monagypsy 翻訳実績

英語 日本語 (ネイティブ)
monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

In this world where she always had a passion for jewelery making, she brings a pile of bracelet charms/trinkets, pearls/beads with which once she made her own jewelery.She will meet later on Pierre a boy jeweler with whom she will share her passion.Then everything connects, she invests a part of her savings in order to help him realize one of his valuable and advanced ideas which she will sell back to her relatives. A first success made him decide to quit his job and to devote himself fully to being a jeweler. She then offers his creations in craft markets across the region. She will take part in a contest organised by the Chamber of Trade, She wins first place which allows her to show her work.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

Paule was born in France in 1969 to be precise in Marseille where she grew up in the midst of a close family, and typically charged with accent and colour. A solid foundation which will later influence her everlasting zest for life. These are the grandmothers of Paule whose innate creative sense were born when they were really young. The first one was very passionate and fond of the theatre, she lived in arts leading her little girl in all kinds of exhibitions and unusual places which will give Paule her sense of observation, arouse her curiosity and develop her taste for fine things.
The second one was very fond of hand work she would make all sorts of objects useful, trivial, as well as very religious ones.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

With so much beauty in front of him, he decides to settle down and enrolls at the university of Albuquerque where he studies jewelery from a different perspective, ranging from obsolete to high tech methods. Back in France, he remains inspired by this experience which henceforth guides all of his work as much as the Renaissance and Middle Ages influences. His style is born. Since then, the enlightened Pascale continues to draw successfully, and now without any boundaries, general and romantic lines. Paul, in answering the high demand for men's jewelery and having a lot of unexploited ideas, decides, at the same time, to set up his own business.



monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

The executive said that the short-term objective for the group would be to improve profitability, but without affecting customer service. To achieve this objective, Mapfre America will cut expenses, improve efficiency and boost sales while keeping a close eye on cost control, said Beca Borrego.
Mapfre America improved its combined ratio to 100% in the first half this year from 103% in 1H09. Mapfre America contributed 73.9mn euros (US$103mn) to the parent's first half net income of 500mn euros.

Spanish insurer Mapfre plans to have its JV with BB approved by regulators before the end of the year, Mapfre's general manager Esteban Tejera told a conference call.


経営幹部は、グループの短期目標は、顧客へのサービスに影響を及ぼすこと無しの利益の向上である、と述べた。この目標を達成するために、Mapfre Americaは、コスト管理から目を離さずに、費用の削減、効率の向上、売上向上を行う、とベカ・ボレゴ氏は述べた。
Mapfre Americaは、今年の上半期で1H09において103%から、そのコンバインドレシオが100%向上した。Mapfre Americaは7390万ユーロ(US1.03億ドル)を5憶ユーロの親会社の上半期純利益へ寄与した。


monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

"We know it depends on a resolution from regulators, but we think we will have this authorization in the short term," he said.
In May, BB and Mapfre announced the details of their 20-year partnership, which involves a 295mn reais (US$165mn) payment from BB to Mapfre. The JV will create two separate companies, with one selling retail, home and rural insurance products and the other selling P&C, including auto, but not the products handled by the first.
Earlier this week, Mapfre America VP Rafael Beca Borrego said the JV would deliver more than 20% of the Spanish group's total revenues, but did not say as of when the units would start producing these results.


今週の初め、Mapfre Americaの副社ベカ・ボレゴ氏は、共同企業体はスペインの府ループ売上高の20%以上に達する見込みであると述べたが、いつこの商品がこれらの結果を生み出すかについては述べていない。

monagypsy 英語 → 日本語

After having passed his jeweller exams, he worked 5 years in a classical jeweller shop where he learnt his craft. Then, he got more and more attracted to fashion and moved to Paris where he rapidly got the opportunity to create accessory lines for a designer house. This success enlightened him and he worked as a freelance for other designer houses. Le financial crisis at the end of the 90s and particularly in Japan reduced his creativity; now Paul is asked to create basic and commercial collections. After visiting a number of countries, he arrived in the United States where lives his best friend. He discovers art in Santa Fe.

