The Black Box Model (Kotler, 2004) is related to the black box theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of the consumer. Even Eric Ries’ Lean Startup has strong elements of Black Box models, as it aims to test the unknown, unseen, focusing on the early adopter market to find an appropriate customer, problem and solution fit. By engaging this audience to invalid assumptions, innovators can fairly efficiently ‘create the future.’
『Black Box Model(Kotler、2004)』は行動主義的ブラックボックス理論に関連するもので、ここでは消費者の心の中で進行する事柄に注目するのではなく、消費者に対する刺激とそれに対する反応の間にある関係について焦点を当てるのである。Eric RiesのLean Startupにもブラックボックスモデルからの強い影響が見られる。ここでは、まだ見たことのない未知のものをテストする目的でアーリーアダプター市場にフォーカスし、適切な顧客、問題、適合するソリューションを見いだすのが良いとされている。これらの消費者たちを先行技術の仮説にエンゲージさせることにより、イノベイターはかなり効率的に「未来を作る」ことができる。
So why is such a testing approach not more common? The answer lies in the decision framework of incumbents, which aims to only justify an assumed solution, usually lead by numbers sourced from existing mainstream markets. A weak place to find trends of future behaviours.“If you want to create the future of a market, look to the consumer behavior of early adopters.”
If you want to create the future of a market, look to the early adopters. They are usually the individuals that play around with stuff even if it’s not very good, giving you valuable feedback into the viability of your product or service. Enabling the accelerated maturity, and eventual user traction and growth. Essentially, you’re looking for the minimum set of features needed to learn from your early adopters because you want to learn early what users want and don’t want. Limiting time and energy spent on products that no one really wants.This post was originally published on as “Consumer Behavior: Creating The Future“
マーケットの未来を自ら作りだしたいのならば、アーリーアダプターの消費行動を調べよう。彼らは実験的な製品を試してみたがる人々で、あなたのプロダクトやサービスの実現可能性に対して価値あるフィードバックをもたらしてくれる。そこから成熟へ向かう速度を上げ、最終的にはユーザーの牽引力と成長がもたらされる。基本的に、ユーザーが何を望み、何を望まないかについて素早く知りたいと望むならば、アーリーアダプターから学ぶために必要な最低限の機能を備えたものを探すことになる。誰も欲しがらないプロダクトには、なるべく時間とエネルギーを費やさないようにすること。この記事のオリジナルはscottebales.comにおいて「Consumer Behavior: Creating The Future」というタイトルで公開された。
The future of smartphonesExpect these new features for your smartphones this year: flexible screen phones, Ubuntu and Firefox OS, or even a smartphone that replaces your car keys.In this high competitive market, smartphones are just getting better that you cannot resist getting a new one. If you are planning to buy a new smartphone, you should take a look at these cool features that are coming your way.
スマートフォンの未来今年、登場するスマートフォンの新機能について予想してみよう。この記事で取り上げるのは、曲がるスクリーン、UbuntuとFirefox OS、それから車のカギの代わりとして利用できるという機能だ。この市場内では激しい競争が行われており、スマートフォンはどんどん良いものが登場する。新製品を手に入れようという誘惑は増すばかりだ。もしあなたがスマートフォンの新機種購入を計画中なら、これから登場予定のクールな新機能についてチェックすべきだろう。
1. Flexible ScreenSamsung is planning to bring 5.5 inch flexible screens to their next line of Galaxy phones. They will use organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology to replace glass substrate with plastic material. With this technology, the screen is claimed to be unbreakable. So far, Samsung is the frontrunner in developing unbreakable screen.
Following Samsung’s idea, Google and Motorola are currently working on their next ultimate ‘X Phone’, which evokes curiosity from public. According to a Wall Street Journal report that broke the story, they were also looking at a flexible screen. Most probably they aim to take on the future versions of the Galaxy or iPhone.Meanwhile, Apple is preparing in-cell touch display technology for its coming iPhone 5S. This technology offers better touch sensitivity with minimized thickness. This will make the phone much thinner than before.
Samsungのアイデアにつづいて、GoogleとMotorolaが現在、開発中である究極の次世代「X Phone」は人々の好奇心の的となっている。このニュースについて伝えているWall Street Journalのレポートによると、彼らも曲がるスクリーンについて検討中とのことだ。こちらもGalaxyやiPhoneの新機種と競争することを目指している、というのが最も可能性が高い予想だ。一方、Appleは発売予定のiPhone 5Sにインセル型タッチパネルの搭載準備を進めている。このタッチパネルの技術によって、薄型化しても操作感度はさらに良くなっているとのことだ。そして、iPhone 5Sが以前のモデルよりもさらに薄型となったのもこの技術のおかげだ。
2. New Operating SystemUbuntu, a popular indie operating system for PCs is making its way to smartphones. Like Android, it is based on Linux and will be available as an open-sourced operating system. Currently, there are already four major mobile operating systems: iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows. It will be interesting to see how Ubuntu competes with the other platforms.Ubuntu is not the only one who will raise its flag in 2013. There is Tizen, an open-sourced system, which is also based on Linux. The difference is, Tizen is not only meant for phones and tablets, but also for multimedia devices in cars, television, etc.
