why is my account suspended?Is it because I didn't finish paying you Amazon?I paid several times by automatic deduction from the same credit card, but why couldn't it be made?Please tell the reason why. I'm very sad that I can't sell.
I'm really scared when I imagine he might use it someday. Now I made up with him, but never stop thinking about it. I don't want him to use such drugs definitely. What do you think about this? Please don't tell anyone about it including XX. I love him so much that I 'm very sad still more and didn't want to hear that.
分りました。00は、とてもいいデザインで日本札がしっかりホールドされるので日本市場にはピッタリの商品です。注文書も変更しました。 00は外しました。あとは、在庫のあるものだけを送ってください。注文票の修正をお願いします。 合計金額がでましたらすぐにお支払いたします。00は発送可能になった時点で送ってもらって結構です。個人的には以前のロゴの方が気に入ってましたが見慣れてないだけかもしれませんね。製品カタログの写真も撮りましたので送ります。
Okay.00 is of very good design and Japanese paper money fits inside them properly, so is perfect for Japanese market.We changed an order sheet and removed 00.Please send the only items that you have stocks about the rest of them.Please revise the order form. When you show us the total, we'll pay as soon as possible.When it is possible for you to send 00s, you can do them to us.Personally I prefer old logotype to new one but it may be just unfamiliar.We'll send catalog photos of products which we took.
ご連絡ありがとうございますマウントの違うレンズを落札されたと言うことですね?E-PL3はミラーレス機なので、対応レンズはM,ZUIKO という名前の物ですマウント違いによる返品のご希望と言う事で承りますが、まず下記の住所に商品をご返送いただきます。商品が到着次第、お支払いいただいた金額から、送料を引いた金額をPayPalより返金いたします。よろしくお願いします。
Than you for contact us.You made a successful bid of a wrong mount lens, didn't you?E-PL3 has a mirrorless lens and runs on the one named M,ZUIKO.We can accept your returning for mount different lens but please send the item to the place of the address below first. As soon as the item reaching, we'll refund the money deducting a shipping charge from PayPal.Best regards.
I will ship it back to the address included, and pay for the shipping costs, which I feel I should not have to do, but will in the interests of fairness. Please refund amount of $200.00 USD, which is the original purchase and shipping cost to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I will then ship the item back to you. I will then leave 100 % positive feedback, I have been very satisfied in the past with your products and service.
I have one favor to ask you. Would you please send me one photo seen from the front which we can see the line of its straight nose like attached photos? Isn't the shiny part of its left nostril a runny nose? Is it the light? I'm very sorry that my friend asks you so much. I'm asking it as a favor. I love your dolls because they are fantastic. I'd like to buy them from you. Thank you.
Intercross Communications Inc. will hold 'Event Trade Fair in Factory 2014' for the first time on Sep. 25th and 26th. Hokkaido Event Promotion Association is a joint sponsor and Sapporo Factory cooporates.In this event a lot of companies show exhibits: the newest amusement and entertainment from event industries which are expected to be cheer up because of Tokyo Orympics and Pralympics in 2020, exhibits of event affiliated companies which deal screen image, sound effect, lighting,SFX,display, construction, SP and so on. and Related companies also show their exhibits in this event to try to join event industries.
7月25日には、3枚目のシングル「Dear My Friend」をリリースし、国内初のタイアップとして、テレビ東京系アニメ『あらしのよるに ~ひみつのともだち~』エンディング・テーマとして好評を得ている。8月には、初出演となる「a-nation stadium fes. Charge > Go! ウイダーinゼリー@味の素スタジアム」に出演。
On July 25th they released their third single,'Dear My Friend' which is their first tie-up song in Japan. The song has got a good reputation as the ending theme song of 'ARASHINO-YORUNI ~ HIMITSUNO-TOMODACHI' (Stormy Night ~ Secret Friend ~), animation TV program affiliated with TV Tokyo. In August they appeared the stage, 'a-nation stadium festival. Charge > Go! Weider in Jelly at AJINOMOTO Stadio'
そして9月5日これまた自身初となる「U-KISS LIVE IN 武道館」を開催。同日の9月5日、通算4枚目のシングル「One of You」リリース、同年12月12日には5枚目のシングル、「Distance…」をリリース、クリスマス・シーズンにぴったりなバラードシングルになった、2013年2月13日6枚目のシングル「ALONE」をリリース、NHKドラマ『書店員ミチルの身の上話』の主題歌に抜擢され、日本での認知度も急上昇、オリコンウィークリーランキング最高位4位を記録。
And on Sep. 5th they held their first concert, 'U-KISS LIVE IN BUDOKAN'. On the same day they released their 4th single 'One of You' and their 5th single, 'Distance....' which was a ballad song fitted the Christmas season on Dec.12th in the same year. They released their 6th single 'ALONE', which was picked out as the theme song of the NHK TV drama,'SHOTENIN-MICHIRU-NO-MINOUEBANASHI ( A Bookstore Clerk, Michiru' s Life Story). The song added much to their fame and recorded the 4th place of the Oricon's hit charts weekly.
This tie-up is one of Tencent’s moves to challenge the dominance of Alibaba in China’s e-commerce sector. In the same deal mentioned-above, Tencent acquired a 15% stake in JD. It also transferred its e-commerce sites to JD and allows JD to integrate its service in WeChat and Mobile QQ to commercialize its huge user base. JD grows and catches up with Alibaba rapidly after the cooperation.
