ケネディいずみ (kiwifruit82) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
kiwifruit82 日本語 → 英語



She suggested saying, "Let's communicate the key point clearly by creating a fun visual content that will hold the audience's attention. I will create the powerpoint." She amazed us by creating an attractive and powerful PowerPoint within a short amount of time. The presentation was interesting as she presented the light and shadow of China's economic growth in a comprehensive way. I was struck by the satisfied smiles on the students faces as they looked at the audience's survey. I was confident about her potential as a leader by watching her ability to get things done, the extraordinary speed she was working at and her management skills of leading the students from the seminar. She has a tough skin as she can bounce back from difficulties and enjoy adversity.