Firefox open-sourced system is also moving towards smartphones. This operating system is developed using HTML 5 technology. To encourage developers to create applications on their platform, they have designed an app store called Firefox Marketplace.3. Say goodbye to car keysHyundai is working to develop an embedded NFC tag that allows you to open your car, start the engine and link up to the touchscreen with a simple swipe. With this new technology, you don’t have to worry about forgetting where you put your car key. How interesting is that? Nevertheless, this technology will not be available this year. It is predicted to be launched in 2015.
さらに、Firefoxのオープンソースシステムもスマートフォンへとやってきている。このOSはHTML 5を利用して開発されている。デベロッパーは彼らのプラットフォーム上でアプリケーションを作成するよう奨励されており、Firefox Marketplaceという名前のアプリストアが用意されている。3.自動車の鍵にさようならHyundaiは埋め込み型のNFCタグを開発中だ。これはスマートフォンと接続し、軽くタッチすれば自動車のドアを開け、エンジンを始動させられる、というものである。この新技術によって、あなたはもう自動車の鍵をどこに置き忘れてきたか気にしなくてもよくなる。なかなか興味深い技術だと思われるのではないだろうか?しかし、今年中にこの技術が利用可能になることはないだろう。リリースは2015年になると予測されている。
About the authorSandra is a technology enthusiast and she is passionate about the industry. After graduating from University of South Australia, Sandra gained an experience in mobile VAS in Malaysia before coming back to Jakarta. She also served as a Secretariat in Malaysian Mobile Content Providers Association (MMCP) back then. Apart from that, she has the experience in mobile game in Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand. Sandra enjoys reading a book and chill out at nice cafe accompanied by good coffee and she likes meeting new people.
著者についてSandraはテクノロジーエンスージアストで、同業界にも情熱を注ぐ。University of South Australiaを卒業した後、SandraはマレーシアのモバイルVASで経験を積み、それからジャカルタへと戻ってきた。彼女はさらにMalaysian Mobile Content Providers Association(MMCP)でも事務員を務めた。これとは別に、彼女はインドネシア、オーストラリアとニュージーランドにおいても、モバイルゲーム分野における経験を積んでいる。Sandraは読書が趣味で、すてきなカフェでおいしいコーヒーを飲んでリラックスすること、それから新しい人々に出会うことが好きだ。
What Asian entrepreneurs can learn from Silicon Valleye27′s writer, Jacky Yap, shares his takeaway from the Bay Area: Different market size, differences in views towards competition and metrics, starting straight out of college, and on entrepreneurship.Silicon Valley is undoubtedly the number one startup ecosystem in the world. Over past one month, I had the chance to meet with some of the best minds and hottest tech startups based in the Bay Area.Now that I am back, what did I take away from the Bay Area? Being in the Singapore tech community over the last one year taught me a lot of things, and the trip to Silicon Valley provided me with a broader and different perspective of the two startup ecosystems.
アジアの起業家がシリコンバレーから学べることe27のライターJacky Yapがサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアで学んだ事柄、異なる市場規模、競合と評価指標に対する見方の違い、大学卒業後の起業、そして企業家精神についてのレポートを伝える。シリコンバレーは確かに世界でナンバー1のスタートアップ・エコシステムだ。過去1カ月にわたって、私にはベイエリアを拠点とする最もホットなテクノロジースタートアップ企業、そしてその素晴らしい関係者たちと出会うチャンスがあった。さて、私は何をベイエリアから持ち帰ってきただろうか?これまでの1年間、私はシンガポールのテクノロジーコミュニティにいて、多くのことを学んだ。それから今回、シリコンバレーへ旅行したことで、これら2つのスタートアップ・エコシステムについて、より幅広い異なった視点から見ることができるようになった。
Market SizeOne thing which Singaporean startups complain is the small market size. While we all do concur that the market is small, a recent interaction with a Silicon Valley based founder gave me a really interesting perspective of looking at market size. Before I dive deeper to that, lets talk about market size. In Singapore, a mobile app that is doing reasonably well has about 20,000 downloads. Case to note: LoveByte. Assuming LoveByte has managed to capture 20 percent of the early adopters in Singapore, the total size of Singapore’s early adopters market is about 100,000 people (there will be a separate post about this so keep a lookout for that).
In Silicon Valley, a founder based here recently shared that you need at least 7 to 8 million downloads with 30 percent active users to land an investment round nowadays. While this is not statistically significant, it shows the massive difference in market size between Singapore and US.