この提携は、中国のeコマース分野においてAlibabaの優勢に、Tencentが切り込もうと挑戦する動きの一つである。上記の取引において、TencentはJDの15%の株を獲得した。さらに、同社はeコマースのサイトをJDに移動させ、 巨大なユーザーベースを商業化させるため、WeChatとMobile QQ のサービスをJDに統合させた。JDは大きくなり、この提携後、Alibabaに急速に追いついた。
the commodity not delivered from the German post, since at the package to declare no bill was present. I must drive to now 70 km bamberg on the customs office and fetch the commodity. still further 19% customs duties continue to result. annoying 70 km drive are only because no bill to declare were attached. they should the customs regulation of the country, to which they dispatch already know. what can we make??? Many greet
その商品は、税関の申告書がついていませんでしたので、ドイツ郵便から配達されませんでした。税関事務所があるバンベルグまで70キロ運転して、商品を取りに行かなければなりません。さらに、19%の関税もついてきます。申告すべき書類が添付されていなかったために、面倒な70キロの運転をしなければなりません。彼らは品物の送り先の国の税関規制について前もって知っておくべきです。他に何ができるでしょう??? それではこのへんで。
I don' t feel uneasy about living with people who have diverse values and they are rather enjoyable for me. I have been trying to come into contact with different values from mine in foreign countries positively. I have done volunteer activities for three weeks in NGO in Myammer once and Indea twice. In those works it was a lot of fun to talk with various people. For example, a boy named Kiran who I stayed with in NGO Indea and I talked about a lot of things of future dreams, dificulties and so on. When I stay dormitories,I have many chances to talk with various people and enjoy touching various values.
三浦大知も「I'm On Fire」でノミネートされいる“Best R&B Vide”をはじめ、年間の最優秀ミュージックビデオを表彰する授賞式や、国内外から多数のパフォーマー、プレゼンターが出演する華やかな音楽の祭典は絶対必見です!視聴サイトはこちら→http://gyao.yahoo.co.jp/vmaj2014/#top三浦大知「I'm On Fire」
That event is including "Best R&B Vide" in which DAICHI MIURA is also nominated with 'I'm On Fire' and an award ceremony in which singers get the best music video award of the year. The spectacular event a lot of domestic and foreign performers and presenters appear is a must-see!
【握手会開催決定】お台場新大陸 めざましライブ※イベント当日、取材等により、カメラが入る可能性がございます。お客様が映りこむ可能性もございますので、予めご了承ください。※イベント前日からの泊まり込みは近隣のご迷惑となりますので、禁止とさせていただきます。皆様のご理解とご協力をお願い致します。
[Handshake Event is decided to be held] ODAIBA new continent MEZAMASHI Live Performance※The show may be filmed on the event day for reporting or something. You may also be shooted, so your understanding is requested beforehand.※You can't stay there overnight since the day before because that causes neighbors trouble.Your understanding and cooperation are earnestly requested.
That sounds like incoherent but we can say the performance that they make a groove is authentic. The audio image is hard and rude and the integrated mood is going up. If expressing it in a word, that would be the imposing declaration title. Must-listen!!
アイドリング!!!で随一の歌唱力を誇る横山ルリカが、3枚のシングルを経て、ついに初めてのアルバムをリリース。ギミック一切なし、シンガー・横山を立たせるためのポップ・ナンバーがズラリ並ぶ。どの曲もかなり聴かせてくれるが、特にバラード系は圧倒的で、どんなスケールの大きさでも持ち前の声の伸びと声量で対応してみせていて……カッコイイ! ヒャダインこと前山田健一も真面目モードで曲を寄せていますよ。
Rurika Yokoyama, the best singer in Idoling!!!, releases the first album after three singles. There is no gimmic and pop numbers which make the singer Yokoyama stand out line up. She holds us enchanted by the songs, especially ballads are overwhelming and however grand the songs may be, she can perform with her inherent rich and carefree voice......she's so cool! Hyadain, Kenichi Maeyamada, also writes a song in a serious mood.
As the scratches on the cap and the barrel are very sharp, we assume they were scared by a sharp-edged tool like a box cutter. And we didn't see such keen scratches in the original package from Eric, so we presume these scratches were not got during being in transit from him to your company. Therefore we can come to conclusion that when your staff member took out the pen from the original package, it got scratches by him or her. And the partial loss is on the line of the scratch, so we presume there is strong possibility that this loss was also got when he or she took out it.
Lastly I made her hair airy and soft moving to use Powder Shake of Shiseido as styling.Natural long hair with relaxed mood.She has twisted hair around her face, so I treated her hair straightening narurally with cosmeic teatment.I cut her hair of the parts of front, from the tails of eyes to cheekbones and lipline in the way that her face looked smaller and more beautiful.Her hair is thick so I kept its outline and cut to lighten and it's easier to look after her hair.I dyed to use the color level 8, natural brown to lighten the whole and put 12 level pink on to get some motions when she curls.Manish wave with mature beauty
Thank you for contacting me.I'm not good at speaking English, so cannot call you.I found the page where I guess your twitter is.As I followed you, would you follow me back?When you do it, we can exchange messages each other.My titter acount is 〇〇.
「AAA 体験型リアル謎解きイベント ~ネガティブガスからの解放~」開催決定!!ライヴと連動したエイベックス・グループ初のリアル謎解きイベント、“AAA×ナムコ「AAA 体験型リアル謎解きイベント ~ネガティブガスからの解放~」”が9月13日より開催されます!!体験型リアル謎解きイベントとは、参加者のみなさん1人1人がプレイヤーとなって、謎を解き明して、隠れている手がかりを見つけ、課されたミッションのクリアを目指すものです。
'AAA hands-on real mystery event ~ freedom from negative exhaust gas ~' to be held!This real mystery event is the first time for AAA, linked together with their concert."AAA × NAMCO 'AAA hands-on real mystery event ~ freedom from negative exhaust gas ~' " will be held from September 13th!!Hands-on mystery event is that each one of yours becomes a player, solves mysteries, finds hidden clues and aims to clear missions which you are assigned.