aaaa (kenny2030) 翻訳実績

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The platform is a lifestyle platform that aims to meet the increasingly sophisticated needs of Chinese consumers by providing a wide range of imported food and lifestyle products. At this time we have already begun to cooperate with offline supermarkets, and in the first phase of the platform launch we will mainly service consumers situated in Beijing and Hangzhou.

Hangzhou is Alibaba’s base, in case you’re wondering why they chose that medium-sized city just south of Shanghai.

Taobao and its sister site Tmall racked up 1 trillion RMB (US$159.5 billion) in sales in just the first 11 full months of 2012.


Taobao Convenience Storeはライフスタイルプラットフォームで、ますます洗練されつつある中国の消費者の需要を、幅広い輸入食品や生活用品を提供することにより満たすことを目的としています。現在、私たちはすでにオフラインのスーパーマーケットと提携を始めており、プラットフォームのローンチにおける第1フェーズでは主に北京と杭州の消費者に対してサービスを提供します。



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2. Mobile advertising will get smarter

The surging app ecosystem has not gone unnoticed by marketers. Mobile internet traffic is booming across the globe and it is now clear that the mobile internet will grow far bigger than the ‘desktop internet.’ Advertisers today are now adapting their campaigns to connect with consumers. While the buzz is mostly about smartphone advertising, soon you will see marketers leveraging the broader mobile ecosystem. Internet-enabled feature phones still dominate emerging markets, and advertisers will have to invest time evaluating mobile habits and behavior patterns in order to create smarter campaigns.




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4. Mobile ad ecosystem further fragments, with new players, new models, new forms of mobile advertising

We are already noticing traditional online advertising networks trying to extend their footprint to mobile. As mobile platforms become a part of mainstream media, this trend is likely to continue. At the same time, network operators who missed the mobile advertising bus are still looking to get back into the game and cash in on opportunities, especially in emerging markets. We have seen Singtel making such moves last year. In 2013, we will see more action and partnerships as companies dive further into the rapidly growing mobile advertising industry.




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5. Consumers’ mobile lifestyle will allow brands to converge advertising, distribution, and transactions!

Starbucks is one brand that is trying to leverage mobile to reach more customers, especially in China. Above is a Startbucks e-Christmas card on the Jiepang platform.
Mobile is fundamentally altering consumers’ lifestyle today, changing how we live, work, and play. Over the past few years brands have tried to integrate mobile as part of their overall media mix. In 2013 they will have the opportunity to take it to the next level, leveraging mobile for all the four Ps of marketing!




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Consumer Behavior: How to create tomorrow’s consumers

If you want to create the future of a market, look to the consumer behavior of early adopters, and test for what people don’t want.

User Experience design has been a hot topic over recent years, but it has an Achilles Heal that many overlook. Are you paying attention to the behaviour of lead consumers? In Clayton Christensen’s The Innovators Dilemma, this is a basic flaw of incumbents. Successful mainstream organizations have an established customer bases, most of whom are reasonably satisfied with the current product or service.




UXデザインがここ最近の数年間、ホットな話題となっている。しかし、そこには多くの人が見過ごす弱点が存在するのである。あなたは主要な消費者の行動に注意を払っているだろうか?Clayton Christensenの『The Innovators Dilemma』によると、これは成功中の企業が陥りやすい失敗である。成功を収めている主流組織というものはカスタマーベースを確立し、顧客の多くは現在のプロダクトやサービスについて十分に満足している。

kenny2030 英語 → 日本語

Incumbents traditionally engage in an audience of validation, allowing them to prove they are right. While most of the modern disruptors look to invalidate assumptions amongst early adopter markets, thus quickly ruling out adoption risks. This gives disruptors a clear advantage, as they gain greater clarity on the future mainstream behaviours, preferences and choices of consumers. Such analysis and testing is done using one of Kotler‘s tools, the Black Box Model. A “black box” is a construct in psychology used to explain the unexplained. We can observe certain aspects of the process, but not the actual thought process and how it leads to action.