So it is natural for Singapore startups to complain about the small market size. However, that should not be an excuse for not performing. A Silicon Valley-based startup founder operating in the online food delivery space used the early days of Facebook to dismiss the argument of small market size. “Look at Facebook. When they first started, they only targeted Harvard and totally dominated the school’s social network. They then expanded to other schools and built small but strong communities. The rest is history. While Singapore is small, if you cannot even capture the market, how can you compete with other startups and companies from the region or internationally?”Word.
Competition and metricsWhen I visited Tempo and Cjin of Cubie Messenger at 500Startups, Tempo shared something which left a very huge impression on me. When asked whether is Cubie worried about competition, CEO Tempo responded: “One of the things which we took away from 500 and being here in the Valley is the difference in questions asked and difference in focus. Here in the Valley, people focuses on metrics and growth and people talk less about competition. Whereas back in Asia, people kept asking us about our competitors. Silicon Valley taught us to focus more on our metrics and our product.”
競争と評価指標私が500StartupsでCubie MessengerのTempoとCjinのもとを訪問した際、Tempoが教えてくれたことは私に非常に強い印象を残した。Cubie Messengerは競争について心配しているのか、と尋ねたら、最高経営責任者のTempoはこのように反応したのだった。「私たちが500Startupsとシリコンバレーで学んだことのひとつは、質問内容と注目するポイントの違いです。シリコンバレーでは評価指標と成長が注目され、人々は競争についてあまり話をしません。一方、アジアに戻ると、いつも競合相手について質問されました。私たちはシリコンバレーで、指標とプロダクトにもっと集中するよう教えられました。」
Most people also think of market size being a constant number but forgets that it is could also be constantly increasing.Which brings me to my next point. Singapore startups do not openly discuss about its metrics. There are not enough marketing and growth hacking case studies specific to the Singapore or Southeast Asia market going around in the community. If there is something which I hope to see more from Singapore startups, it would be for more public sharing of metrics and growth hacking.
Working for a high growth startup versus starting out straight after collegeAnother sub-theme which was constantly discussed throughout my first two weeks at the Valley was whether one should start a company straight out of college or work for a high growth startup first. Surprisingly, most of the founders and entrepreneurs I had the chance to interact with shared that it is better to work for a high growth startup first. Working at a high growth startup puts one in a high pressure cooker and you would be in a good position to learn and grow along with the company. It also helps a lot of building up your personal brand, network and reputation.
That said, many also agreed that college provides one with the best opportunity to startup and work with amazing people on small projects.On entrepreneurshipOver the last few years, the average quality of startups has gone way up because everyone is getting better and better. As a first time entrepreneur, it is better to build things for yourself. When you build stuffs that you are passionate about, you will have a higher chance of succeeding. Another thing which I found equally important was also to really be disciplined, consistent and always be there.
One of the articles written by Joel Runyon which I always revisit from time to time beautifully captured the essence of being disciplined versus being motivated: Motivation is fleeting, situational, and everywhere, but discipline is consistent, habitual, and rare.To be a great leader in a tech startup, you have to have the ability and charisma to influence and sell. It also helps a lot if you learn how to code.
私は今でも時々、Joel Runyon氏が書いた記事を見に行く。そこでは、意欲と自律という対立する2つの要素のエッセンスが次のように美しく表現されている。意欲はつかの間のうちに消え去り、状況に左右され、そしてあらゆるところで見つかる。しかし、自律は一貫しており、習慣となり、そしてなかなか見つけることのできない珍しいものだ。テクノロジースタートアップの世界で偉大なリーダーとなるためには、人々に影響力を及ぼし、プロダクトを売り込むための能力とカリスマ性が必要となる。コーディングについて学ぶことも、大いに役に立つ。
Cultural difference, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Moreover, I am cognizant of the fact that if China’s internet was the same as the internet everywhere else, I’d probably be out of a job (so I suppose really I’m just another brick in the wall). Still, though, I am concerned by how big the Wall is becoming. Commentators have long been joking that China’s web isn’t the internet but rather an intranet, but I fear there will be more truth to that joke than ever in 2013 as political tensions and backwards regulatory policies present fresh challenges to international communication and competition in the tech arena.
China’s Biggest Tech Trend of 2013 Will Be ‘The Wall’It’s no secret that I’m pretty pessimistic about 2013. Just a week ago, I said it would be the worst year ever for China tech. But I want to delve deeper into the reason that 2013 is going to be terrible: it’s something I call the Wall.Contrary to what you might think, ‘the Wall’ doesn’t refer to just the Great Firewall, although that is a part of it. It is the term I have been using in my head to describe the technological, political, commercial, and linguistic wall that China has been constructing between its own internet and the outside world. Censorship is a big part of that, but it also goes much, much deeper.