aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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LeTV, an interesting case in China fashion

LeTV (SZ:300104), founded in 2004, was one of the first internet video services in China and the first one to go public. Different from Youku and Tudou who started with user-generated content — the Youtube model, LeTV began with licensed content. After realizing that UGC content could hardly be monetized, those UGC sites began purchasing copyrighted professional content in late 2008 — it must have something to do with Hulu’s rising that year. But before that, LeTV had pocketed a big amount of exclusive content thus it became a content distributor, selling to its peers like Youku.




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When everyone else realized the importance of exclusive content and turned to content providers directly, LeTV launched a set-up box in Feburary 2012. Unlike Xiaomi Box, LeTV’s is with no regulatory risk, thanks to the fact that it has a video content inventory. In China, only seven content providers — most are state-owned — are granted licenses for streaming videos to TV, third parties who manage to reach partnership with them can only offer content of license holders’, other than videos from Youkus. Doing differently from Xiaomi Box who offers unallowed content, LeTV legitimated its own content by handing it over to CNTV, an authorized one it partners with.


他社が独自コンテンツの重要性を理解して、直接コンテンツ提供者に救いを求めたとき、LeTVは2012年2月にセットトップボックスを販売開始した。Xiaomi Boxとは異なり、LeTVは動画コンテンツを自社で確保しているため、規制を受ける危険性がない。中国では、たった7社しかコンテンツ提供者がおらず、そのほとんどが国有である。それらコンテンツ提供者は動画をテレビで放映するライセンスを受けており、サードパーティ各社は彼らと提携しなくては、ユーザー制作の動画以外にはライセンス所有者のコンテンツを提供することができないのである。無許可のコンテンツを提供するXiaomi Boxとは異なり、LeTVの所有するコンテンツは同社が提携する公認のCNTVへと譲渡しているため、合法であるという。

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The first version of its set-up box, priced at 1999 yuan, is as expensive as a mid-range smart phone. And it reportedly didn’t perform well. After all kinds of set-up boxes emerged in the gray market and were prices at no more than several hundred yuan, LeTV also launched a redesigned product, named C1, for zero yuan. However, consumers have to pay 399 yuan, a fee for watching premium content offered through the device for a year. That means LeTV will continue charging users annual fees. An application for smart TV, launched together with C1, also charges an annual fee, 490 yuan.



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399 or 490 is close to what Chinese users are paying for cable TV subscription, 312 yuan, a price based on which similar services, such as China Telecom’s internet TV subscription, set prices.

LeTV has another two businesses as potential revenue resources: Le Vision Pictures, LeTV’s brother company, was founded in 2008 for self-made videos, planning to produce thirty films annually; Letv Store, a TV app store, is set up for collecting apps for TV entertainment. As LeTV put it, four monetization sources, hardware sales, paid content, paid apps or in-app sales, and advertising, form a full-fledged revenue structure.


この399元あるいは490元といった金額は、中国のユーザーがケーブルTV料金に支払う額に近い。たとえば、China Telecomのインターネットテレビ視聴契約料が312元である。

これとは別に、LeTVは見込みのある収益リソースとしてさらに2つの事業を持っている。2008年に創業された自主制作動画を扱うLeTVの兄弟企業Le Vision Picturesは、毎年30本の映画制作を計画している。さらに、テレビアプリストアLetv Storeはエンターテインメント番組向けアプリを集めたものだ。すなわち、LeTVは4つのマネタイズソースを持っている。ハードウェア販売、有料コンテンツ、アプリあるいはアプリ内課金、そして広告という4つのマネタイズソースが全体の収益構造を形成しているのである。

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The Chongqing project, which has already gone into effect, works like this: users go to an official Chongqing transportation site to download an app onto their Android phones (iOS and Windows Phone versions of the app are coming soon). After opening it and registering for an account, they can open it to view their location on a map, and hit the “call a cab” to fill in information and hail a cab to their location. There’s no guarantee of how soon the cab will get there — there’s no accounting for traffic, after all — but impatient passengers can even track the real-time progress of the cab headed to their location via the app’s map.


この重慶市のプロジェクトはすでに実施されており、次のような仕組みになっている。ユーザーはまず重慶市道路運輸管理局のサイトに行き、Androidフォンにアプリをダウンロードする(iOSとWindows Phone版アプリもまもなく登場する)。アプリを起動してアカウントを登録すると、マップが表示され、ユーザーの現在地を見ることができる。そして「タクシーを呼ぶ」ボタンを押し、情報欄に入力すると、ユーザーのいる場所までタクシーがやってくる、というわけだ。タクシーがどれくらい早く到着するかについての保証はない。結局のところ、交通事情についてはわからないわけだが、待ちきれない人はタクシーがこちらに向かっている状況をリアルタイムで、アプリのマップ上でチェックすることができる。

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The app also has some other convenient features — and foreign visitors to Chongqing will be pleased to know that it has an option to use English — but the one thing it seems to be lacking right now is a mobile payment option. While I like the idea of being able to book a cab by smartphone, it would be great to be able to pay via smartphone too, especially for those awkward times when you’ve taken a 15 RMB cab ride but you only have 100 RMB notes. (Customers will be able to use their IC Transit cards to pay, but it would be more convenient if they could also use online banking services like Alipay).



