まるこめ (marukome) 翻訳実績

5.0 1 件のレビュー
10年弱前 女性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 ドイツ語
marukome 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

8. Filament

Billed as an easy interface that lets users build networks without needing to become experts in the fine details of IT, Filament lets users deploy a wireless network at a range of up to 10 miles that can be integrated into individual hardware for projects. These networks work without dependency on Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity. Users can also monetize filament networks by selling access to their networks and devices via the Blockchain and digital smart certificates, while ensuring their own data remains secure. The makers of this Reno, Nevada-based company are thinking big – smart cities powered by their encrypted networks.




marukome 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

By 2020, an estimated 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet. Objects you’ve never even considered will become smart devices – dog collars, coffee makers, windows. That’s billions of devices and trillions of sensors, too many to manage through human manipulation or the stimulus-response commands of the past. It will become a practical necessity for devices to operate autonomously, and all the signs point to 2016 being the tipping point for the emergence of the Age of Autonomy.

I’ve been watching this space since 1994, when I first focused my attention on artificial intelligence, and the companies behind autonomous technology aren’t necessarily the big names you’re familiar with.




marukome 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

The company has also been involved in efforts to standardize car-to-car communication. These types of direct machine-to-machine radio technologies are key to supporting the inter-machine communication fundamental to optimized device awareness and autonomy.

4. Saffron

Saffron technology, newly acquired by Intel, is spanning across industries, including aerospace, insurance, healthcare, and manufacturing to improve decision making. The San Francisco company was initially founded in 1999 by former IBM Knowledge Management and Intelligent Agent Center chief scientist Manuel Aparicio and is led by former PeopleSoft executive Gayle Sheppard.



4. Saffron
Intelが新しく買収したSaffronテクノロジーは航空宇宙産業や保険にヘルスケア、また製造業など様々な業種に手を広げ、意思決定を改善しようとしている。このサンフランシスコ企業は、初めは前IBM知識管理及び知能エージェントセンター チーフサイエンティストのManuel Aparicio氏によって1999年に創設され、前PeopleSoft取締役Gayle Sheppard氏が舵をとっている。