monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Up for auction is a Unison Research Unico Integrated Tube Amplifier. I bought this from a local friend/trade shop in hope to get it fixed. When the amp is turned on, the front LED flashes and the output to the speakers is low and distorted. I'm no technician so I cannot diagnose the problem but nothing from inside seems out of order or burnt, which has me bummed. Maybe the problem is small? I've held onto this for over 6 months anticipating and ding to hear it's sound but I just can't wait anymore since it's holding up major funds for Christmas. My major loss, your huge gain. You don't know how much it hurts to let this go but the Pioneer SX-838 will have to do for now. Hardly anyone knows how RARE this is.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

This auction if for a pair of vintage McIntosh MC-30 tube type power amplifiers with consecutive serial numbers original instruction manuals. I have owned these amps since the early 70's. Prior to that they were owned by my cousin who bought them new in the early 60's. I paired the amps with a McIntosh C-20 preamp which I recently sold. Now I need to sell the MC-30s. As far as I know these amps have all original parts including capacitors, tubes, and resistors. The only part that doesn't look original is one internal cap that doesn't seem to match the others. These amps have been stored for the past few years in an indoor, dry, temperature controlled place.


このオークションは、連続するシリアルナンバーと、オリジナルの使用説明書付きの、ヴィンテージ マッキントッシュ MC-30チューブタイプアパワーアンプのペアのものです。私はこのアンプを70年代の初めから所有しています。それより前には、60年代の初めにそれを新品で購入した私の従兄が所有していました。私はそのアンプを最近売却したマッキントッシュC-20プリアンプと対にしていました。今、私はMC-30sを売却する必要があります。私の知っている限り、これらのアンプはコンデンサー、チューブ、抵抗器を含む全て、オリジナルのパーツです。一つだけオリジナルに見えないところは、他とマッチしているように見えない内部キャップだけです。これらのアンプはこの数年間、乾燥して、温度調節された室内で保管されていました。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

They have been used for most of their close to 50 year life and have given excellent service. As with any piece of electronics that is almost 50 years old, these amps show some cosmetic imperfections. All of the lettering on top next to the tubes and on the input/output side seems to be perfect. The large attached metal McIntosh logo on the side is intact on both amps and looks good.There is a bit of corrosion and pitting on the chrome that doesn't really show up in the photos. The sides and edges show more of the corrosion than the top. Looking down on the tubes, the top show slight pitting of the chrome.At a distance and in the pictures, the amps look great.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

In summary this is a lovely antique Victorian solid silver Waltham gents open face pocket watch hallmarked for Birmingham 1891, the glass is in excellent condition with just normal age scratching, the dial as mentioned has two hairlines but no chips and the case is in good condition with just a couple of light tiny indents to the reverse and a replacement suspension ring as mentioned. I have no idea when this pocket watch was last serviced, I would therefore recommend the new owner has it professionally cleaned and serviced by a watchsmith to repair the dial and hopefully get the movement working once again. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS WATCH IS BEING SOLD AS SPARES OR REPAIR.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Vintage Collins 30L-1 HF amplifier. I found this at an estate auction where a Ham's entire collection of equipment was being sold. Powers up, all tubes light up and fan comes on, meter responds to DC amps 0, DC volts about 1.6k with loading at lowest setting '1'. Not having a dummy load, exciter or power meter I am not able to test it any further. It appears all original and in excellent cosmetic condition. No signs of abuse, just a bit of dust inside.

Because of limited testing being sold with no guarentees other than what is described above, ASIS no returns.



Vintage Collins 30L-1HFアンプ。私はこれを、ハムの機材の全てのコレクションが売られていた遺品オークションで見つけました。パワーはアップする、全てのチューブはライトアップする、ファンは風をおくる、メーターはDCアンプ0に応答する、DCボルトは一番低い1の設定で1.6kロードする。ダミーのロード、エキサイター、パワーメーターはなく、これ以上それをテストすることはできない。全てオリジナルで創られていて、外見上のコンディションは秀逸である。酷使されたようには見えず、中に少しホコリがたまっているだけである。



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Deals in the life insurance sector will be driven by companies trying to redeploy capital to improve return on equity, save costs, focus on core operations and get out of what they don't do so well, they said.
In property-casualty, challenges around pricing that have made for a tough environment will drive more normalized M&A, the bankers said. However, the cost savings in that side of the business tend to be harder to find.
"Domestically things are going to be pretty rough and spotty."

"It's that first step of M&A, which is, 'OK. Let me do triage. Let me get out of what I am not good at,'" said Richard Bonaventura, Barclays Capital's co-head of financial institutions M&A.


