monagypsy 翻訳実績

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The most successful online retailer is also one of the most advanced. Its ratings and reviews are among the most sophisticated on the Internet, with features including reader responses to reviews posted by others, verified reviewer identities, and the ability to see all reviews posted by a reviewer. The recommendations on the site (“people who bought this also bought these other products”) represent a social feature that works without requiring any activity from consumers – they’re generated automatically from its vast collection of customer data. Amazon also just announced a feature in which reviewers can post gift cards on the walls of their Facebook friends on special occasions like birthdays.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

"CIGNA provides self-funded clients with the cost effectiveness of the CIGNA-contracted physician, transplant, prescription drug and other networks, plus disease and large case management services. When combined with IHC's expertise in writing stop-loss insurance, this relationship can bring significant value to middle and small market self-funded employers,"
Through its three insurance companies IHC has been a leader nationally in writing employer medical stop-loss for more than 20 years.
"This relationship is part of our strategy to deliver value to employers who use Third Party Administrators to service their self-funded benefit plans through industry leaders like IHC.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

“Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most.”

Insurance intermediary Willis Group said it is looking for a new partner for its joint venture brokerage business in India, after a regulator's decision to reject the joint venture's license renewal was nullified by the Bombay High Court.
"Moving forward, Willis is working expeditiously to form a new joint venture with a new majority partner to resume our business and growth in India," Willis said in a statement. Willis said it already has terminated its joint venture relationship in Willis India with Bhaichand Amoluk Consultancy Services.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

"Willi's goal is to service our clients as allowed by law and offer them effectively options for the insurance broking needs through our correspondent broker in India,Almondz.
Willis India, which is 74% held by Amoluk and 26% by Willis Europe, had its application to renew its broker license rejected by the Insurance Regulatory. Willis India then filed an appeal with the Bombay High Court, which ruled in Willis' favor.
The High Court has asked IRDA to form a two-member panel to review a fresh application from Willis India for a three-year renewal of its license. IRDA said it will act according to the High Court's order.
In rejecting the renewal, IRDA cited two instances of alleged malpractice by the broker.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

MRI scans of
the left shoulder and right femur, obtained at
another facility after the administration of gadolinium,
showed a lesion (23 mm by 14 mm) in the
left scapular spine, which was isointense on T1-
weighted images and hyperintense on T2-weighted
images, with heterogeneous enhancement and extension
through the ventral cortex of the scapula
and a periosteal reaction, soft-tissue component,
and an intact posterior cortex.

Two days later, a CT-guided fine-needle
aspiration biopsy of the right femur was performed
at this hospital; pathological examination of the
biopsy specimen revealed inflammatory cells, striated
muscle, debris, and a few epithelioid histiocytes
and was thought to be nondiagnostic.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Dr. Harris: I was not able to find reports of
healing of bone lesions of LCH after smoking cessation,
although both pulmonary and solitary
bone lesions of LCH may resolve spontaneously.27
In this case, it seems likely that the bone and lung
lesions were clonally related and depended on
the same stimuli for survival and proliferation,
whether one arose from the other or both arose
from a common precursor.

These disorders usually
present with ground-glass opacities and do
not have skeletal manifestations; thus, they are
not considerations in this case. Pulmonary LCH,
however, typically has nodular and cystic lesions
with distribution in the upper lung field, as seen
in this case.




monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Dr. Benjamin D. Medoff: May we review the imaging
Dr. Gerald F. Abbott: A view of the left shoulder
from a chest radiograph obtained on the day of
the patient’s first admission to this hospital shows
a sharply defined, radiolucent lytic lesion in the
left scapula (Fig. 1A). A CT image from the PET–
CT study, performed 6 weeks earlier, shows a
sharply defined lytic lesion with a “punched-out”
appearance (Fig. 1B). A PET study showed intense
18F-FDG uptake in the lesion (Fig. 1C). An unenhanced
axial CT scan of the distal shaft of the
right femur, performed at the time of the CTguided
biopsy, shows a similar sharply defined
lucent defect in the cortex of the femur (Fig. 1D).



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

But not only bishops were expected to be "lovers of the poor".To be a "lover of the poor" became a public virtue.It was a virtue expected of Christian emperors.The `humanitas',the benevolent style of rule associated with a Roman emperor in the classical period,came to include demonstrative concern for the poor.In451,Valentinian3 and marcian,the emperors of West and East respectively,declared that "it is a feature of our humane rule to look after the interests of the destitute and to ensure that the poor de not go with food."The gravestones of the well-to-do all over the Roman world make plain thet,in Christian as well as in Jewish circle,to be a `philoptochos',an `amator pauperum',a"lover of poor",


しかし、司教だけが「貧者を愛する者」と期待されていたわけではない。「貧者を愛する者」であるためには、公的な美徳に為らなければならかった。美徳は皇帝に期待された。慈悲の規則「フマニタス」は、古典時代のローマ皇帝と結び付き、貧者への慈悲を示していた。451年、西皇帝ウァレンティ二アヌス三世と東の皇帝マルキアヌスは、「困窮する者の面倒を見ること、食料を手にしない貧者を守ることは人道的なルールである」と宣言した。ローマ帝国全土での正しい行いをするという指標は、クリスチャン、ユダヤ社会に’philoptochos’ ,an 'amator pauerum' 「貧者を愛する者」の明確なthetを作った。