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At present, this program is only in effect in Chongqing (3,000 cabs are already outfitted, and another 5,000 are currently installing the equipment needed to support the app), but if it works well there, expect other major cities to adopt similar programs. If widely-implemented, apps like this could be extremely useful, especially for travelers who need to book a cab but may not be familiar enough with the city they’re in to describe where they are to cab drivers during a phone call. Instead, they can count on their smartphones to give the driver directions while they relax and wait for the taxi — just the way it should be.



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How To Juggle Being a Student and an Entrepreneur

I have met recently with a number of student entrepreneurs, and I heard one question over and over again: how do you juggle being a student and being an entrepreneur? That question was one which I faced a couple of years back when I was still in school.

My answer is don’t try to juggle. Not too much at least. Stick to one thing and do it really well. It’s unlikely that you will excel at both and there’s more than enough things to juggle when you’re running a company. If you have chosen to be an entrepreneur, then stick to being a good one. For school, do the minimum. Getting a C+ is okay. You don’t need an A+ grade to excel in life.





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But as you arrive at year three or four, you will start to ponder if being an entrepreneur is the right path for you. Can you really build a profitable company? And will it be equally or if not more rewarding than the jobs of your corporate-ladder-climbing peers? The problem gets worse when you see your friends receiving job offers at prestigious companies with fat paychecks and you’re still bootstrapping your startup.

Good student entrepreneurs are able to withstand these stresses and doubts and continue to build and ship. A great entrepreneur is one who can continue to maintain their passion and build a company that people admire and respect.



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In practice, this essentially means that Clozette (or more specifically a dedicated subdomain at will be linked up from the inSing portal. In other words, navigating to inSing’s shopping menu will now display Clozette as an option for the site’s many visitors. For inSing which aspires to offer more locally-focused information, it’s a solid value add. And for Clozette, it could mean exposure to a wider local audience.

The CEO of SingTel Digital Media noted that the partnership would help “bring a varied selection of international brands to local fashionistas, extending [its] offering beyond food, movies, news, entertainment, and travel.”



SingTel Digital Mediaの最高経営責任者は、この提携により「地元ファッションマニアに国際ブランドの幅広いセレクション、そして食品、映画、ニュース、エンターテイメントや旅行といった分野を超えてサービスを提供」できるようになるだろうと述べた。

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If you browse, you can also see that HungryGoWhere has prominent placement as well, with its many food recommendation options available as the very first menu item. Readers may recall that SingTel acquired HungryGoWhere in May of last year [1] for S$12 million (or US$9.4 million).

Clozette has previously partnered with Indonesia’s Female Daily Network in a similar tie-up, as well as Glam Media Japan before that. The company raised $1.9 million in series A funding back in May, raising the total amount that it has raised to about $3.06 million.

1. And by last year, I now mean 2012 of course. This is going to take some getting used to…



Clozetteは同様の提携をインドネシアのFemale Daily Networkと行っており、それ以前にもGlam Media Japanと提携している。同社は5月にシリーズAの資金調達ラウンドで190万ドルを集めており、これまでの調達総額はおよそ306万ドルとなっている。

1. 昨年というのは、もちろん2012年のことだ。慣れるにはちょっと時間がかかるだろう・・・

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Words That Don’t Count

Momo, the Chinese LBS provider, has been on a wild ride since the start. Merely a year after the service was offered, Momo has already garnered more than 20 million users. In its lasted round of fundraising, Momo was valued at $100 million dollars based on exactly $0 of revenue.

Since imitation is the more sincere form of flattery, especially since we are talking about China, it is not surprising that one of the big dogs is doing something about Momo’s success. Couple of days ago, Momo alleged that Sina Weibo, the dominant social media platform in China, is copying Momo’s service almost brick by brick.




コピーされることはより誠実なお世辞の形式であり、特に今は中国について話をしているわけで、大きな犬のうちの1匹がMomoの成功に対して何かしようとしていても、驚くようなことではない。数日前、Momoは中国で最も有力なソーシャルメディアプラットフォームSina Weibo(新浪微博)がMomoのサービスをまるごとコピーしていると主張した。