあいだ一か所表面が修理されていますが、それ以来ほとんど使われていません。二か所、何かが当たってできた小さなへこみが底の彎曲部にありますが、それだけです。銀の仕上げは無傷で、写真でご覧のように美しい光沢の仕上げです。スライドはすべて無料ですがきれいです。(replated がぞの後の文章とのつながりでわかりませんでした)
I sent your item with UPS At your end someone did not want the package and it was refused.Then it was returned to me which is not allowed.There is no returns simply because you change your mind.I am not in the bussiness of selling only to reverse the transaction. There has to be a valid reason to mutually agree for a return,like the item didn't work. Please read the UPS manifest on top: THE RECEIVER DID NOT WANT THE ORDER AND REFUSED THIS DELIVERY.
My name is Samantha and I am a disputes specialist. I was contacted by the seller in this claim and he states that he does have insurance on this item and would like to have UPS come and inspect the item. If you have UPS come and inspect the item they will the item right there for you and ship it back to the seller at their cost rather yours. If the item was damaged in shipping as your stating it does not work he would like to get the insurance claim filed as UPS will pay to have the item fixed as he has video evidence that the item was working right before heshipped it out.
F-probeNon destructive measurement of non-magnetic layers (lacquer, dye films, powder coatings, aluminum, chrome, copper, enamel, paper, rubber, ...) on magnetic metals such as steel, Iron, alloys...NF-probeNon destructive measurement of non-magnetic layers (lacquer, dye films, powder coatings, aluminum, chrome, copper, enamel, paper, rubber, ...) on non-magnetic metals (zinc, sheet metal, tin, brass, high-grade steel non-magnetic steel etc.....) or eloxal on aluminum.Operational areas:
F型分析計 スチール、鉄、合金などの磁性金属上の非磁性層(ラッカー、着色フィルム、粉末コーティング、アルミニウム、クロム、銅、エナメル、紙、ゴム等)の非破壊測定NF型分析計非磁性金属(亜鉛、シート金属、錫、真鍮、高度スチール、非磁性スチール等)上の非磁性層(ラッカー、着色フィルム、粉末コーティング、アルミニウム、クロム、銅、エナメル、紙、ゴム等)の非破壊測定適用の範囲: 注)Fがフッ素かとも思いましたが、次のNFが窒素とフッ素であるとはそれ以外の文面から考えられないので、“型”としました。もしくはF仕様、NF仕様とでも強引に訳せますかね?いいかげんですみません。
Concerning the ninth picture. I can see something like a seal is attached inside the case at the upper part. What is this? I have been wondering, since you put it on show last time.
The overall color of this toy is very nice, uniform and the white portions are for the most part clean. There is one small dark spot near the end of the nose and this may very well be original black paint ? from when the toy was manufactured. The back of the toy is marked across the shoulders "Made in Japan". This toy measures approx. 7 1/2 inches tall and these early celluloid toys are almost always damaged. Other than as mentioned there are NO holes, NO scuffs, NO cracks or other damage noted. It is certainly possible that we have missed a small fault. WE ALSO HAVE A COUPLE OF EXTRA PHOTOS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. toy is easily fixed by someone who has or can make the part and repair it.
この人形の色についてはむらがなくて白い部分もほとんどきれいで全体に素晴らしい状態です。鼻すじの終わり近くに小さな黒い点がありますが、最初から人形が作られた時点でついた黒いペイントじゃないかと思います。背中の肩にかけて“メイドインジャパン”のマークが入っています。この玩具は約7 1/2インチの高さでこのような初期のセルロイド製玩具はほとんどが損傷を受けています。それ以外は穴、磨耗、かき傷、その他目立つような欠点はありません。無論小さな傷は見過ごしている可能性はあります。もし必要なら二枚ほど写真をお見せすることも出来ます。この玩具はパーツをもっていて手入れすることが出来る人がいれば間単に修理できます。
Hi as stated in the auction this order has to be mailed registered mail. Please submit the additional 11.00 to mail these cards to this paypal address:○ ○so we can mail you your cards
A 団体様 初めまして、突然のメール失礼致します。 今回貴会にメールを差し上げましたのは、『アプリ』/日本語版のアプリ作成を、弊社で協力させて頂きたいためです。加えて、日本での公式マーケティングを担当させて頂きたく存じます。 『フレーズ』のように弊社もまた、本気で世界を変えられると信じる人材が集まっています。そして、貴会の一人一人の声を持って政策を変えることにより、より良い世界の実現を目指す考えは、弊社の企業理念『「A×B×C」を最大化する』に共鳴するところがあり、是非提携を申し出たいと存じます。 現在日本の政治は大変混迷を極めており、真のリーダーを求めています。その最中、日本は未曾有の大震災に見舞われ、国民の声を届けるITツールが早急に必要であります。しかし、米に比べ日本の政治はITが非常に遅れております。そこで弊社がこれまで行って参りました日本の大手上場企業や地方自治体のITコンサルティングの実績を活かし、国民の声をより政治に反映させる社会を作っていきたいと考えております。つきましては、貴会の『アプリ』の日本における日本語版のアプリ作成への協力、及び公式マーケティングを弊社にお任せ頂けないでしょうか。プロモーションや日本語化にかかる費用は弊社で請負います。ご検討くださいますようお願い申しあげます。ご連絡お待ち申し上げております。B株式会社名前
Dear A Institute Service Manager: (??)This mail concerns our proposal about the corporation with your Institute. We want to join your project of making the Japanese version "App". In addition, we would like to take charge of your "official marketing in Japan". We have many talented staffs, as in “Phrase??", that think they can actually change the world. Your way of thinking to construct better world by changing policy means with the aid of the power of individuals is quite the same as our corporate philosophy of "Maximize the value of A x B x C". This is the very background why we want the cooperation with you. The present Japanese government is in a hectic confusion, and all nation wants a real Leader. During this period in addition, the devastating Tohoku earthquake attacked Japan, and we rapidly need efficient and good IT tools for Japanese people to exchange and utter their opinions. Compared with the U.S., the IT systems for Japanese politics have scarcely been established. Our company has much experience on IT-consulting for many Japanese major companies and local governments. Based on ou experience and the business results, we want to construct the society that reflects nation's opinion to the politics.So, could you please consider our cooperation with you on making "App Japanese version" and our taking charge of the "official marketing"? We will bear the whole (??ですか) cost for promoting this project including the that of translation into Japanese. Please consider our proposal kindly. I am looking forward to your favorable reaction.Sincerely yours,○○,B Co. Ltd.